The Punisher's Tiers List :
S-Tier (Meta & Excellent PvP Ships)
Whether in duels or wing fights. with thier firepower, durability and agility These ships dominate PvP.
1. Federal Corvette :
Pros : With the durability of Titans, the super sayen shields and excellent gimballed weapon options this ship is your ultimate goal for PVP.
Cons : Slower than smaller ships It requires some engineering for full control of the battlefield.
2. Fer-de-Lance :
Pros : Its Unmatched maneuverability, excellent shields and five bloody hardpoints to melt every hull in the game.
Cons : Weak hull when shields go down so be carfull and control the rythme of the combat.
3. Imperial Cutter :
Pros : The best shield tank in the game and super fast too which is good for hit and run strategies.
Cons : as all big ships do struggle against smaller ships.
A-Tier (Strong & Versatile PvP Ships)
Capable of winning fights but with some drawbacks.
4. Mamba :
Pros : This super racing ship can hits incredibly hard with fixed weapons.
Cons : Poor heat management, with out HOTAS can become defficult to control with speed and also It struggles in prolonged fights.
5. Alliance Chieftain :
Pros : Extremely agile It's Leonel Messi of the Elite Dangerous and It has solid weapon placement.
Cons : Shields are weak so it relies heavily on hull integrity making It easy to counter with lasers.
B-Tier (Good but Situational PvP Ships)
Effective in PvP but require a specific playstyle.
6. Krait Mk II :
Pros: Well-balanced ship with fighter bay option, In 1v1 situations It's the best
Cons: Decent at everything but excelling at nothing.
7. Federal Assault Ship (FAS) :
Pros: Excellent hull tank that's all :(
Cons: Weak shields You need to avoid some of fire power to survive.
8. Imperial Clipper :
Pros: Very fast ship, It can hit hard in the right hands if you know what I mean ;).
Cons: With a large profile this target is easy to hit.
C-Tier (Niche or Limited PvP Viability)
These ships can fight in PvP but are outclassed by better options.
9. Python :
Pros: Decent firepower and shields, a bruiser in fights.
Cons: It's like a slow big boat easy for the fast agile sharks to sink it.
10. Vulture :
Pros: Extremely agile, with two large hardpoints that can deal significant burst damage.
Cons: Fragile and limited by power distributor issues, making sustained fights difficult.
11. Type-10 Defender :
Pros: This Heavy tank with the ridiculous number of hardpoints can hit a wing a pirates solo.
Cons: Too slow and cumbersome : think of It as the Tank that enjoys taking hits.
D-Tier (Unsuitable for PvP)
Due to poor stats and designed for other roles this ships are not recomended.
12. Anaconda :
Cons: A large slow Tourtoise that gets outmaneuvered by almost everything.
13. Asp Explorer :
Cons: Explore other options please don't be a fool an bring this to a battlefield ... please !
14. Beluga Liner
Cons: If you want your cofin to be 5 stars well chose this option.
15. Sidewinder
Cons: Everything else.