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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
AndyRice's avatar

I’ve never tried PvP combat before, but recently, I’ve been learning some techniques, like turning Flight Assist (FA) off. I’ve also built a few ships that might work well in PvP battles. I’m more than happy to hear suggestions and advice from others.

UES – Razorback

I turned my Fer-de-Lance into a railgun fighter and named it Razorback after the ship from The Expanse. The Fer-de-Lance is probably one of the most popular PvP ships. It’s agile, has strong shields (great for PvP), and features a size 4 hardpoint. However, it’s a bit pricey and only performs at its best when FA is turned off, making it less suitable for beginners. Still, when used properly, it can handle many PvP scenarios effectively.

Let’s start with weaponry. The Fer-de-Lance has one huge hardpoint and four medium hardpoints, making it ideal for a railgun sniper build. Since railguns are only available in small and medium sizes, the more medium hardpoints, the better. I equipped all four medium hardpoints with railguns, each modified with class 3 long-range engineering. Two have the Feedback Cascade experimental effect, and the other two have the Super Penetrator effect. Feedback Cascade disrupts shield cell banks and reduces shield regeneration, which is crucial against shield tanks. Super Penetrator increases bullet penetration, making it easier to damage internal modules on enemy ships.

For the size 4 hardpoint, I mounted a 4A gimballed multi-cannon with a class 5 overcharge modification and Corrosive Shell experimental effect. The multi-cannon is excellent for dealing with hulls, and the overcharge modification enhances its damage output. Corrosive Shell reduces enemy hull hardness, temporarily making them more vulnerable to all damage—perfect when paired with railgun strikes. The railguns are effective at breaking shields, and the combination of railguns and multi-cannons ensures strong performance in most situations.

There are two general types of combat ships: shield tanks (like the Fer-de-Lance) and hull tanks (like the Federal Assault Ship). Shield tanks are usually better for PvP because shields regenerate and offer better protection for internal modules. Shields also have higher resistance to kinetic and explosive damage, while hulls are only more resistant to thermal damage (except with reactive armor). Additionally, shield cell banks can quickly restore large amounts of shielding, which can be frustrating for opponents.

UES – Rocinante

Yes, another ship name inspired by The Expanse. I turned my Federal Assault Ship into a close-range fighter. Many argue that the Chieftain series is better than the Core Dynamics Federal series, but I personally prefer the Federal ships. The Federal Assault Ship is an excellent fighter—it’s extremely fast and agile, compact and hard to hit, and comes with two large and two medium hardpoints, providing sufficient firepower to take down enemies. Most importantly, it’s affordable compared to the Fer-de-Lance. This build isn’t too expensive, and it performs well even with FA on.

For weaponry, I equipped the two large hardpoints with 3C gimballed fragment cannons, each with class 5 overcharge modifications and incendiary rounds experimental effects. Large fragment cannons are devastating against hulls, offering incredible DPS. Incendiary rounds convert part of the damage into thermal damage, improving effectiveness against shields. The two medium hardpoints are fitted with 2D gimballed fragment cannons with class 5 overcharge modifications and Screening Shell experimental effects. Screening Shell reduces reload times, increasing combat efficiency.

I haven’t tested this build in PvP yet, but I’ve tried it in combat zones and RES sites. It performs well against all kinds of enemies.

Although not as durable as the Fer-de-Lance due to being a hull tank, the Federal Assault Ship is still incredibly tough and can withstand significant damage in combat. And FAS is relatively weak when powering a shield, so I use a Bi-Weave Shield, which allows it to quickly regenerate when the shields is broken.

XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!
Here's the Python Mk.2 that I have made some time ago. It has completely close-range engineered Rail Guns and Fragment Cannons with double shot, so in this ship, you want to stay as close to your targets as possible, that's why I've named it Close Ranger. Full outfitting is under Inara and Coriolis links.

It's not fully done as PvP or pirate hunting isn't something I do very often, but it's good enough to shred ships in a seconds, if you manage to hit as much bullets as possible from Fragment Cannons, but because I didn't spent much time engineering its armour and shields, it's also pretty fragile atm 😅. But this is something that can be fixed with some engineering.

Hunter's avatar

For PVP I usually use My Python MKII called : " The Bat ship " I like this ship looks and feels it's a master piece, It can Handle most of 1V1 encounters, You just need to get close enough use HOTAS for more control of the battle, this is a build that can tank but don't get greedy like all PVP players :D, as all PVP Builds it's not free just build to it bit per bit until you unleash the beast and here is the full build :

HardPoints :
3X Large Pacific Frag Cannons
2X Medium Frag Cannons
Engineering would be for rate of fire and damage ofcrs ! Now you need to get close optimal range would be 500 meters for maximum damage
Utilities :
4X Shield Boosters Engineered with Heavy duty & experimental with Thermal resistance
1X Chaff Launcher
1X Heat Sink
Core :
6A Power Plant Engineered with Armoured with Experimental Thermal Spread
6A Thrusters Engineered Dirty Drive Tuning & Experimental Drag Drives
5A Frame Shift Drive Engineered Increased Range good for Chasing
5D Life Support
7A Power Distributor Engineered Charge Enhanced & Experimental with Super Conduits
6D Sensors
5C Fuel Tank
Optional :
6A Prismatic Shield Generator Engineered with Reinforced &Experimental: Hi-cap
6B Shield Cell Bank Engineered with Rapid Charge & Experimental: Specialized
3X 5D Hull Reinforcement Package Engineered with Heavy Duty & Experimental: Deep Plating
2X 4D Hull Reinforcement Package Engineered with Heavy Duty & Experimental: Deep Plating
3D Module Reinforcement Package
2D Guardian Reinforcement Package

USCSS's avatar

Hello Commanders

Most players choose medium ships but why not a large ship.

My PvP ship is a Federal Corvette.

An opponent with a Python mk2 Elite can't beat me, but he ends up escaping.

That's the only problem my ship has. It lacks speed. That's why my opponent can easily escape.

I'm not going to write the names of the modules or their engineering because they translate badly.

That's why I'm going to put the Coriolis link so you can see how the ship is built.

(Translated with Google translator)

LiquidMorkite's avatar

I am far from being a PvP expert, but I've done some, with or without my own consent, lol. So here are two builds that I've brought out to spare with some cmdrs:

1. Medium ship: Plasma FDL - best in slot

The Fer de Lance, for various reasons, stays as the PvP King, it's fast, compact, packs a serious number of hardpoints, size 6 powerplant and size 6 distro mean you can put a bunch of power hungry modules on it without worrying about getting pass the power threshold. Only problem is its cockpit design which makes it very hard to see sometimes, and it takes a bit to get used to flying it.

Basically a shield tank build with prismo shield, 2 medium-size Focused PAs, one with dispersal field, the other with target lock breaker, the rest are Efficient with Thermal Conduit. I assign the Focused PAs on one trigger, and the rest on the other trigger, the idea is trying to hit the Focused PAs first to break your opponent's chaff and target lock, meanwhile slowly heating up your ship to get the damage buff from Thermal Conduit for the rest. Keep in mind that Focused PAs projectiles fly way faster and have further range, this means you can outrange another cmdr if he's running frag/PAs and as you go closer you shoot your other PAs for damage. Downside being you're not able to do a big burst damage like running all 5 efficient PAs that's gonna give you the same range for all of them.

I've had some luck doing pvp with this ship, I still got destroyed a lot too when I'm hanging out in Sol during Cocijo's invasion having a bit of bar fights with gankers, but that was more like a skill issue instead of build. This also works pretty well in group fight since you can be very annoying if you can constantly hit with your target lock breaker and dispersal field PAs.

Also keep in mind that pips juggling is pretty much required by flying this ship, but that's basic flying skill when you're start to engage in PvP.

The easy-win version of this build can be one huge hardpoint Efficient Beam laser + Thermal Vent or Over charged + Incendiery rounds Multi cannon, the rest are multicannons with Overcharged, one corrossive shells, the rest can be autoloader. You can make them gimbaled if you want to, I run gimbaled beam and fixed multicannons, but PAs are way more fun in PvP.

There has been a very popular build for the Python MkII which runs frag cannons/pacifiers and some pack-hound on top of them, it's another shield tanker with even more serious hardpoints, but FDev did a great job in balancing it so it would not become overpowered by giving it a smaller powerplant and distro, making its weapon choices limited, but I'll leave that for other cmdrs that are more exprienced, I'll give them a try when I reach my powerplay rank for said modules.

2. Vulture - small but powerful

It's a good starter ship if you want to start getting into PvP (as well as PvE), good hardpoints, fast and nimble, it can outloop a lot of ships with its crazily fast turn rate. I run it with 2 focused thermal conduit plasma accelerators, it will cook your ship a lil bit, so keep an eye on that thermal gauge. The shield is bi-weave with fast charge, and a lot of hull tank, so you can eat a couple of shots meanwhile getting your shield back on if you are popped.

Meanwhile it is meant to fight against other small ships. A more pve-focused build including short range beam + thermal vent and short range multicannons + corrossive might be able to destroy medium ships sometimes, I've been able to do it a couple of times.

It's a fun ship to fly, cheap, and it helps you to learn basic combat skills, keep in mind that you'll die a lot in it if you're doing pvp.

I'm still working on other ship pvp builds, but for the moment I'm focusing on unlocking more engineers. Remember to keep it clean and maintain good sportmanship when you're engaging to this pvp, as cmdr Mastercesspit said: "be nice, and have fun!" o7

mastercesspit's avatar

here's my frag cannon mamba, I'd only use it with a HOTAS, IF I were to do pvp again,

in the deciat wars, i did some pvp, in a T10, this was the build that nearly put me in rebuy,

i made some engineering mods, called it fleshlite, it's pretty deadly

Odinoji's avatar

We have all been there; you go to Felicity Farseer on your favourite explorer and get interdicted by a frag the lance and get sent to the rebuy screen faster than you can type o7 .

lets call it "gank survivor v1".

This ship will protect you! just submit to the intediction, put 4 pips to SYS and select closest system to jump to and youll be safe

And IF you want to fight back you can! And this with no need of FA off fancy maneuvering! Just point your nose at the enemy ship launch your 6 Torpedoes at once and watch your enemy shields go down.. as in permanently down at 0% integrity.
Now switch to the huge overcharged Multicannon that paired with the little corrosive will destroy any hulls long before your shields go down.
If you like proper PVP this ship is not for you but if you enjoy playing in open and youre lazy to go FA off for a fight then give it a try :)

It has served me well for years, you have enough speed and shields to high wake with your canopy intact from pretty much ANY ship.
If you dont believe me try it out i will personally refund your rebuys if you manage to die in this beauty.

EDIT: forgot to say the best part 603m/s fully laden! o7

mastercesspit's avatar

i used reverb cascade torps to good effect in my t10, much better when fired simultaneously with pack hounds, the pack hounds drown the point defence and the slow torps get through and destroy the shield module, i ran a rack of reverbs, and a rack of penetrator torps, nothing like taking out their power plant next run.

have fun 07

Odinoji's avatar

Love that !!!

I use combo with packhounds too at times but just to confuse enemy player. Point defence does not shoot torpedoes down. Only way they can be avoided by going faster than 250 m/s


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