Osiliran's avatar




Joined five months ago



Report on the shifting galactic tides, winter 2024/2025!

in Elite Dangerous


Despite the battle with the thargoid titans ending, a few members of our squadron are not yet convinced the war is over. We organised a few wings of ships to complete surveys of the titan wreckage, namely ones for Leigong, Raijin and Hadad in their respective systems. Besides a handful of inactive thargoid interceptors and the previously discovered signals being broadcasted from the titan wreckage, nothing was amiss. Our routine survey led us to perform the usual tests on the inactive thargoid vessels, namely, bio-samples, light and temperature sensitivity and interactions with thargoid high-value commodities such as probes, sensors, escape pods with false bio-signatures, and various guardian materials.

During one of several temperature tests carried out at Raijin, one of the inactive interceptor vessels began reacting quite violently seemingly out of nowhere. It turned and faced outside the debris field and emitted a high-frequency cry, almost like a long, drawn-out musical wail. Utterly terrifying; none of us had read about this behaviour from thargoids, much less seen it in person. While we were in shock, the interceptor quietened itself, lurched back, and opened a rift into witchspace. I've never seen one disappear so fast.

Aside from this single interaction, the remainder of the survey was unremarkable, so we called it there to regroup at the central fleet carrier a system over. When all the wings checked in later that day, we examined the ship logs to see what conclusions we could draw. There were no anomalies...only the unusual timing of Jacobs activating her SCO drive while performing a planetary check in supercruise and our thargoid friend 'awakening'. The extrapolated ship data confirms that the interceptor was facing the direction of Jacobs' ship after the SCO boost had been turned on. We're not sure what to take from this yet, but further titan sites must be examined to get answers. The squadron is looking to recruit and fill more wings so additional surveys can be carried out in the following week.


Tell us about your longest journey!

in Elite Dangerous

50 rewards remaining

The longest journey I've done is a trip to Sag A* in an unengineered python. It was about 5-6 years ago now, very new to Elite. Hearing and seeing the stories being shared by other explorers was very inspiring and I wanted to see some of the sights in their screenshots. It was an absolute brutal journey... I remember having the in-game routing tool having to be plotted in 5-10K light year intervals. I knew nothing about the neutron highway or even just using community tools like Spansh. In fact I don't even know if they existed back then.

I finally get to Sag A* after 2 weeks of jumping. Great sights, loved it, nearly cooked myself to death next to it somehow . Got the combat itch and desperately wanted to head back to the bubble. Didn't realise I could just self destruct for a speedy trip home and even so, possibly would have avoided that as I wanted to hang on to my data anyway.

So I made the grueling trip back, hundreds and hundreds of jumps. I think I smashed out the last 8K light years in one sitting. Got back a week later and decided to shelf the game for a bit haha. After a few weeks, came back and decided it was time for some combat. But I had forgotten about all the data I was carrying and missed handing it in when I first returned. Entered a medium combat zone with some weapons and my mostly exploration-fitted python and promptly got blown to bits. Many, many mistakes were made but I would come to appreciate them eventually. Just not at first hahaha.

I'd love to share a pic of Sag A* in all its glory from that trip but I forgot to take one. Like I said, many mistakes.. I've been back since to take in the sights with fewer jumps in between ;)


Suggest a massive Elite Dangerous reward (we might even run it!)

in Elite Dangerous


Just About Challenge: An epic creative project to add flavour to or expand on the Elite Dangerous universe.

Description: There's been several art related challenges already, both in and out of game, some about themes and others about celebrations. Some of those submissions were very detailed and piqued my interest about how they would work within the Elite 'story'. For example, the 'suggest a new ship' challenge had me asking myself lots of questions about the designs and how this would tie in-game; what did the manufacturer have to say about its new ship or what features were they proud of? Would there be 'TV' advertisements and what things would they say to get you to buy it? Another example is the more story-focused 'report from the front lines of such and such' challenge. What if we could expand on this and watch a news segment or listen to a short podcast about what happened? What about a short episode about a first-hand account on discovering a lost-at-space generational ship? What about a detailed scientific report with interview on the material composition of a thargoid sensor from a lab assistant under Professional Palin? What about the cullinary delights of the galaxy and making up, presenting and baking, your own Elite recipe from the 3300s?

In short, the challenge is about taking creative liberity and adding detail to the Elite universe.

Requirements: Players are required to submit a piece of 'art' that expands on or adds to the rich, deep lore behind the Elite universe. The 'art' piece can be any kind of creative works like painting, creating music, creative writing, video production, tailoring or outfit design, 3D printing, and so on. However, it must add to or expand on the lore behind Elite.

Rewards: I think tiered rewards are best suited for these types of challenges.

Time: 2-3 months is a reasonable amount of time for this challenge in my opinion, especially if it carries a heavy reward.


Create a tier list for piracy ships!

in Elite Dangerous



Welcome to my very amateur take on ranking ships capable of piracy! Ships are ranked in their capacity to be quick (in & out), agile (slippery), hold cargo (room below deck), manage limpet controllers (the crew) and as a secondary measure, their ability to remain cold to slip in and out of black markets. The tiers are a reflection of a ship's overall ability to perform relative to other tiers and their ship size.

In the S tier, we see ships capable of quick getaways while also packing some impressive firepower. The slower ships in this tier may not be as quick but make up for it with extra cannons on deck. Ships here can hold a decent to generous amount of rum in the hold relative to their size and all are capable of sporting a crew of limpets.

In the A tier, these ships are capable pirate vessels but are outclassed by the above tier in speed, firepower, or cargo capacity. Still very decent pirate ships and would be proud to be stuck at sea with any of these!

In the B tier, some vessels are starting to suffer from larger shortcomings than the tier above. They could be an easy target due to their size or lack of agility. Or they might have the speed but lack the firepower to make that trade ship walk the plank. Capable ships in the hands of an experienced captain but there are better choices.

In the C tier, these ships will need to push the absolute limit to be sea-worthy pirates. They might be able to hold endless barrels of rum but would take forever to set sail. Or they're too highly specialised in other roles like sea combat and have no room for anything else. Not to mention, some of these ships run hot!

In the D tier, I'd rather be in Davy Jones' locker than be stuck inside any of these vessels. Too hot, too slow, no room for cargo, no room for limpets or ship crew! Or maybe, not enough cannons! You call yourself a pirate in any of these? You're a braver sailor than anyone I know!