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Joined over one year ago



Groups to know: teach us about one of EVE's alliances!

in EVE Online

25 rewards remaining

One of the most hated/feared low-sec group in the entire game, Ahbazon Prime! Lead by Max Nero and his gangs of EFs, Ahbazon Prime boasts trillions of isk destroyed and plenty of salty Reddit posts.

After having a war for winner's keeps all of Ahbazon with the Ahbazonians, AP has had a commanding presence in the most dangerous system between the most populous trade systems of Amarr and Jita.

While many may hate their gate-camping shenanigans, the amount of work and set up required to be as successful they are is impressive. Using stations fighters to decloak Deep-space Transporters on gates, specialized Machariels and Praxis to smartbomb cloaked haulers mid-warp, they are able to defend their home and ensure that if you are gating a ship from Jita to Amarr, you are more than likely to be podded home in a heartbeat on the Hykotta gate or Shera gate.

Sure there are some good days and some bad days, but the kill mails and salt are always plentiful when you're flying in Ahbazon.



Submit an after action report (AAR), winter 2024/2025

in EVE Online


I popped into discord just as I heard that we had 2 NFIs tackled. We undocked bubblers and Kiki's to try and take down the NFIs while they were still on the site. The HAW guns on the dreads made quick work of our sub cap ships and the SBs tore apart our smartbombs. We weren't sure how to deal with this find and they were trying to warp to their deep-safe, so I made the decision to pull out a 745 NOT BUFFER Zirnitra (rip @Perceus Finch). As I was landing one jump out, the NFIs finished getting out of siege and the bubbles and began to warp to a deep safe. Before they swapped out to cloaks, @Maverick Odunen found them using combat probes and we raced to bubble again with the Zirn on the way.

As I landed with the Zirn, I began to spool up, but realized that I didn't bring stront as this Zirn just got into my c5 for potential defense. The NFIs were slowly chewing through my armor and I was beginning to panic. Luckily, someone with a cooler head @[SQCHD] Ray Dell thought to get someone to bring a DST with stront. @Francois Crendraven did just that and booked it to the shattered c5. Just as I was about to lose hope, the @Francois Crendraven's Impel landed and saved the day.

We gf-ed in local and went back to 745 to celebrate, with Zirn missing some paint and needing a new fender.
