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EVE Online

The Wormlife alliance, mainly consisting of the Wormlife Freeport Operations corporation, is an alliance that operates dozens of Upwell Citadels throughout the wormhole network that are "freeports," meaning all players* have docking rights and can store as much as they want there!

This is incredibly invaluable to newbies who want to get started with fully living in a wormhole system - they can stay in hole and never leave, without worrying about the dangers of safelogging or the sheer financial burden of fueling their own Starbase.

Wormlife also:

  • maintains a militia to defend any freeport structures that come under attack

  • keeps Planetary Interaction taxes low in freeport systems, allowing freeport-goers to turn much more profit out of the already-lucrative J-space planets

  • provides in-game chat channels for long-time residents of a specific system to communicate and share intel with each other

  • sets guidelines for freeport-goers to set up their own structures or starbases in freeport systems

  • sets rules on PvP in freeport systems to ensure that freeport-goers don't have to worry about other freeport-goers attacking them during their J-space activities while being able to dock up at a sign of resistance.

and RE that last bullet point, we have the explanation for the asterisk.
*not all players actually have docking rights. The specific people who don't: Any players or corporations/alliances who attack Wormlife Freeports, or attack players while in freeport systems, are removed from the docking permisisons list and become unable to dock or tether at Wormlife freeports. Engaging in PvP further down the wormhole chain is fine - but not in the freeport system itself.

TLDR: Wormlife sets up freeports in wormhole space that everyone can dock in and provides a safe haven for new-to-wormhole-life players to get used to the mechanics and activities of Anoikis.

Sturmer's avatar

Today, I want to shine a light on my old alliance - Curse Alliance.

Formed in August 2003 and disbanded by January 2005, it had a relatively short lifespan, but its impact on the history of EVE Online was profound. Many of the structures, politics, and traditions we see in today’s New Eden can trace their roots back to CA. In fact, if you open the current political map, you’ll still spot echoes of corporations that originated from Curse Alliance.

The name wasn’t exactly original - it came from the Curse region, which we considered our home base. This was a time before alliance tools or sovereignty mechanics even existed. We were essentially a coalition of corporations controlling vast swaths of nullsec through presence and force. Beyond Curse, our influence extended into Great Wildlands, Scalding Pass, Cache, Insmother, Wicked Creek, and Detorid. My own corp was tasked with defending two outposts in the latter.

At its peak, CA had over 2,300 capsuleers, almost exclusively focused on PvP. At some point we were engaged with five large wars simultaneously, effectively turning the conflict into CA vs the world.

Despite having infamous pirate corps like m0o among our ranks, we enforced a strict no-piracy policy. Other notable member corps included Shinra, M.Corp, Vengeance of the Fallen, RUS, Black Omega Security, Arcane Technologies.

Our main rivals were Stain Alliance, Fountain Alliance (also not winning any name originality contests) and Xetics.

After CA’s fall, the void left behind gave rise to powerful new forces: Veritas Immortalis, Lotka Volterra, Ascendant Frontier, The Five, Chimera Pact, Red Alliance, Against All Authorities (AAA), RedSwarm Federation, Band of Brothers (BoB), and others.

The collapse of CA sparked a long period of chaos - 18 months of war between ex-CA members and rising outsider alliances. This culminated in a dramatic final chapter: the Dreadnought massacre and last stand at C-J6MT... but that’s a story for another time.


Well, I am a rather new player myself, so there aren't many alliances I know.
So let me tell You about the alliance everyone knows and (well, not everyone I bet) loves!

Me and my corporation joined BRAVE alliance pretty early on in our career. Most of us were rather new with only a handful of veterans.

My first time living in Null Sec was.. certainly something. I can't even fathom the amount of myrmidons I lost to gankers while ratting until I finally got the hang of it all. What really surprised me, was that most of the time whenever I asked in corp/standing fleet chat for help and people didn't manage to save me and my ship (it was all my fault in all honesty, the gank could've been easily avoided), instead of frustration that they've also lost their ships, I was offered good advice and about 80% of myrms I've lost were repaid by kind strangers lurking somewhere in the chat.

Fleet ops also were really nice! One time Capt. Hamilton killed my cruci on my way to the rest of the fleet (I was lagging behind a jump). When I told the FC (Alzha'red) about it, he made the whole fleet wait for me and even sent me an escort so that I could quickly grab a new ship and rejoin them.

I think very fondly of my memories flying with all of them and will probably return and fly in null once more

Schadsquatch's avatar

One of the most hated/feared low-sec group in the entire game, Ahbazon Prime! Lead by Max Nero and his gangs of EFs, Ahbazon Prime boasts trillions of isk destroyed and plenty of salty Reddit posts.

After having a war for winner's keeps all of Ahbazon with the Ahbazonians, AP has had a commanding presence in the most dangerous system between the most populous trade systems of Amarr and Jita.

While many may hate their gate-camping shenanigans, the amount of work and set up required to be as successful they are is impressive. Using stations fighters to decloak Deep-space Transporters on gates, specialized Machariels and Praxis to smartbomb cloaked haulers mid-warp, they are able to defend their home and ensure that if you are gating a ship from Jita to Amarr, you are more than likely to be podded home in a heartbeat on the Hykotta gate or Shera gate.

Sure there are some good days and some bad days, but the kill mails and salt are always plentiful when you're flying in Ahbazon.

FUN INC's avatar

The Ancients.

The Ancients. | Alliance | zKillboard

The one true NPSI Alliance in EVE online.

Just want to PVP, and not have blues?

Just want to undock, and shoot stuff?

The Ancients. is for you!

We hold no space - we don't want to - we have no structures (in alliance) and we shoot everything that is not in fleet.

PVP in its rawest sense - if you're not with us... you're against us! FLY TOGETHER - WIN TOGETHER!

orik Kado's avatar

Alliances in EVE Online—undoubtedly the birthplace of many stories. Today, however, I want to introduce you to two alliances that may not be the largest, but they certainly form an interesting duo: Solyaris Chtonium and FuriaHispana.

Solyaris Chtonium (Slyce) is the older of the two (and perhaps one of the oldest in the game), founded in 2009. Currently, it dominates the Etherium Reach region and is primarily English-speaking, forming part of the PANFAM coalition.
Its activities include PvP, PvE, mining, and industry—much like most alliances. However, what makes it stand out is an amusing PvP concept they occasionally employ: deploying mining ships for PvP and baiting. No joke—every mining vessel you come across in the region could be a potential trap for unsuspecting pilots hungry for a kill.

Now, you might be wondering: Where does FuriaHispana fit into all of this? Here’s their story:
Slyce was home to many Spanish-speaking corporations that, over time, began organizing themselves. Eventually, they decided to form their own alliance. However, a new alliance in null-sec cannot simply emerge without the support of a larger bloc. Since its formation in 2022, Slyce has provided support to FuriaHispana, sharing both its territory and its experience to help guide FuriaHispana’s leadership.

In summary, these two alliances share territory, but their symbiotic relationship creates an intriguing mix: one alliance with years of experience and another eager to carve out its place in New Eden.

Rixx Javix's avatar

A Band Apart

A Band Apart is the Alliance for Stay Frosty and our friends in Lucifer's Hammer. Our history stretches back to 2010 when Rixx Javix founded Lucifer's Hammer as his first pirate corporation and founding member of the Burn Away Alliance. Today Lucifer's Hammer has evolved into a powerful industrial corporation that both supports the alliance and its own members.

As the premier Pirate organization in New Eden Stay Frosty forms the backbone of the alliance and its unique character. ABA is not about growth and has welcomed and helped establish dozens of other corporations and alliance over the past decade - many of whom have gone on to other areas of space. Former members of Stay Frosty and ABA are among the leadership of dozens of other alliances across all regions of space.

As an alliance originally formed solely to compete in the Alliance Tournament ABA has a tremendous track record of punching well above its weight class and has finished as high as 11th and 16th in previous tournaments. Among our victories include matches against Snuffed Out, Shadow Cartel, Hard Knocks, We Form Volta, Fraternity and others. In addition we often participate in other, smaller scale tournaments. But we are primarily known for our annual Frigate Free For All event which is the largest player-run event in all of Eve Online and continually sets new records each year for participation, explosions, and destruction. As well as introducing our fellow players to the thrill of frigate based combat.

The alliance is an extension of Rixx's philosophy when it comes to Eve Online and is a mature, adult-oriented casual place that welcomes players of all nations, orientations, and beliefs. The alliance as a whole adheres to the Pirate Code in all we do.

We are always open to new relationships and welcome those who share our goals to consider joining. But we do not actively recruit members. We might take Sov for fun every once in awhile, but we have no interests in the wider politics of New Eden.

Everyone is a potential friend. And everyone is a potential target.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Stay Classy, Be Brave

Hit the ground running on day one

Jump straight into the most exciting and challenging parts of EVE Online — join us in fleet-based PVP as we fight for honor, wealth and territory.

The original newbro alliance

In 2013, Brave Newbies Inc. harnessed the power of new players at a never-before-seen scale, creating a model that has since been adopted by player corporations across the game.

Support and education

Receive free skillbooks, ships and resources from our education department, The Brave Dojo — and learn the ropes from experienced players in our regular teaching fleets.

Non-stop action

Make your home in the most violent system in New Eden, where the fighting never stops. The Brave Armada, our 24/7 home defense fleet, will have your back — will you have theirs?

An alliance with principles

Welcoming, inclusive and classy, Brave is dedicated to helping players answer one simple question: What's your fun-per-hour?

Craft your own destiny

In the sandbox of EVE Online, you can be whatever you choose. Brave Collective will help you achieve your dreams, with room and support for all playstyles, from backroom traders to diplomats and fleet commanders.


  • Their reputation

Space Ladys & Gentelman

  • their leadership

Open door policiy, friendly and always a helping hand.

  • the areas of space they dominate or fight for

Amarr Highsec
Amarr Lowsec
Nullsec Querious
Nullsec Deleve

  • their rivals

Sorry Syntax couldn´t handle rivals.
You mean friends with benefits like killing each other?
Intersting idea... :)

  • their relationship with other alliances

Stop it, they all looking at us.
We are good in Diplo, as it looks like.

  • their greatest achievements

We killed the first Azariel111!1
Also ours, blue kill :P

Helped newbs to experience true tidi

  • how powerful they are

Took Delve from Goons without fighting.
That strong.

  • their industry and gameplay specialisations

Yes, FREE BPC Programm, Massive Market, Trainings Sessions.

  • and anything else you think might be relevant:

What would you do first if you could do everything?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Silent Company - Strategic Exploration and Development Corporation

So this corporation is the leader of the Link Net community in Eve Online, they are essentially a coalition of alliances and corporations that work together to further new players in New Eden.

They run a 0% tax rate for new players and have several high-sec moon mining stations which are left alone by high-sec griefer alliances. They also have stations in Providence Null Sec for new players to experience null sec in a semi-safe environment.

The corporation i.e alliance runs a strict set of rules for new players and existing players to follow, absolute zero tolerance to toxic behaviour etc.

It is actually a corporation I highly recommend for new players to join and try if they prefer a high sec with optional Null Sec and an alliance that cannot be griefed i.e. war declared on.

There are no mandatory operations etc. They run fleets and mining ops and its all if you want to join.


One of the most powerful alliances with a significant dominance in EVE Online is "The Imperium." Known primarily for its organization, it dominates with its massive and perfectly managed fleets. The most significant success to remember is the B-R5RB battle that took place in 2014, almost by chance... or rather, to be honest. It was an epic battle with many players involved and massive damage. The Imperium proved to be highly skilled in this battle, with an unparalleled control of sovereignty. They have also been meticulous and sometimes ruthless in defending their territory.

A well-structured faction with a strong sense of camaraderie among its members, The Imperium is heavily focused on political maneuvering.

Celltear's avatar

I don''t know if old videos count, but I've got this history edit of the Kybernauts Clades/Pro Trig alliances who helped form Pochven then have lived there since, narrative video =)


One of the most iconic alliances in EVE Online is the Goonswarm Federation. Originally founded in 2006, this alliance has played a pivotal role in the game's history, becoming a central figure in some of the most epic and influential wars. Goonswarm is known for its unique organization, initially formed by players from the Something Awful forum, and its often irreverent and provocative approach to alliances and battles.

Goonswarm’s historical stronghold is the Delve region, one of the richest resource territories in EVE. Their strategy has often involved intelligent use of the in-game economy, propaganda, and massive player fleets known for their overwhelming power. Renowned for their internal loyalty and ruthless tactics against enemies, they have polarized the game’s community, earning both strong allies and fierce rivals.

One of their most notable achievements was their key role in the Beeitnam War (or "World War Bee 2"), one of the largest military campaigns in EVE Online history. This war involved thousands of players and left a lasting impact on the game’s universe.

Today, Goonswarm remains one of the most powerful and influential alliances in EVE Online, standing as a testament to how organization and dedication can transform a group of players into a galactic empire.

Limal's avatar

its a war because of the anime girls, right?


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