We'd like to learn more about the movers and shakers of New Eden. To win a prize in this reward, choose one or more of EVE Online's alliances and give us a concise but meaningful overview of them. Consider the following factors: their reputation, their leadership, the areas of space they dominate or fight for, their rivals, their relationship with other alliances, their greatest achievements, how powerful they are, their industry and gameplay specialisations, and anything else you think might be relevant.
Check out the other submissions before entering this reward. If someone has already won a prize for discussing an alliance, you're unlikely to win a prize for discussing the same one unless you add a transformative level of extra value in your submission.
An important note: To say that things can get heated between alliances is an understatement. We know that certain larger alliances have a bit of a reputation. When you write your overview, we want you to discuss their reputations, but we also want you to be objective. In other words, keep it friendly and certainly don't single out individual members of an alliance for criticism.
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$27 / 75
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