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Design an aspect for any SMITE 2 god that doesn't have one yet!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

I’d love for every god to be playable in the support role. The new Eros’ Bow got me thinking about which gods could work with it, and I can’t stop imagining Arachne—my favorite jungler—as a support, weaving her web to heal and buff her team.

God: Arachne

Aspect Name: Broodmother's Embrace

Aspect Description:
Arachne’s abilities now apply a venomous silk to enemies and allies alike. When hitting an enemy, the silk reduces their damage dealt to Arachne and her allies by 10% for 4 seconds. When hitting an ally, the silk grants them 15% Lifesteal and 5% Movement Speed for 4 seconds. Cocoon (2) can now be cast on allies, granting them a shield equal to 8% of Arachne’s max health. Arachne’s own damage output is reduced by 15% while this aspect is equipped.

Aspect Justification:
This aspect transforms Arachne from a self-sufficient, aggressive jungler into a hybrid support/assassin, offering a more team-oriented playstyle. The ability to empower allies rather than just hunt enemies makes her viable in different roles, such as a support, jungler, or even a solo lane sustain fighter.

  • New Playstyle: Encourages protective peeling and support-focused gameplay rather than just assassinating carries.

  • Team Utility: Allows Arachne to be more engaged in teamfights, buffing allies while still debuffing enemies.

  • Balanced Power: The self-nerf on raw damage output is counteracted by stronger teamfight presence, making her useful beyond the early-game.

This aspect would make Arachne more viable in non-jungle roles while still maintaining her identity as a deadly predator, just one that also nurtures her brood! 🕷️


Design a kit for a god that has never been seen in SMITE before!

in SMITE 2

40 rewards remaining

For my video games course in uni I was able to create a few deities/myths for Smite based on Germanic folklore and beliefs. I have also made a bunch of voice lines for the gods and a lot of interactions with other gods already in the game. I've added a few of my favorite voice lines at the bottom for the deity I'm showcasing here. The rest can be found on my Reddit post:

Reddit post

De Witte Wieven – Mistbound Oracles

Pantheon: Germanic (Dutch)

Class: Mage (High utility, moderate damage)

Difficulty: Hard


  • Strengths: Exceptional teamfight utility, zone control, and vision-based tactics. Works well as a support mage, jungler or mid laner.

  • Weaknesses: Lack of hard escape options outside of the ultimate; struggles with burst assassins.

Passive – Mist Veil

De Witte Wieven are surrounded by a spectral mist that increases in density as they cast abilities. This mist grants them 10% Movement Speed and reduces incoming Basic Attack Damage by 15% while active.

  • Every ability cast increases the mist duration by 4s (max 12s).

  • Mist disperses if no ability is cast for 5 seconds.

Ability 1 – Spectral Wisp

De Witte Wieven release a glowing wisp of spectral energy that floats forward, homing in on the nearest enemy god or jungle camp. The wisp has unique properties based on its target type:

  1. Enemy God:

    • The wisp deals 70/120/170/220/270 (+60% of Magical Power) damage on impact and marks the enemy for 5 seconds.

    • Marked enemies leave behind a faint mist trail that reveals their movements to allies for the duration of the mark.

    • If the marked enemy dies while marked, De Witte Wieven regain 10% of their maximum Mana.

  2. Jungle Camp:

    • The wisp deals 50% more damage to jungle monsters and grants De Witte Wieven and nearby allies a 5% bonus to Magical and Physical Power for 8 seconds.

  3. Multiple Wisps (Passive Scaling):

    • For every 200 Magical Power, De Witte Wieven release an additional wisp, up to a maximum of 3. Additional wisps prioritize nearby enemies.

Cooldown: 10s

Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana

Ability 2 – Guiding Fog

De Witte Wieven summon a thick, spectral fog that expands over 4 seconds, covering a large circular area. The fog has two zones with unique effects:

  1. Inner Fog (Safe Haven for Allies):

    • Allies inside gain 15/20/25/30/35% Movement Speed and 15/20/25/30/35 Protections.

    • Allies who leave the fog retain the movement bonus for an additional 2 seconds.

    • If an ally drops below 30% Health within the fog, they are healed for 50/80/110/140/170 (+30% of Magical Power) over 3 seconds. This can only occur once per ally per ability cast.

  2. Outer Fog (Disorienting Zone for Enemies):

    • Enemies in the fog have their vision radius reduced.

    • Enemies moving through the fog are slowed by 20% and take 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% of Magical Power) damage per second.

Cooldown: 14s

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana

Ability 3 – Spirit Vortex

De Witte Wieven conjure a swirling vortex of spectral mist in a wide, narrow line that pulls enemies caught in its path toward the center of the vortex. The ability has two phases:

  1. Initial Cast (The Pull):

    • Enemies caught in the vortex are dragged toward the center over 1.5 seconds. While being pulled, they are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% and take 80/140/200/260/320 (+50% of Magical Power) damage.

    • Enemy gods dragged into the center are Rooted for 1 second.

  2. Mist Explosion (End of Cast):

    • The vortex detonates in a radius after pulling enemies.

    • Enemies in the explosion radius take 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% of Magical Power) damage and are knocked back slightly.

Additional Effect:

  • Empowered Mist: If Guiding Fog is active, the vortex’s pull becomes stronger, halving the pull duration but making it impossible for enemies to escape the ability’s range once caught.

Cooldown: 12s

Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana

Ultimate – Wrath of the Mists

De Witte Wieven dissolve into an ethereal mist, becoming untargetable and immune to crowd control for 5 seconds. In this state, they summon three spectral phantoms that spread out across a large radius, targeting enemy gods within range. Each phantom has unique behaviors and effects:

  1. Phantom of Vengeance

    • Chases the enemy god with the highest health.

    • Deals 200/300/400/500/600 (+70% of Magical Power) damage over 3 seconds and applies a Fear for 1.5 seconds upon catching them.

    • If the target is killed during or after being haunted, De Witte Wieven gain 15% Movement Speed for 4 seconds.

  2. Phantom of Despair

    • Targets the nearest enemy god.

    • Emits an aura that reduces the target’s Power by 20/25/30/35/40% and Attack Speed by 20% while haunting them.

    • Upon expiration, it detonates, dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+50% of Magical Power) damage in an area.

  3. Phantom of Betrayal

    • Targets the enemy god with the lowest health.

    • Deals 100/200/300/400/500 (+40% of Magical Power) damage and applies a 40% Slow for 3 seconds upon catching them.

    • While haunting, the target emits a spectral mist that reveals their location to De Witte Wieven’s team, even in stealth.

Ally Empowerment Aura:

  • Allies within the mist gain 25% Lifesteal and 15% Cooldown Reduction while De Witte Wieven are in their mist form.

Bonus Interaction:

  • If Spectral Wisp or Spirit Vortex is cast during the ultimate, the phantoms move faster toward their targets.

Cooldown: 90 seconds

Cost: 100 Mana

Personality and Lore for De Witte Wieven

Title: Mistbound Oracles

Pantheon: Germanic (Dutch)

Class: Mage

Alignment: Neutral, leaning toward protector.


Centuries ago, the De Witte Wieven—wise women of old—were revered as healers, seers, and protectors. Living atop mist-shrouded hills or near sacred burial mounds, they became legends of the Netherlands, guiding travelers and aiding those in need. However, they were also feared by the wicked, for their powers did not only heal—they punished the deceitful and arrogant who dared to disturb their sacred grounds.

Now, as humanity's conflicts spiral into chaos, the spirits of the Witte Wieven awaken from the mist. No longer bound by their earthly duties, they rise to restore balance between mortals and the gods, weaving a path of vengeance for those who would disrupt the natural order. They are neither benevolent nor cruel—they are the impartial mist, ever-watchful and ever-guiding.


De Witte Wieven are ethereal and enigmatic. They speak with a soft, otherworldly cadence, often cryptic in tone. They view the world as interconnected threads of fate, which they claim to read within the mist. While calm and nurturing toward allies, their fury is as chilling as the fog they summon, and their vengeance is unrelenting when faced with dishonor.

Voice Lines

  • Introduction:

    • “From the hills and the haze, we come to restore what has been broken.”


  • “Do you feel the chill? We are close.”


  • Spectral Wisp:

    • “Follow the light… if you dare.”


  • “Oh, don’t mind us. We’re just hanging around... in the fog… watching… always watching.”

  • “Why do people always panic when they see mist? It’s just condensed water vapor, not your impending doom. Well… usually.”

  • “If I had a gold coin for every lost traveler we helped, I’d have… oh, wait, we don’t charge mortals. How foolish of us.”

  • “We heard your complaints about visibility. Don’t worry, we’ll fog-et about them.”

De Witte Wieven to Baba Yaga:

  • “That hut of yours has legs, yet you seem to be doing all the walking. How curious.”

De Witte Wieven to Cernunnos:

  • “A god of the wilds? Do you ever feel like just… pruning things back a little?” Teamwork Banter


  • “The fog and the forest. A strange partnership, but it may work.”

To The Morrigan:

  • “Ah, The Morrigan. Three faces, yet still shrouded in mystery. We are kindred spirits, it seems.”

  • “You bring omens of death; we bring fog. What’s next, someone bringing snacks?”

  • “You may wear many faces, Morrigan, but all masks fall in the mist.”

    The Morrigan:

  • “Masks? Or truths? Perhaps even you cannot tell.”

De Witte Wieven to Hel:

  • “We’ve heard of a two-faced liar, but a two-faced goddess? Now that’s new.”

De Witte Wieven to Cliodhna:

  • “You cry so much, Cliodhna. Have you considered a break? A hobby, perhaps?”

  • “So, you haunt hills, we haunt mist. What’s next, someone haunting… puddles?”

De Witte Wieven to Artio:

  • “You roar, we whisper. A balance of sorts, don’t you think?”

  • “Your wilds protect, Artio. Our mists conceal. Together, they are untouchable.”


  • “Guide them if you wish, but in the end, it is my claws that keep them safe.”