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Cloggedbean's avatar

So I went above and beyond for this one 😂 instead of doing just a god I did a whole pantheon with gods. I’ve been working on this one for a minute and it’s not totally finished but I just saw the SMITE 2 x lord of the rings post on smite 2 website. and I decided to post this bounty asap. You’ll see why in a sec lol.

pantheon: Tolkien’s Legends (lord of the rings)

god: Treebeard

Role support

Dmg: magical (int scaling)

Auto attack: melee, 3rd attack slams the ground for aoe dmg

Passive: Tree Bark- strong tree bark make crits do less dmg

Ult: shouldering the weight - when an ally is below 25% health Treebeard can pick him up giving a shield and gaining slow and knock up immunity. Once picked up Treebeard begins to sprint. (Function similarly to Altas’s sprint). Also enemy gods hit by the sprint get knocked to the side. The ally god can still fire auto attacks with increased range. Picked up gods can cancel this by using the interact button.

Cleave - grabs a large branch swings in front of him (dmg in a cone infront of him) main form of clear

Slam - Treebeard slams the ground in front of him for dmg and roots/cripples enemy gods

Low kick - Treebeard does a low kick knocking back enemy gods and stunning them if they hit a wall or player made object. Also deals dmg.

god: Legolas

Role: carry

Strength based scaling

Auto attack: ranged no chain



Shield slide - Legolas throws a shield done and and slides on it moving forward (this ability would function like Chiron dash from smite 1) at the end of the ability Legolas kicks out the shield stunning enemy god hit

Dagger throw - Legolas throws 2 daggers in a line in front of him each one dealing dmg. If both are hit enemies will begin to bleed

Attack speed buff

Ult: Elven Eyes

god: Smaug

Role: mid or support

Int based scaling

Auto attacks: ranged no chain

Passive: dragon scales - Smaug Hyde is strong that arrows cannot pierce it. 20% reduced auto attack dmg but 30% increased ability dmg

Ult: Dragons fire - Smaug begins channeling this ability becoming cc immune then takes to the sky becoming dmg immune. Smaug flies for a second then reactivating ability he breaths fire on the ground below. This fire stay on the map for a few seconds burning any one who walks through and slowing

Fire shot - Smaug shoots a fire blast in a line forward dealing dmg

Leap - Smaug leaps backwards while spewing fire. Enemy gods hit take dmg and are burned taking tick dmg over time

god: Gandalf

Role: solo or mid

Hybrid scaling

Auto attacks: ranged no chain


Ult: You Shall Not Pass - Gandalf slams his staff into the ground and enemies in a large rectangle area in front of him are immediately teleported back to fountain Gandalf is then slain but his respawn timer is cut in half. This ability can be countered by beads or other cc immunity. If no one is teleported Gandalf is not slain.

Rolling stone - Gandalf conjures a large stone in front of him and rolls it forward dealing dmg and knocking enemies to the side. This rock acts as a player made object and can block autos and abilities

Side step - Gandalf does a small dash in the direction in which he is traveling can use twice

Repel evil - Gandalf makes a bursting bubble around him knocking enemies back

(Gandalf alternative idea. He’s a stance switcher. Use ult to switch stance. Two stances are his staff form where he uses his staff to cast supportive abilities and cc scales with int also has ranged autos. His other form uses his sword this is much more aggressive stance where he becomes a melee attacker (auto attacked focused) with aggressive damaging abilities that scale with strength)


For my video games course in uni I was able to create a few deities/myths for Smite based on Germanic folklore and beliefs. I have also made a bunch of voice lines for the gods and a lot of interactions with other gods already in the game. I've added a few of my favorite voice lines at the bottom for the deity I'm showcasing here. The rest can be found on my Reddit post:

Reddit post

De Witte Wieven – Mistbound Oracles

Pantheon: Germanic (Dutch)

Class: Mage (High utility, moderate damage)

Difficulty: Hard


  • Strengths: Exceptional teamfight utility, zone control, and vision-based tactics. Works well as a support mage, jungler or mid laner.

  • Weaknesses: Lack of hard escape options outside of the ultimate; struggles with burst assassins.

Passive – Mist Veil

De Witte Wieven are surrounded by a spectral mist that increases in density as they cast abilities. This mist grants them 10% Movement Speed and reduces incoming Basic Attack Damage by 15% while active.

  • Every ability cast increases the mist duration by 4s (max 12s).

  • Mist disperses if no ability is cast for 5 seconds.

Ability 1 – Spectral Wisp

De Witte Wieven release a glowing wisp of spectral energy that floats forward, homing in on the nearest enemy god or jungle camp. The wisp has unique properties based on its target type:

  1. Enemy God:

    • The wisp deals 70/120/170/220/270 (+60% of Magical Power) damage on impact and marks the enemy for 5 seconds.

    • Marked enemies leave behind a faint mist trail that reveals their movements to allies for the duration of the mark.

    • If the marked enemy dies while marked, De Witte Wieven regain 10% of their maximum Mana.

  2. Jungle Camp:

    • The wisp deals 50% more damage to jungle monsters and grants De Witte Wieven and nearby allies a 5% bonus to Magical and Physical Power for 8 seconds.

  3. Multiple Wisps (Passive Scaling):

    • For every 200 Magical Power, De Witte Wieven release an additional wisp, up to a maximum of 3. Additional wisps prioritize nearby enemies.

Cooldown: 10s

Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana

Ability 2 – Guiding Fog

De Witte Wieven summon a thick, spectral fog that expands over 4 seconds, covering a large circular area. The fog has two zones with unique effects:

  1. Inner Fog (Safe Haven for Allies):

    • Allies inside gain 15/20/25/30/35% Movement Speed and 15/20/25/30/35 Protections.

    • Allies who leave the fog retain the movement bonus for an additional 2 seconds.

    • If an ally drops below 30% Health within the fog, they are healed for 50/80/110/140/170 (+30% of Magical Power) over 3 seconds. This can only occur once per ally per ability cast.

  2. Outer Fog (Disorienting Zone for Enemies):

    • Enemies in the fog have their vision radius reduced.

    • Enemies moving through the fog are slowed by 20% and take 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% of Magical Power) damage per second.

Cooldown: 14s

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana

Ability 3 – Spirit Vortex

De Witte Wieven conjure a swirling vortex of spectral mist in a wide, narrow line that pulls enemies caught in its path toward the center of the vortex. The ability has two phases:

  1. Initial Cast (The Pull):

    • Enemies caught in the vortex are dragged toward the center over 1.5 seconds. While being pulled, they are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% and take 80/140/200/260/320 (+50% of Magical Power) damage.

    • Enemy gods dragged into the center are Rooted for 1 second.

  2. Mist Explosion (End of Cast):

    • The vortex detonates in a radius after pulling enemies.

    • Enemies in the explosion radius take 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% of Magical Power) damage and are knocked back slightly.

Additional Effect:

  • Empowered Mist: If Guiding Fog is active, the vortex’s pull becomes stronger, halving the pull duration but making it impossible for enemies to escape the ability’s range once caught.

Cooldown: 12s

Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 Mana

Ultimate – Wrath of the Mists

De Witte Wieven dissolve into an ethereal mist, becoming untargetable and immune to crowd control for 5 seconds. In this state, they summon three spectral phantoms that spread out across a large radius, targeting enemy gods within range. Each phantom has unique behaviors and effects:

  1. Phantom of Vengeance

    • Chases the enemy god with the highest health.

    • Deals 200/300/400/500/600 (+70% of Magical Power) damage over 3 seconds and applies a Fear for 1.5 seconds upon catching them.

    • If the target is killed during or after being haunted, De Witte Wieven gain 15% Movement Speed for 4 seconds.

  2. Phantom of Despair

    • Targets the nearest enemy god.

    • Emits an aura that reduces the target’s Power by 20/25/30/35/40% and Attack Speed by 20% while haunting them.

    • Upon expiration, it detonates, dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+50% of Magical Power) damage in an area.

  3. Phantom of Betrayal

    • Targets the enemy god with the lowest health.

    • Deals 100/200/300/400/500 (+40% of Magical Power) damage and applies a 40% Slow for 3 seconds upon catching them.

    • While haunting, the target emits a spectral mist that reveals their location to De Witte Wieven’s team, even in stealth.

Ally Empowerment Aura:

  • Allies within the mist gain 25% Lifesteal and 15% Cooldown Reduction while De Witte Wieven are in their mist form.

Bonus Interaction:

  • If Spectral Wisp or Spirit Vortex is cast during the ultimate, the phantoms move faster toward their targets.

Cooldown: 90 seconds

Cost: 100 Mana

Personality and Lore for De Witte Wieven

Title: Mistbound Oracles

Pantheon: Germanic (Dutch)

Class: Mage

Alignment: Neutral, leaning toward protector.


Centuries ago, the De Witte Wieven—wise women of old—were revered as healers, seers, and protectors. Living atop mist-shrouded hills or near sacred burial mounds, they became legends of the Netherlands, guiding travelers and aiding those in need. However, they were also feared by the wicked, for their powers did not only heal—they punished the deceitful and arrogant who dared to disturb their sacred grounds.

Now, as humanity's conflicts spiral into chaos, the spirits of the Witte Wieven awaken from the mist. No longer bound by their earthly duties, they rise to restore balance between mortals and the gods, weaving a path of vengeance for those who would disrupt the natural order. They are neither benevolent nor cruel—they are the impartial mist, ever-watchful and ever-guiding.


De Witte Wieven are ethereal and enigmatic. They speak with a soft, otherworldly cadence, often cryptic in tone. They view the world as interconnected threads of fate, which they claim to read within the mist. While calm and nurturing toward allies, their fury is as chilling as the fog they summon, and their vengeance is unrelenting when faced with dishonor.

Voice Lines

  • Introduction:

    • “From the hills and the haze, we come to restore what has been broken.”


  • “Do you feel the chill? We are close.”


  • Spectral Wisp:

    • “Follow the light… if you dare.”


  • “Oh, don’t mind us. We’re just hanging around... in the fog… watching… always watching.”

  • “Why do people always panic when they see mist? It’s just condensed water vapor, not your impending doom. Well… usually.”

  • “If I had a gold coin for every lost traveler we helped, I’d have… oh, wait, we don’t charge mortals. How foolish of us.”

  • “We heard your complaints about visibility. Don’t worry, we’ll fog-et about them.”

De Witte Wieven to Baba Yaga:

  • “That hut of yours has legs, yet you seem to be doing all the walking. How curious.”

De Witte Wieven to Cernunnos:

  • “A god of the wilds? Do you ever feel like just… pruning things back a little?” Teamwork Banter


  • “The fog and the forest. A strange partnership, but it may work.”

To The Morrigan:

  • “Ah, The Morrigan. Three faces, yet still shrouded in mystery. We are kindred spirits, it seems.”

  • “You bring omens of death; we bring fog. What’s next, someone bringing snacks?”

  • “You may wear many faces, Morrigan, but all masks fall in the mist.”

    The Morrigan:

  • “Masks? Or truths? Perhaps even you cannot tell.”

De Witte Wieven to Hel:

  • “We’ve heard of a two-faced liar, but a two-faced goddess? Now that’s new.”

De Witte Wieven to Cliodhna:

  • “You cry so much, Cliodhna. Have you considered a break? A hobby, perhaps?”

  • “So, you haunt hills, we haunt mist. What’s next, someone haunting… puddles?”

De Witte Wieven to Artio:

  • “You roar, we whisper. A balance of sorts, don’t you think?”

  • “Your wilds protect, Artio. Our mists conceal. Together, they are untouchable.”


  • “Guide them if you wish, but in the end, it is my claws that keep them safe.”

Ford James's avatar

Hey SnoezigDraakje, welcome to the platform! Just wanted to say this is absolutely excellent so I've given it one of our prestigious Curator's Pick awards. Thanks for submitting it!

Awwadeuwu's avatar

Durga: Goddess of strength and feminine protection.


  • Panteon: Hindu

  • Positions Supp/Solo

  • Damage scaling: Strength, Inteligence and protections.

  • Difficulty: medium

  • Durga is the goddess of the warrior and protection, she is an icon of the power of femininity, fighting against evil forces and symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

  • Relationship with other gods: Represents Shakti, the feminine energy of the universe, and is the wife of Shiva and mother of Kartikeya and Ganesha.

  • Iconography and symbols: She is represented with multiple arms holding divine weapons, a trident, a lotus, and a sword, etc ... Indicative of its destructive power of ego and falsehood. Mounted on a lion or tiger, and with a third eye symbolizing its wisdom.

  • Worship and festivities: She is worshiped at the Durga Puja, a nine-night celebration commemorating her victory over Mahishasura and her healing power.

Skills and gameplay

The goddess idea would be that it could be played both as a tank (supp) and as a warrior (alone), since all abilities would escalate both with strength, intelligence and some ability, probably based on protections.

It will consist of a healing ability with the power of the lotus which can be used in itself and in an ally at the same time, when related to lions and tigers, clearly will have an ability related to those animals, for its third eye we could apply it to your passive. When represented by multiple arms we can add a different weapon, a trident, a lotus, a sword, a shield, a sword and a spear to each arm, allowing it to have a series of different basic attacks that I will show below.


Durga has a strong and powerful personality, combining ferocity with compassion. She represents the balance between destruction and preservation, being a wise and imposing leader who inspires respect and devotion.

Posible voicelines

She complements Kali well, as both fight against evil. They are two female deities.

Familiarly speaking, she could be included with Ganesha, as Durga acts as a maternal figure.

With Shiva, she balances his destructive and transformative power. In short, good voicelines could be made with these three gods.

Personal Opinion

I think she is an important goddess in the Hindu pantheon and should be in the game.

ThePunisher99's avatar

I like the Pharaonic civilization. There are a lot of gods that the Pharaohs believed in. One of them is the goddess Ma'at.

Ma’at represents law, order, and fairness, making her a unique mix of support and mage.

Role : Mage / Support

  • Ability 1 - Balance of the Universe: Ma’at gains increased power when her team is ahead and provides bonus protections with shields (=10% HP) when her team is behind.

  • Ability 2 - Scales of Justice: Summons the golden scales of Ma’at, dealing damage with an effect of slowing enemies. when the enemies are out of the rang, they take extra damage.

  • Ability 3 - Wings of Truth: Ma’at increase movement speed of herself and nearby allies, with a temporary cleanse from effects than enemies provided to nearby allies.

  • Ability 4 (Ultimate) - Divine Judgment: Ma'at summons a cosmic beam that stuns enemies for 5 seconds and heals allies based on how much damage was dealt to enemies.

    Ma'at will bring a great balance to the game next to Anubis.

TheMortonMan's avatar

Mafdet, the Great Cat

Pantheon: Egyptian

Melee, Physical Damage

Class Roles: Slayer, Lockdown, Nuker

She would primarily be used in the jungle, maybe an aggresive support pick too

Appearance: Mafdet appears as a human, whose height resembles shorter Gods in the game like Izanami and Neith. She has black hair, with blue markings under her hazel eyes. Her skin is more pale compared to other egyptian Gods, due to Mafdet being inside more often than not, protecting the Mansion of Life. She sports the hide of a cheetah on her back and arms, the hide cutting off at about kneecap level, and the arms would follow through to her hands. Her left arm would follow through all the way to the claws that look to be maintained from the hide, but actually come from her own body. Mafdet’s right arm is similar, but the hide cuts off a bit earlier, tied to her arm past the elbow but before the wrist. In her right hand is a blade, just a tad but longer than the average dagger. 

 Melee Chain: 1.0x, 0.8x, 0.8x, 1.5x

Passive: This Is My House! - Mafdet deals slightly more damage and takes slightly less damage when she is on her team’s side of the map. This bonus increases when she’s in her team’s titan room. 

Ability 1: Aggressive Tenacity - Mafdet throws her dagger (turning into a projectile) in a straight line, dealing damage and passing through minions and monsters,  and stopping on the first enemy God hit, dealing physical damage on impact and placing a DoT effect on that God, which deals more damage every .25 seconds for 2 seconds. That enemy God will also be silenced for 1.5 seconds. If the dagger collides with an enemy God, Mafdet uses the string attached to the blade to pull herself to the enemy God hit by the blade. She’ll flip over the enemy God, and land on the opposite side of wherever the God is. The distance travelled depends on how far away that God was when the dagger connected. After landing the flip over the God, Aggressive Tenacity can be reactivated to pull that same God towards Mafdet, she would plant her feet and pull on that string. If the ability isn’t reactivated, or while waiting for reactivation, Mafdet won’t plant her feet, but will pull herself to that God’s location to retrieve her dagger. 

Ability 2: Pierced Dagger - Mafdet’s next basic attack will be empowered for the next 4 seconds. Mafdet will have a quick swing time but deal extra damage. Mafdet will use both arms to overhand stab. Enemy Gods will be slowed and crippled for 1.5 seconds, with the slow letting up as the duration continues. 

Ability 3: Prowl - Mafdet drops to all 4’s, increasing her movement speed. This starts as a slight movement speed increase but will increase as Mafdet moves forward specifically. After 2 seconds of moving forward, her next basic attack will be a leap, stunning any enemies on the landing. 

Ability 4: Perfect Pounce - Mafdet slows her movement speed to a crawl, preparing to jump. The longer that this crawl is channeled, the longer the jump is. When reactivated, Mafdet leaps forward. If connected with an enemy God, she stuns and silences them, and unleashes a flurry of basic attacks while sitting on top of them for 2 seconds. If Mafdet doesn’t connect with an enemy God from the leap, the cooldown on this ability is halved.


Hela goddess of death

Mythology: Nordic

Role: Mage/Support

Basic attacks: Hel fires projectiles of Nordic magic hitting the first enemy it hits and dealing magic damage.

Passive: Hela absorbs the life energy of enemies with her basics obtaining Healing For each god killed by her Utly Hela gains a permanent stack of Magic Damage

  1. First ability (Winds of Hel): Hela launches a straight line blast of the frozen wind of hell, passing through any enemy or structure dealing magic damage and slowing down damaged enemies

  2. Second ability (The abyss): Hela opens the ground beneath her feet summoning a portal to Hel and placing the other side of the portal anywhere else the goddess wants.

    When casting the ability hela will be able to choose where to place the portal on the floor within a certain area, if the area is occupied by a structure she will not be able to use the ability and if she places the ability Under any jungle enemy the enemy will not be affected in any way

  3. Third ability (Servants of Hel): Hela Absorbs the powers of Helheim increasing its attack speed, magic damage, movement speed and making Hel's basics larger and explode in an area

  4. Fourth ability (Helheim's Fury): Hel summons the rooster of Helheim causing it to squawk, summoning a storm of Hel's wind in a circular area dealing magic damage, slowing and stunning enemies who were beaten for the entire time of the ability

    During this ability Hel will remain still in the middle of the circle and will be immune to CC but will be completely vulnerable to damage.


All abilities will scale with intelligence and will have a slower speed than other gods as well as being somewhat more tanky than other mages.


Yes this would struggle massively because teammates still won't place wards, but at least with her on your team you might see someone ward.

Theia, Greek goddess of sight and vision

Role: Support

Damage: magical

Auto Attacks: Melee


When enemies are pings by wards, gain a 10% speed buff for 3s. This is reset each time an enemy is pinged by a ward.

You gain a free sentry ward every 180s.

Ability 1 - Sight is power

Place a ward that can be seen by the enemy team. Enemies in its radius are slowed 20% and lose prots scaling

2/4/6/8/10. Only one can be placed on the map at a time.

Cool down 12s

Ability 2 - I See You

All wards release a pulse that roots and damages enemies in its radius. This also gives allies in the ward radius a heal equal to damage dealt

Damage 10/20/35/50/65 + 5% int

Cooldown 13s

Ability 3 - Now you see me

Leap. At your original location leave a temporary ward lasting 3s. This ward acts like a regular ward for its duration. When the ward expires a blind will happen in radius around you and your ward.

Damage on leap: 50/ 75/ 100/ 125/ 150 + 20% int

Damage on blind: 50/ 100/ 150/ 200/ 250 + 20% int.

Blind duration 1s.

Ability 4 - Divine Light

You reveal the entire map for 5s. All allies game 10% movement speed. And all enemy wards are comondeered for your team for 10s. Giving you vision where they placed wards and removing thier vision.


I've always been a fan of Norse mythology, so I decided to design a kit based on the legendary wolves Sköll and Hati. In myth, they are destined to chase the sun and moon across the sky, and I wanted to capture that eternal pursuit in their gameplay.

I designed them as a stance-switching assassin, allowing players to shift between Sköll, the aggressor, and Hati, the hunter. Their kit is built around momentum, pressure, and adaptability, This god should feel rewarding when played right

Sköll & Hati – The Eternal Pursuit

Class: Assassin
Pantheon: Norse
Type: Melee, Physical, Strength + Intelligence
Difficulty: Hard
Stance-Switching: Sköll (Aggression) & Hati (Hunt)

Passive – Endless Pursuit

Effect: Sköll & Hati thrive in combat, becoming stronger the longer they stay engaged.

Each time they hit an enemy god with a basic attack or ability, they gain a stack of “Pursuit” (Max 5 stacks, lasts 6s).

Stacks grant different bonuses depending on stance:
Sköll (Aggression Stance): +3% attack speed and +2% bonus damage per stack.

Hati (Hunt Stance): +3% movement speed and +2% lifesteal per stack.

At max stacks, Sköll & Hati enter a Frenzied state for 3s:

Sköll: Basic attacks cleave in a small area.

Hati: Gains 30% slow immunity and 10% bonus healing from all sources.

Leaving combat for 3s removes all stacks.

Ability 1 – Solar Pounce (Sköll) / Lunar Ambush (Hati)

Sköll: Solar Pounce – Sköll lunges forward, dealing damage in a small AoE and applying a Burn (2s). If he hits an enemy god, reduce this ability’s cooldown by 2 seconds.

Hati: Lunar Ambush – Hati becomes untargetable and dashes through enemies, applying a Slow (20%, 1.5s) and gaining bonus movement speed for 3 seconds.

Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+75% Strength)
Cooldown: 12s
Burn: 3/6/9/12/15 (+10% Intelligence) per tick

Ability 2 – Savage Bite (Sköll) / Devouring Maw (Hati)

Sköll: Savage Bite – Sköll lunges at a single target, dealing heavy damage and applying a Cripple (1.5s). If the target is below 40% HP, this ability deals bonus execution damage.

Hati: Devouring Maw – Hati’s next basic attack becomes empowered, dealing AoE damage and healing for a portion of the damage dealt.

Damage: 90/140/190/240/290 (+80% Strength)
Bonus Execution Damage: 10/15/20/25/30% missing health
Healing (Hati): 25/35/45/55/65% of damage dealt
Cooldown: 14s

Ability 3 – Twin Eclipse (Stance Switch)

Sköll: Switches to Hati – Gains a brief burst of movement speed and cleanses slows.

Hati: Switches to Sköll – His next basic attack within 3 seconds deals bonus damage and shreds protections.

Movement Speed Boost (Sköll to Hati): 20/25/30/35/40% (2s)
Bonus Damage (Hati to Sköll): 40/60/80/100/120 (+20% Intelligence)
Protections Shred: 5/7/10/12/15% (3s)
Cooldown: 8s

Ultimate – Ragnarok’s Maw

Effect: Sköll & Hati combine their powers for a devastating attack.

Sköll: Calls upon the Sun, causing a fiery explosion in a large area that deals high burst damage and applies a Blinded effect (reducing enemy vision radius for 2.5s).

Hati: Calls upon the Moon, casting an ethereal shadow that fears enemies outward and steals physical power for 5 seconds.

Damage: 250/350/450/550/650 (+45% Intelligence and Strength)
Blind Duration: 2.5s
Fear Duration: 1.5s
Power Steal: 15/20/25/30/35 (5s)
Cooldown: 90s
Hope u liked it!


Magni, God of Strength

Pantheon: Norse
Class: Warrior
Role: Bruiser / Assassin Hybrid
Attack Type: Melee (Fist Weapons)
Resource: Rage instead of Mana
(Generated by dealing and receiving damage, decays over time when out of combat.)

Passive – Bloodlust

Magni gains Rage whenever he deals or takes damage.

When his Rage is above 50%, he gains increased Attack Speed and Lifesteal.

At 100% Rage, he enters Berserk Mode, increasing his Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and granting CC immunity for 3s.

If Magni does not attack or take damage for 5 seconds, Rage starts to decay.

Ability 1 – Crimson Strike

Magni empowers his next three basic attacks, dealing bonus true damage and causing bleed over 3s.

If used during Berserk Mode, these attacks gain splash damage in a small cone.

Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 (+50% Physical Power)
Bleed: 10/15/20/25/30 per second for 3s
Cooldown: 7s

Ability 2 – Raging Rush

Magni lunges forward, knocking up and stunning enemies in his path.

If Berserk Mode is active, the range is doubled, and Magni slams the ground at the end, dealing AoE damage.

Dash Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Physical Power)
Berserk Slam Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+50% Physical Power)
Cooldown: 10s

Ability 3 – Unyielding Wrath

Magni flexes his muscles, gaining a shield based on his missing HP.

The shield explodes when broken, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

If activated during Berserk Mode, he also reflects 20% of incoming damage while the shield is up.

Shield Value: 12%/14%/16%/18%/20% of Missing HP
Explosion Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+30% Physical Power)
Cooldown: 12s

Ultimate – Bloodstorm Frenzy

Magni roars, instantly maxing out his Rage and entering Berserk Mode.

For the next 5 seconds, his Basic Attacks gain splash damage, and he executes enemies below 15% HP with a brutal finisher.

If he successfully executes an enemy, the duration is extended by 1s, up to 3 additional seconds.

Base Attack Boost: 30% more Attack Speed & 20% more Physical Power
Execute Threshold: 15% of enemy Max HP
Cooldown: 90s


Alright I know this is a bit of a weird one, but with the addition of Aladdin and Mulan I figured the characters don't have to be strictly gods. My kit will be for Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Pantheon: Wonderful World of Oz

Role: Jungle

Scaling: Hybrid

Passive: Off To See The Wizard-The more she walks she gains stacks to each of her abilities. When you use an ability the stack is reset.

Ability One: The Scarecrow- Scarecrow appears and scares the enemy doing damage in a cone in front of Dorothy.

Ability Two: The Tin Woodsman- The Tin Woodsman extends his axe and spins in a circle dealing damage in an area around Dorothy.

Ability Three: Cowardly Lion- The Cowardly Lion pounces in front of Dorothy. If an enemy god is pounced on Lion then proceeds to maul enemy doing more damage.

Each of these abillities do more damage with her passive.

Ultimate: For Dorothy- Dorothy's companions all attack a selected target. Scarecrow scares/stuns enemy, Tin Woodsman swings his axe while exuding steam dealing aoe damage and finally Cowardly Lion roars as loud as he can dealing damage.

MightyRavino's avatar

Lu Bu - The Ruthless Warrior

Pantheon: Chinese

Role: Warrior/Jungle

Weapon: Qinglong ji

Dmg: Phy/STR Scale

AA: Single Target>Single Target>Cleave

Passive: Battlefield Resilience - Abilities change depending if Lu Bu's build is focusing on attack, defense, or both. This will be determined by the number of items built.

Ability 1: Qinglong Whirlwind - Lu Bu spins his Qinglong Ji over his head creating a whirlwind that pull enemies towards Lu Bu.

  • Attack Based: Ability can be channeled indefinitely increasing in damage, but drastically increasing mana cost.

  • Defense Based: Ability can be channeled up to 3 seconds and vortex is significantly stronger.

  • Balanced: Ability can be channeled up to 5 seconds with damage and vortex strength being in the middle of the other two versions.

Ability 2: Warrior's Will - Lu Bu fearlessly holds his ground and becomes CC and Damage immune for 1 second.

  • Attack Based: Upon completion he receives an Attack Buff for 5 seconds.

  • Defense Based: Upon completion he receives a Defense Buff for 5 seconds.

  • Balanced: Upon completion he receives increased Attack Speed and Movement Speed for 5 seconds.

Ability 3: Demon's Clutch - Lu Bu dashes forward damaging enemies he passes through and stopping if he connects with an enemy God holding them in place for 1 second.

  • Attack Based: Dash distance - Long. If ability is reactivated, enemy is thrown upwards creating knock up.

  • Defense Based: Dash distance - Short. If ability is reactivated, enemy God can be tossed a short distance in any direction (except upwards) receiving damage if hitting enemy minions or stunning both Gods if tossed and connecting with another enemy God.

  • Balanced: Dash distance - Medium. Gods are held in place for 1.5 seconds. Lu Bu tightens his grip dealing DOT every .3 seconds.

Ultimate: Terror in the Battlefield - Lu Bu becomes CC and death immune for 4 seconds. His indomitable presence buffs himself and his allies.

  • Attack Based: Self and nearby Allies receive attack buff and haste for duration of the ultimate.

  • Defense Based: Self and nearby Allies receive defense and attack speed buff for the duration of the ultimate.

  • Balanced: Self and nearby allies have all abilities (except Ultimate) cooldowns reset.


Goddess: Moirai
Pantheon: Greek
Damage: Physical
Role: Warrior

Passive: As the match progresses, the Moiras identify the thread of life of each opposing god, reducing the protections of enemy gods. They also provide a protection buff to nearby allies.

Ability 1: Clotho uses the spindle and distaff to restore the thread of life of an ally or herself, applying a healing effect. Basic melee attacks with her spindle are enhanced after casting this ability.

Ability 2: Lachesis measures the thread of life of the enemy, and if the Moiras have more health than their target, they gain a damage bonus. If they have less health, they receive a defense buff. She wields a measuring ribbon as a ranged weapon after using this ability.

Ability 3: Atropos takes control and threatens to cut the thread of life of nearby enemies in a circular area, binding them to her so they cannot escape the zone. After casting this ability, her weapon transforms into scissors.

Ability 4: Clotho identifies the thread of life of an enemy within the skill's line. Lachesis holds the thread so Atropos can attempt to cut it. Enemies within the third ability's area receive increased damage.

kamiel's avatar

Me myself has allot of personal interest in the norse mythology so i decided to make a norse god, the god chosen to design by me is called Hrist. She will be a physical dmg style assassin jungler. Here is a bit of lore from Hrist: Hrist is one of the shield-maidens of Valhalla and a fierce Valkyrie she embodies the unyielding cold of her master Skadi’s domain. Charged with delivering icy justice to mortals and gods alike, she descends from the heavens to strike terror with precision and deadly frost.

For her basic attacks i chose that Hrist uses dual icy blades, applying a stack of “Frostbite” on each hit. After 4 stacks, the target is slowed for an x amount.

Then her passive is every time she lands a kill or an assist, she gains a stack of “Skadi’s Favor,” granting 2% cooldown reduction per stack. Stacks up to 5 times and last for 8 seconds. Stacks reset after 10 seconds of not securing a kill or assist.

For her 1 i went for an ability called frostbound slash which is a dash forward in a straight line, slashing enemies in the path for physical damage. Enemies hit are marked with an effect called “Chill,” this increases all damage taken from Hrist.

Then for her 2 called Valhallan Wings i went with: Hrist leaps into the air, gaining vision of enemies in a wide radius. When she lands, she deals damage to all enemies in a small area and applies a movement speed slow.

With her third ability she calls upon her shield to block incoming damage. If she successfully blocks an ability or basic attack, she gets an icy explosion, dealing damage and rooting enemies. This ability can be cast while moving aswell.

Then for her ulty she channels something called Valkyrie essence where she summons a blizzard around her that grows over time. Enemies inside the blizzard take a tick damage per second and are slowed. At the end of the ult, Hrist performs a finishing strike, dealing damage to all enemies in the area and freezing them.


Japanese - Maiden of Frost (Ranged, Magical)

Yuki-onna is known for her striking appearance, supernatural abilities, and enigmatic behavior. These have become defining characteristics in various depictions of her legend, portraying her duality as a captivating yet dangerous figure in Japanese folklore.

Passive Hypothermia: Enemies hit by Yuki-onna’s abilities are struck by Hypothermia increasing ability damage done by her.

A01 Frozen Volley: Yuki-onna fires a volley of ice shards decaying in damage as it hits. After the ability is done firing, she can recast it to launch all the shards in a direction she chooses.

A02 Snowball: Yuki-onna fires a ball of ice on a targeted location. Enemies hit by the initial blast are slowed, and the affected area becomes slippery causing a tremble effect.

A03 Soothing Cold: Yuki-onna freezes herself and an enemy at short range making them untargetable. Yuki-onna heals while in the ice. The ice cube can be auto-attacked by both teams to push it around the battlefield.

A04 Winter Storm: Yuki-onna summons a blizzard on the battlefield blinding and slowing all enemies in it and dealing chip damage. If they are hit by 3 ticks, they are frozen in place until the blizzard ends, becoming displacement immune and gaining mitigations.



Aztec - The Turquoise Lord (Ranged Magical)

He brings the seasons and festivals to the battlegrounds with purifying and bruning heat. He is also sometimes considered to be a manifestation of the Lord of Duality. In other words, he's a stance-switcher.

Passive Fire’s Dichotomy: Xiultecuhtli has two forms: Creation and Destruction. When all three abilities are down on one stance, Xiultecuhtli switches to the other. 

A01 Purified Light: Xiuhtecuhtli lobs a beacon that attaches to an ally (or is on the ground) and explodes outward. Allies within the area are healed by the burst. Enemies take some damage.

B01 Searing Torch: Xiuhtecuhtli lobs a torch that shatters on impact exploding into embers on the ground. Enemies hit by this also suffer from a burn.

A02 Hallowed Field: Xiuhtecuhtli stomps the ground as flames erupt around him dealing tick damage to enemies in the circle. Allies in the circle gain additional attack speed and their autos apply a burn.

B02: Ring of Fire: Xiuhtecuhtli stomps the ground as a more aggressive flame bursts out. Enemies in the field take a burst of damage as well as suffer a burn.

A03 Cleansing Flame: Xiuhtecuhtli targets an ally god and purifies them of any bleeds and CCs and heals the target god.

B03 Immolate: Xiuhetecuhtli targets an enemy god and burns them, taking 10% increased damage from all sources and slows.

A04 Sacrificial Fire: Xiuhetecuhtli channels an explosion rooting himself and sacrificing his HP (max 90%). Depending on how much HP is sacrificed, the damage and radius scales. Damage taken by enemies counts towards the sacrifice. If he dies while channeling, the explosion goes off. Enemies take magical damage equal to the HP sacrificed + INT.

LeoMo's avatar

Hypnos is the god of sleep in Greek mythology. The personification of sleep and drowsiness.

He would be a wizard who would focus on stunning his enemies.



His passive would be ''Awaken''. Whenever an enemy left Hypnos with less than 50% life, he would be stunned for 1.5 seconds and the range of Hypnos' abilities would increase by 20% for 6 seconds.

1st skill: Deep Sleep, would create an area that would stun enemies for 1.5 seconds and heal Hypnos a little.

2nd skill: Nightmare, would release area damage that would slow enemies and deal damage based on the god's maximum life.

3rd skill: fall asleep, would be a single target skill that would stun for 0.5 seconds and then leave the enemy with a 3 second slowdown, in addition to damage based on the target's lost life.

4th skill: sleep of death, would create a circle of action of the skill, all enemies that were in that circle would take a lot of damage, based on the god's maximum life, and would leave the enemy slowed.

Neyamavu's avatar


(Greek - The Echo of Love)

Damage Type - Magical

I love mirror-based characters in games, and I think that Narcissus can fit that bill pretty well. I will say, I'm going to give the ultimate options simply because I know tech limitations are a thing, but either would be super cool.

He would be a ranged, magical god that used a staff with a mirror on the tip to refract light as auto attacks. He would be mixed scaling using strength for auto attacks and some of his abilities to maximize possibilities with his mirrors, but intelligence would be the bulk of all of the ability damage. I can also see him as a backline support that focused on buffing his allies with CDR for his A01 while keeping the enemy boxed in and some great mirror placements alongside the CC provided by his A02.

Passive: Crime of Passion
Each time a mirror is shattered, Narcissus is filled with spite towards the god that shattered it. Narcissus does 5% increased damage against that target for 5s.

Ability 1: Narcissist's Impact
Narcissus places a mirror. These mirrors have the ability to bounce any ally projectile for additional damage. They also reflect Narcissus's basic attacks for a reduced amount of damage, but it always aims at the nearest target. He can have up to 6 mirrors out. The mirrors have collision and take 1 auto to shatter.

Ability 2: Shattered Love
Narcissus cries for himself. His tears ripple out, lowering speed and defense of enemies around him and shattering any mirror in range. Shattered mirrors do damage to any god within the mirror's radius.

Ability 3: Echo
Narcissus enters his mirror and exits another mirror within sight. The cooldown scales off of distance.

Ability 4 (proposed idea 1): Mirror Image
Narcissus holds out his staff and absorbs an enemy projectile. This blocks that ability from hitting him and stores it for later use. When used, this ability goes on cooldown for however long the used ability's cooldown is.

Ability 4 (proposed idea 2): Perplexing Pool
Narcissus creates a reflective pool of water on the battlefield. Anyone standing in the pool for 2s is mesmerized by their own beauty until they take damage. Narcissus can use Shattered Love to break the surface tension of the pool causing it to explode.


Sedna, Goddess of the Sea

Sedna, the Inuit Goddess of the Sea, commands the depths with tides, marine creatures, and icy powers. She could be as a hybrid Support/Mage, offering crowd control, sustain, and maybe burst potential.

Role: Support/Mage

Damage Type: Magical


Passive – Abyssal Favor - Allies near Sedna gain 5% increased healing and lifesteal. When Sedna takes damage, she grants herself and allies a small shield for 3 seconds

Ability 1 – Tidal Surge - Sedna summons a powerful tidal wave, damaging and knocking back enemies. Allies hit by the wave gain bonus movement speed.

Ability 2 – Call of the Deep - Sedna summons a circle of marine creatures that slow enemies and heal allies within the area.

Ability 3 – Ice Floe - Sedna summons an ice floe beneath her, gliding forward. Enemies hit take damage and are briefly rooted.

Ultimate – Wrath of the Depths - Sedna unleashes the power of the ocean, creating a massive whirlpool that drags enemies to its center and deals heavy damage over 4 seconds. Enemies at the center are stunned for 1 second at the end of the effect.

CMDR Henckes's avatar


He is another Yoruba god, the messenger.

He would be another suporte and melee god, that would grant some attack and protection buffs and skill that would deal a good amount of damage.

His auto attack, Exu's staff, will be a short range an he would use his staff to deal damage from the enemies

He would have a passive, the Whispers of Confusion, that would affect the enemy god where he will gain up to 20% of slow and this will increase with the damage that the Exu's staff deals.

His firs skill, Staff Swig, will make he dash in a short distance and when hit other god the god will be pulled in the same direction and gain 2 seconds of stun. While the Exu gains a buff of speed for the same time.

The second skill, Fire of blessing, would make a circle below you with fire where the enemy that is inside will suffer magical damage over time and would loss protection while the allies gods would receive STR and INT buffs and physical and magical protection. while they are inside the circle, after the circle vanishes or some one get out it the effect will remains for 2 seconds more.

The third skill, Fire Run, will transform your body into fire and make an influence are that if your alies are close will gain 50% of the same buffs as you, that are movement speed buff to 170%, attack increase by 50%, magical protection in 20% and physical protection by 50%. and this effect will remains for 8 seconds.

His ultra, Heat Column, will pull a column of fire from the sky to a desired are on the ground, this column would deal immediate damage and the gods and minions that are hit by it will be set on fire and would gain damage over time.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

In Greek mythology, Hyperion stands as one of the formidable Titans, offspring of the primordial deities Uranus, representing the sky, and Gaia, embodying the earth. As the Titan of light, Hyperion's domain encompasses the luminance of the heavens, closely linked with solar phenomena. He is celebrated not only for his own attributes but also for being the progenitor of a trio of deities pivotal to the daily cycle of light: Helios, the personification of the sun; Selene, the goddess of the moon; and Eos, who heralds the dawn. Through these children, Hyperion's influence extends across the sky, from the first light of day to the serene glow of the night.

Here are five potential abilities for Hyperion in Smite 2:

1. Solar Flare :Hyperion unleashes a blinding burst of solar energy, damaging foes over time while temporarily impairing their vision.

2. Dawn's Renewal: He bathes allies in a rejuvenating light that heals them, with the healing peaking at the game's dawn.

3. Lunar Eclipse: Hyperion darkens the battlefield with a simulated lunar eclipse, diminishing enemy strength and making them easier to control.

4. Celestial Chains: He conjures chains of light to ensnare enemies, pulling them closer and disrupting their strategies.

5. Eternal Day: For his ultimate, Hyperion transforms into a beacon of perpetual light, boosting his own speed and resilience, while scorching nearby enemies with radiant damage.

His damge type would be guardian/mage.🤓

Base Health: Around 600 - 700

Health per Level: Approximately 85 - 100


Deity: Nyarlathotep

The character has the role of Mage with a Magic damage type and a high difficulty. A base of 500 health that increases by 80 for each level you pass and a base mana of 300 with the increase of 50 per level and the speed of 375 that remains constant regardless of the level.

Passive effect: The skills hit the enemies by hitting about 2% of their health with a magic damage of 5 seconds.

Various skills

1) Skill Thousand Faces: The deity takes on various faces. Wolf with a 30% increased speed that slows after the first attack and affects a damage of 50% MP.

2) Vortex of Chaos: The deity summons a vortex that attracts enemies and inflicts a 60% MP of damage. (it does it only once)

3) Creeping Shadow: The deity teleports from one point to another leaving a shadow that explodes. You can repeat this process only 3 times.

Hunter's avatar

Erebus – Primordial God of Darkness and Shadows

Erebus is a Greek god. A god of Darkness and Shadows, he would be a great add next to other Greek gods in smite 2 as an Assassin or as a Warrior.

Yes there are many Greek gods in the game but his one can change the dynamic, I imagine a stealthy god that can change realm and have access to other paths on the map. I imagine him as charismatic, pre deterministic god .
  • Abilities:

    • 1) Darkborn: Gains power in the bush or when near walls.

    • 2) Shadow Grasp: Sends tendrils of darkness to stun enemies for 4 seconds.

    • 3) Eclipse Dash: Dashes through enemies, dealing damage and leaving behind a shadow clone that keep chasing enemies for 3 seconds.

    • 4) Abyssal Descent (Ultimate): Erebus transforms into a massive shadow form that is invisible to enemies, draining life from all nearby foes. with that Erebus go to the realm of shadows and darkness where he unlocks new ways to reach the enemies base


God Name: Veles, the Deceiver

Pantheon: Slavic

Class: Mage

Type: Ranged, Magical

Role: Mid Lane


Veles, the Slavic god of cunning, magic, and the underworld, slips between light and shadow with his changing nature. Enemy of Perun, the god of thunder, Veles is a trickster who challenges the established order, poisoning the minds of mortals with illusions and transformations. Now, he has arrived at the battlefield of the gods to exact his revenge and spread his chaos.

Skill Kit:

Passive – Path of Deception

Every time Veles uses a skill, he leaves behind an illusory image for 3 seconds that copies his movements but deals no damage. Enemies can attack it, but if they do, they are slowed by 10% for 2 seconds.

Skill 1 – Hypnotic Gaze (Line, CC)

Veles projects an illusory gaze in a straight line that damages all enemies hit. If an enemy is hit twice within 3 seconds (either by this ability or by the passive's illusion), they are stunned for 1.2 seconds.

  • Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+75% magic power)

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana

Skill 2 – Changing Form (Buff, Transformation)

Veles takes the form of a mythological beast for 4 seconds, increasing his movement speed and gaining a new ability in this state:

  • Beast Mode – Feral Slash: Veles dashes forward, dealing damage in an area and slowing enemies by 20% for 2 seconds.

  • Speed bonus: 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%

  • Feral Claw Damage: 90/140/190/240/290 (+65% magic power)

  • Cooldown: 14 seconds

  • Cost: 65 mana

Skill 3 – Shadow Path (Escape, Stealth)

Veles is immersed in a dark fog for 2.5 seconds, becoming invisible. If he uses a skill while stealthed, his next auto attack deals additional damage and slows.

  • Stealth duration: 2.5 seconds

  • Bonus damage from next auto attack: 50/80/110/140/170 (+50% magic power)

  • Cooldown: 15 seconds

  • Cost: 75 mana

Skill 4 (Ultimate) – Supreme Illusion (Area, CC, Explosion)

Veles creates a giant duplicate of himself in a selected area for 3 seconds. Enemies within the area see illusions of themselves and take gradual damage. After the duration, the illusion explodes, dealing magic damage and stunning nearby enemies.

  • Damage per second: 40/60/80/100/120 (+30% magic power)

  • Burst Damage: 150/200/250/300/350 (+80% Magic Power)

  • Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds

  • Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70 seconds

  • Cost: 100 mana

Gameplay and Strategy:

Veles is a mage of deception and mobility, specializing in confusing enemies and manipulating the battlefield with illusions. His combination of stealth, crowd control, and burst damage makes him a threat in team fights.


  • High crowd control with stuns and slows.

  • Decent mobility thanks to his escape and transformation.

  • Tricky abilities that can cause enemies to waste their resources.


  • Fragile if caught without his stealth or mobility.

  • His maximum effectiveness depends on the confusion of the enemy.


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