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Share your go-to loadout when fighting Terminids in Helldivers 2 for $3!

in Video Games


I don't run bugs often, but when I do, I make a point of using DP-40 Hero of The Federation (Page 5 of the free pass). The chance to survive lethal damage is great, although light armor is nice if you want to move quickly (literally and figuratively) I use The Breaker as my primary, it deals a lot of damage and can easily handle a lot of the bugs you'll be fighting in close quarters, but you'll have to get creative against hive guards and chargers. I always use the P-19 (it's the only pistol I have), the full auto and high clip is really potent against the swarms of smaller enemies. Impact grenades are nice in general, and the new incendiary impact grenade might be worthwhile, but I can't comment much more on it as I don't have it. I use different stratagems depending on the mission, but I always either use the flamethrower or the grenade launcher. Both are excellent crowd control, I think the flamethrower might be stronger because it can damage chargers if you fire under them and the damage over time shreds, but the grenade launcher can seal bug holes and does high damage instantly, which also has its merits. I also recommend the Expendable Anti-Tank. That thing is absolutely amazing with a very low cooldown and (technically) two shots, just don't forget to pick your other support back up if you brought one. The Orbital Rail Cannon is a great tool for destroying chargers and bile titans (if you're lucky), though the 500kg is also good for this, better for the bile titans if you can manage to keep them in one place for 4 secs, though you'll have to be creative against the chargers with it. The laser rover is a must. It's so good at keeping you from getting swarmed by hunters and smaller enemies and it keeps everything nice and clear. In theory, the Airburst Rocket Launcher should be great against the flying bugs, but I prefer to use the gatling sentry. I only ever had this happen once where I was swarmed from above, but the gatling sentry cleaned house. The Gas orbital strike is really good, too. Put it on bug breaches and look away. The eagle airstrike, cluster airstrike, and rocket pods are also really strong, but cc is probably better handled in the hands of the diver. The grenade launcher and flamethrower are both so strong.