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JimboSlicey's avatar

So personally in Helldivers my favourite loadout would be the Breaker shotgun as a primary my secondary is the P-19 Redeemer these two weapons are perfect against the bugs and the shotgun is great against the bots, my explosive is Impact grenades not only are they great for large bugs like a charger but also close bug holes in one hit using this alongside a shield backpack makes you almost unstoppable.

Ford James's avatar

Agreed - even despite the nerf a while back, the Breaker shotgun is still ol' reliable.

What stratagems and armour would you take to deal with the bugs? That's all we're missing for a full loadout!

Scrbzy's avatar

I think part of the beauty of HD2 is that you can kind of run what you want and get away with it. I tend to chop and change mine dependent on the mission but I have a 'go to' as such that follows:

  • Primary: I tend to run the SG-225 BREAKER when facing both bots AND bugs, it has a large clip size, decent damage, high fire rate and a surprising range for a shotgun. I think there's an incendary version? I've seen a few players rocking it on bugs, I imagine that's even better!

  • Secondary: I never switch off from the P-19 REDEEMER, it's my staple regardless of enemy/mission. Great for whipping out when you don't have time to reload your BREAKER, insane fire rate and a quick reload.

  • Grenade: I use the base grenade, G-12 HIGH EXPLOSIVE. The highest damage alongside the G-16 but I tend to throw my nades at my feet as I run when I'm fighting bugs, instant detonation wouldn't be a good feature for me....

  • Booster: Entirely dependent on the squad you're running with, but I think the clear winner is Stamina Enhancement. The endless running and kiting you end up doing makes it invaluable. It's also just a jack of all trades, with the exception of the defense missions, it's nearly always useful.

  • Armour: I always run light armour on pretty much any mission, the extra speed and stamina it provides makes up for the lesser protection. Always better to be able to avoid damage in the first place!

  • Stratagems: Again, heavily dependent on the mission type but I do have my favs. Eagle Airstrikes are useful in EVERY situation, plus if you have an upgraded hangar you get 3 charges! Second would be my Guard Dog Rover, even after the nerfs I'm always thankful that it's there to clear all the shitty little bugs that I'm not paying attention to.. Third would be the Quasar Cannon, even post nerf this gun remains my 'weapon of choice'. High damage, high range but a gnarly cooldown. Still, it's reliable for use against most enemies, I love blasting Charger's legs before unloading a full BREAKER cllip into them to finish them off. Finally I take the Gatling sentry, I tend to throw it down randomly when I'm kiting and let it clear all the trash. Really handy for when you find yourself getting overwhelmed.

Ford James's avatar

I see lots of people claim the Guard Dog Rover isn't essential as it just farms the easy bugs and inflates kill stats, but I think those people are bonkers - it's so good at stopping you from being overwhelmed, so you can solely focus on the big baddies. Definitely my go-to as well!

Scrbzy's avatar

I have to admit, I've been swapping it out for the normal Guard Dog on the higher difficultly missions. It's much much better but eats ammo like there's no tomorrow...


This would be my go to for any regular mission, it is focused more for small and mid range bugs, too many chargers and biles might become a problem as you will fast run out of strategems for them but since majority of people will run Quasar cannon or something similar the build fits in great in teams. Excels vs Nursing and Biles spewers and also on Blitz missions due to Granade launcher.


breaker incidiary, grenade pistol, 500kg, airstrike, quasar cannon, and laser rover.

Zibblobet's avatar

I don't run bugs often, but when I do, I make a point of using DP-40 Hero of The Federation (Page 5 of the free pass). The chance to survive lethal damage is great, although light armor is nice if you want to move quickly (literally and figuratively) I use The Breaker as my primary, it deals a lot of damage and can easily handle a lot of the bugs you'll be fighting in close quarters, but you'll have to get creative against hive guards and chargers. I always use the P-19 (it's the only pistol I have), the full auto and high clip is really potent against the swarms of smaller enemies. Impact grenades are nice in general, and the new incendiary impact grenade might be worthwhile, but I can't comment much more on it as I don't have it. I use different stratagems depending on the mission, but I always either use the flamethrower or the grenade launcher. Both are excellent crowd control, I think the flamethrower might be stronger because it can damage chargers if you fire under them and the damage over time shreds, but the grenade launcher can seal bug holes and does high damage instantly, which also has its merits. I also recommend the Expendable Anti-Tank. That thing is absolutely amazing with a very low cooldown and (technically) two shots, just don't forget to pick your other support back up if you brought one. The Orbital Rail Cannon is a great tool for destroying chargers and bile titans (if you're lucky), though the 500kg is also good for this, better for the bile titans if you can manage to keep them in one place for 4 secs, though you'll have to be creative against the chargers with it. The laser rover is a must. It's so good at keeping you from getting swarmed by hunters and smaller enemies and it keeps everything nice and clear. In theory, the Airburst Rocket Launcher should be great against the flying bugs, but I prefer to use the gatling sentry. I only ever had this happen once where I was swarmed from above, but the gatling sentry cleaned house. The Gas orbital strike is really good, too. Put it on bug breaches and look away. The eagle airstrike, cluster airstrike, and rocket pods are also really strong, but cc is probably better handled in the hands of the diver. The grenade launcher and flamethrower are both so strong.


Here is my usual loadout with terminids. It varies slightly sometimes but for the most part, this is it.

  • Primary: LAS-16 Sickle. I find that if I time the cooldowns right, I potentially will never run out of ammo since it's energy based and not round based. Yes I lose out on medium+ armor penetration, but for dealing with a swarming group of scavengers or pouncers it's great.

  • Secondary: GP-31 Grenade Pistol. I keep this on hand for closing bug holes and for the occasional bile or nursing spewer that won't go down. As long as I have enough distance to not blow myself up, it works beautifully.

  • Grenade: G-23 Stun. I keep this on hand if I see chargers or just large groups that I want to hold in place for a bit. This is crucial to allow myself some breathing room to stim or reload, or to simply call in an eagle while they're stun-locked. It can't close bug holes, but that's why I take the Grenade Pistol.

  • Armor: CE-07 Demolition Specialist. The extra speed here is a lifesaver at times. Whenever I forget to switch off my medium armor from automaton loadouts I definitely notice! The recoil reduction is nice to stay on target but the increased grenade capacity is what shines for me. Having those extra 2 stuns can mean the world when all I need is 1/2 second to run a terminal command. Helmet I use is the B-08 Light Gunner just cause I like the red visor compliment to the armor's red trim and I wear either the Fallen Hero's Vengeance or the Eagle's Fury cape


  • LAS-99 Quasar Cannon -This is great against chargers and bile titans and takes out anything an E.A.T. would without using ammo

  • SH-32 Shield Generator Pack - This comes invaluable considering the fact that hunters and pouncers exist and considering how sneaky some chargers can be.

  • Eagle Airstrike - Throw this on a bug breach or on a freshly grenade-stunned group of bugs and it shines. Helps supplement with nests too since I run stun grenades.

  • Eagle 500Kg Bomb - I typically save these for titans so I have a meaningful way of dealing with them.


breaker shotgun : rapid fire keeps the bugs at bay

quasar : infinite shooting and charges whilst using other weapons to take out titans

380 walking barrage. love throwing it over large nests. particualy useful if you run of and solo mission from your friends and can use it without injuring them. plus its so satisfying

eagle airstrike : get the job done over medium area

mortar : just seems to last for ages and ages

guide dog laser : helps in the hairiest of situations

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Personal Loadout:

  • SG-225 Breaker

  • GP-31 Grenade Pistol

  • G-12 High Explosive Grenade

Handle small to Medium Bugs, like Prinz Charming. You are bug hole closer without using the grenade glitch.


  • Eagle Cluster Bomb

  • Quasar Cannon

  • Shield Generator Pack (God mode <3 abd Hugs)

  • Orbital Railcannon Strike

This for big stuff our crowd control or if you just want to see some bugs burn.

Armor you can choose what ever you like but maybe don´t stick to the heavy ones they make you sooo sloooooowww.


My go to loadout as an Uber noob spreading managed democracy is as follows - hopefully help out some other newbies!

Primary - AR23p liberator penetrator - simple assault rife to lay waste to tons of bugs with rapid fire!

Secondary - P-19 redeemer - full auto pistol is a great backup when no time to reload , more like an SMG tbh

Grenade - g12 high explosive - makes bugs go boom!

Stratagems -

Eagle strafing run - great for carpet bombing a small area and reloads quick

A/mg-43 machine sentry gun - adds another automated gun to your squad when you need more firepower! Great basic turret!

Orbital precision strike - super powerful direct explosive shell hit which will lay waste to most things it hits! Also reloads quick! Which is handy when you need to use it again asap!

MG-43 machine gun - a big heavy machine gun with a huge magazine means you can live out your Rambo moments on helldivers! It’s a blast!

Booster - hellpod space optimisation - your going into war so may as well be loaded to the brim with ammo and supplies!

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