Joined six months ago
in Elite Dangerous
Thrustmaster T16000M FCS HOTAS
Good pricepoint, lots of mappable buttons, accurate input, cool design, and comfortable in the hands.
Budget-mid-range product, feels much more expensive.
A perfect tool for locating stations, trade routes, commodities, outfitting parts, components, and more.
Select which one fits your needs (ex. Trade routes), then input your location within the galaxy and then itll instantly provide you with the most profitable trade route locations
Let's say I want to outfit a Viper MK IV with specific modules,
I can just input all the modules I need in the Outfitting tab, and it'll show me the closest locations so I dont have to hunt around to different stations aimlessly.
INARA is a essential for the game and it makes coordination as a pilot a whole lot easier and removes many troubles.
-Find a good ship to utilize (such as any of the ships in the Cobra, Viper, or Eagle series) and outfit it with a recommended outfitting selection found online.
-Go to a decently populated system (preferably 1 million or above) and go to the navigation beacon.
-Target nearby ships and if the scan results show up as wanted, make sure that they are not too high of a rank for you to fight (something like a Cobra with a Harmless combat rating is perfect), or help system security take down a ship.
-If it says they are wanted on the scan results, attack until killed and the bounty will pop up in the Transactions tab
-Collect the bounty at a station within the system where the target was killed, or if you are not within that factor you can go to a Interstellar factor to claim it.