For an answer that will surprise absolutely no one at all in the slightest, Mass Effect.
Now, do I want a huge big nod to the game? No. We already had a large alien enemy stealing humans, putting them in pods to be rescued from their ships and then as their final stand taking the battle to Earth, which I'm sure has only been done in those two videogames and no others.
But would I love to drop into a system that looks like it might be about where Trebia is and see a Palaven and its moon Menae just sitting there with Menae as a landable with a tenuous atmosphere? WOWSER.
Same for Thessia, Tuchanka, Illium, etc... the list goes on.
Now with Colonization we might have the opportunity to eventually put down our own spaceports and call them things like Cipritine but it wouldn't be the same.
Maybe one day a wandering commander in a beautiful purple nebula will happen upon the relic of a gigantic space station, over forty times the size of a coriolis, with five arms that are open and a broken. A relic from a forgotten time, pulled across dimensions, what stories it could tell?
If I can have the Normandy in No Man's Sky, I'd like to visit the Citadel in Elite Dangerous please!