Trailblazers, don't forget to photograph your trails! We've got another chance for you to put your Elite photography skills on display. To win a prize, submit your best screenshot taken during an attempt to colonise the galaxy. It could be of a Colonisation Ship, a Colonisation Beacon, a highlight from the system you're colonising, your new industrial hub, or something else entirely - just make sure it's pretty and clearly shows off the new update. Include some text in your social media post so we know exactly what we're looking at. We'd love it if you included #Just, #Trailblazers, and #EliteDangerous too, but it's not essential.
Your screenshot does not need to be newly taken for this reward. As with most rewards on Just, we're happy to award content that's previously been published on other platforms. It does, however, need to be your screenshot, so be sure to first connect a social media account, post your image on that social account, and then share that post in your reward entry.
You're welcome to enter with up to six images, but there's only one prize per entrant. We recommend removing the HUD before taking your photo.
Image credit: Frontier Developments and Moonshade Gaming as seen in our showcase of Elite Dangerous nebulae screenshots.
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$5 / 250
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