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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
XCezor's avatar

o7 Commanders!
Trailblazers hit us with a lot of new content, but also a decent amount of bugs, like these 2 colonisation beacons where there should be only 1 πŸ˜…

But also a new huge Colonisation Ship, which is approximately 2-3 times larger than the Fleet Carrier, with twice as much landing pads on both sides!

With a new megaship, I've also decided to make something new, the Constructor, a new Imperial Cutter in my fleet that is a cargo ship, which I was using to build, together with friends, my first starport (with default name atm, I have limited ARX and I need to be very careful with giving it a name πŸ˜…).

ayebawl's avatar

I would love to have shared a beautiful trailblazers screenshot, however my choice of system and the position of my newly constructed pirate outpost doesnt lend itself to spectacular sunrises unfortunately.

My station, recently renamed to the more appropriate Black Outpost, is in perpetual darkness, stuck in the shadow of the single planet in the system. I'm planning on marketing it as a must see destination for all goth and wanna be vampire pirates. Its gonna be a goldmine!


I decided to give this colonisation thing a go and I picked COL 285 SECTOR KK-B B15-5 to colonise:

I had to buy and outfit a Type 9 so I could haul a bunch of goods and hopefully build my first station.


"I present to you the solitude inside an under deployment outpost. This is Biggle Terminal, in system Hydrae Sector SD-T b3, which I am the architect under L&L Company. From cargo to undertaking colonisation to expand the galaxy! Also some pics of the first settlements: Laffey Extraction Enterprise and Boldyr Hydroponics Exchange, both already operational! Now all the efforts are around the system Space Farm: Amaldi Vista. hope to see you CMDRs at the system, Biggle Terminal will be operational on Thursday March 4th 3311. Fly Safe! o7"


After cutting off a complete mountain peak we can safely build our new mining site out of reach of any other than airborne attacks...

Fun fact: When the station was finished within some hours and setup by the system, there were also some Exo-Bio plants placed on the platform. They grow pretty fast... πŸ˜‚

CMDR John Wick's avatar

My colonization efforts are between helping my Brazilian community and also my CANONN group and also my own interests and those of my friends.

In this photo I share is of my front line for large-scale operations, great Cutter. And for small resources I'm using a T-8 and after all the effort, a photo of a station from a friend system, a Coriolis X.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Niceygy, we've awarded this but don't forget to add a caption for future screenshot rewards so everyone knows what they're looking at πŸ™

Doc's avatar

I liked the update, and I think the new game feature has brought more life and play options for the game. I've claimed one system, and I'm building my system infrastructure right now. The material acquisition process can be tricky for some materials, but the great views of Elite Dangerous Galaxy are always refreshing. Here are some pictures of my hauling process, picking materials into one surface outpost and delivering them in my system colonization ship:


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