Squizz Caphinator
Joined over one year ago
in EVE Online
35 rewards remaining
Where do I even start? How about the beginning!
Even before I started playing Eve Online in 2008 I have always been into website design and administration of servers (full stack dev). Coming into Eve Online, discovering the API, as well as the various 3rd party tools that had been created I felt right in place. I started working with the eve-kill folks and improved the killboard and kept it from imploding in on itself. I also began creating other sites as well as my own killboard and have since been maintained and improved upon that killboard: zkillboard.com. The website has enjoyed an average of 100k-150k distinct users per month for well over a decade!
All of this translates into vastly improving my skillsets in various programming languages (PHP, JavaScript, etc.) which improved my professional life as well. These improvements pushed me further to get an MBA in Information Technology which in turn has provided excellent new job opportunities .
In summary, Eve Online has had a massive butterfly effect on my life from personal relationships (friendship is the best ship), stress management, professional relationships, education, and working knowledge of mixing various technologies. Thank you CCP for a fun game and the unexpected side effect of continuous self improvement.