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Video Games
tinny_three's avatar

BTW - Metathread

What do you think of this format?

Should I add some sites/remove some sites?

Should I keep doing this? Do you not care? Is it derivative?

How can posts like this help our conversation be more focused and interesting than just being a clone of Open Critic? (Perhaps that'll become more apparent with games that are more divisive?)

Joel's avatar

Love it. Always enjoyed a good review round-up.

Re: Pikmin specifically, I've genuinely never understood the appeal. I'm sure they're great games - as these reviews make plain - but I've not once felt the urge to give one a try in all their years.

tinny_three's avatar


Likewise but going through these reviews is making me consider urging myself to try one.

Matt's avatar

As a fundamentally lazy person, review round-ups are always welcome :)

MrTomFTW's avatar

First Eurogamer 5/5, which when you consider Tears Of The Kingdom was reviewed under that system makes Pikmin 4 sound like something to check out

Thomas's avatar

I love Edwin but as a rule of thumb I think you've always gotta add a star to any of his reviews. For me, TOTK was one of the easiest 5/5s ever but each to their own. He gave Sonic Mania an Essential so I can't stay mad


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