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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

For me it has to be Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The original FF7 was the first "big" game I played. Growing up in post-communist Hungary I only had a cheap fake Sega console with some Super Mario levels or shooting game copies on it, only rich kids had real consoles like Play Station. I was over at my friend's and her brother just bought FF7 so we watched him play it and as someone who was constantly trying to escape from a not so happy reality into fantasy worlds, a game with an actual story blew my bind. He let us play it for a bit and I stayed over longer than I was supposed to so I got grounded for a weekend ^^' (I was 12...) No regrets, it was totally worth it.

When the Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children movie came out I wished we had such CGI technology back in the 90s because that was how the game would have looked like then. And we still didn't know that one day we will be graced with the beauty of Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

So I am very excited for Rebirth (Not to mention the 19 inch Sephiroth statue coming with the collectors edition. Where I will put him, no idea...) Remake had a few interesting twists to the original story and I'm really looking forward to see where the next game will take us. Will the story change dramatically or are we just being fooled and we will have that screaming realisation hits moment somewhere during Rebirth or the 3rd game? I guess we will find out soon.

Dead or not I don't care, I will be happy to be able to play as Zack, he's been my favourite since Crisis Core.

Dave's avatar

The only game I'm looking forward to that comes to mind is Cities Skylines 2. I was really hyped and looking forward to the new Sim City back in 2013. When it released I desperately wanted to like it as it's one of my favourite franchises of all time. As much as I tried, it was such a massive disappointment with a total lack of "sim" to it and extremely limited. Cities Skylines came along 18 months or so later and it was everything I hoped at the time for a modern city builder. That said after 30 hours or so the systems at play and their sim limitations became a bit too obvious and the illusion and therefore enjoyment was reduced.

Cue the announcement of Cities Skylines 2, 8 years later. I have been watching the weekly YouTube updates and reading the developer newsletter where each week they announce features and do a deep dive into them. Loads of improvements and refinements have been unveiled. but the highlights for me so far are probably the much improved traffic ai, the cool new feature of road maintenance and traffic accidents, modular city service buildings, climate/season cycles and the much improved simulation of everything overall.

You really need to watch each weeks summary video to get a proper understanding of what is new and changing from Cities Skylines 1. It might not look like much of a difference on the surface if you just watch the announcement trailer v what cities Skylines 1 looks like (and there are some pretty ropey citizen walking animations that look like they are zombies!), but if you look further into it, there are some really interesting and much improved simulation, features and gameplay mechanics that look like they will lead to a much improved game and experience. The only game I have preordered in the last couple of years (aside from starfield), but it's also coming day 1 to gamepass for those that prefer that method of game access!

Just a couple of the many new feature/improvement summary videos. Each week they also do a much longer deep dive video to really get into the finer details.

Damien Mason's avatar

Hades 2

I'll be the first to admit that Hades didn't actually do anything new with roguelikes, but it's a prime example of taking an existing genre and perfecting it. Restarting a run has a distinct purpose and furthers the narrative each time you emerge from the Pool of Styx. The cartoony art style is a clever decision of standing out while balancing performance to work on handhelds like the Nintendo Switch. There's a distinct sense of progression with every new weapon you unlock, each of which pushes you into a different playstyle.

Supergiant Games handled the first game with so much loe and care that I have high hopes for the second one. As excited as I am, however, I'll be reluctant to jump in during Early Access, because I'm reluctant to experience a work-in-progress. I want to see the finished product, polish and all, so I can experience all the wonders from start to finish.

Dan Thomas's avatar

Tiny Glade! Because I really just wanna ProcGen and chill 😎

...oh, and pet the sheep, obv.

Ric Lumb's avatar

I'm actually looking forward to the Super Mario Wonder game the most. I missed out on most of the Nintendo consoles. Apart from a brief owning of a Gamecube & then the Wii (was not a fan of the joycon controllers on Wii). So since getting my switch have been getting a good fix of Mario's new adventures and also managed to get hold of Super Mario 3D All Stars to cacth up on the ones I'd played before. Am hoping my daughter will want to play Wonder as we spent hours on Super MArio 3D worlds together. Great fun in co-op! :)


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