It's time to look back on the year and let your fellow book and comic lovers know what's out there right now! We want you to write and film a video review of any recent book or comic that you read. Here are the rules:
Your review must concern a relatively recent book or comic - we're looking to give our members an understanding of the current releases and trends. Ideally your subject would be published in 2024, but we'll allow a couple of years into the past. Nothing published before 2021, please.
Your review must take the form of an original video of at least two minutes in length (but more is ok, too).
It must be submitted through connected social media.
No spoilers (or at least no major ones)!
Remember that a review is a critical evaluation of something, not a description of it; focus on telling us whether your chosen book or comic is good or bad and most importantly why, not on telling us what happens! You don't have to personally appear on camera if you're not comfortable doing so, but your words and opinions must be your own.
already paid
$30 / 100
This reward closed to entries at 12am on February 14, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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