There are so many awesome, exciting scenes in books and comics that, however exciting they are in our imaginations or however brilliant their artwork, we wish we could see in full motion on the big screen. For this reward, we want you to take us a few steps closer via the magic of stop-motion video and whatever props you have at home!
Here's what to do:
Pick one of your favourite scenes in any book or comic - ideally it would be full of movement and action, so as to make an exciting stop-motion video, and widely known, so other members can recognise your interpretation. It's better still if no one has made a video adaptation already!
Using suitable real-life props (e.g. Lego sets, action figures, Warhammer models, etc), stage and film a stop-motion video depicting the scene. If you're not sure what a stop-motion video is or how to film one, there are plenty of guides online.
Your video must be at least 30 seconds long (more is better, unless unnecessary) and submitted through connected social media.
Your submission must also include a few sentences of explanatory text letting us know which scene you filmed from which book or comic, and any other details we need to understand and enjoy your video.
This is a time-limited reward with a podium finish, which will only close and be judged on March 12. As with all our rewards, we reserve the right to reject submissions that don't hit the quality bar for our top prizes.
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