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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Still checking it, because it's still the most active from the options we have, but I see more and more people leaving. I also have accounts on Threads and BlueSky, but none of them can quite bring yet what Twitter does. I'll need to start posting to all of the alternatives regularly, to build up followers and all that.

Boomer's avatar

That's fair. A 13% drop is significant, but that still leaves a massive userbase.

How have you been finding BlueSky and Threads in terms of ease of use, interesting people to follow etc? I was invited to BlueSky but haven't really done a lot with it other than add a profile picture! 😅

Lanah Tyra's avatar

What I miss from both Bluesky and Threads is the properly functioning tagging system we all like and got used to on Twitter. I barely check Threads because I keep seeing irrelevant stuff in the 'for you' section and no way really to find content relevant to me or people to follow.

Bluesky looks a bit more like Twitter used to be and I think more people are keen to try it out just it's locked behind invites atm which is not helping the situation.

I finally found 2 feeds to follow on it so will see if that will help to find people and content, but I'm still not quite sure how that feature was intended to be used. Probably I need to spend more time on there and just get used to it.

My biggest problem with Twitter is that I see bunch of posts from the same (I guess paid) accounts, and posts don't show on my feed in chronological order, so I miss out on a lot of updates and only see them randomly days later? I have to go on friends' profile to see properly if they've posted something. Sticking with it for now because most people are still there but won't pay a penny for it that's for sure.

Need to check if there is an app which can post to all 3 platform because I don't have the time to write for all of them and just end up posting mainly on Twitter as I have followers there but nothing on the other 2 yet.

Boomer's avatar

I think you can set the timeline as chronological, but it's buried deep in the settings somewhere! I don't know why it was hidden 🤷

An app to post across platforms would be great! I used to use Hootsuite for my old job. It helped serve that role, but it became a bit cumbersome with so many connected accounts and feeds.

Ford James's avatar

I'm still checking it daily unfortunately, because it's still where most people I know in the games industry can be found. I've used BlueSky a little, but until it's available to everyone and I can basically replicate the list of people I follow from Twitter, I don't think it'll become the main platform. I used Threads very briefly when it launched too, but that seems to have died very quickly.

That said, I won't pay a penny to use Twitter when it comes in. The platform has been made so much worse over the last year or so - I would've considered a small fee if it was the Twitter of old, when blue ticks weren't paid-for, bots weren't as rampant, and misinformation wasn't quite as rife, but not a chance in hell would I pay for it in its current state.

Boomer's avatar

That's the problem, there aren't many alternatives with the same audience and functionality.

I loved Twitter before it was taken over. It definitely had it's issues but there seemed to be good faith (if not particularly strong) attempts to clean it up. Totally with you on the refusal to pay for current Twitter!

Thomas's avatar

I quit Twitter when Threads launched and I realised I didn't want to be part of it, and in the process realised I no longer wanted to be part of Twitter. Ironically I did eventually sign up for Bluesky and I like it, partly because it's kind of quiet. I missed having somewhere to put screenshots from games, but I'm a bit sad that Bluesky is still lacking video/GIF uploads

Boomer's avatar

That seems like a pretty major thing to be missing! Still, the idea of a platform that isn't so crowded that you can be heard is nice. I might have to start engaging with it a bit more.

What sort of games to you share screenshots from? I was saying to @lanah-tyra in another thread that I love machinima (games-based filmmaking), and the wave of games with photo mode are incredible!

Thomas's avatar

I can forgive it with videos for now but I'm surprised it doesn't allow gifs! When I signed up to Bluesky I was deep into Armored Core and so I wanted to post screenshots from that, but I also posted screenshots from Sonic Mania the other day

Boomer's avatar

They're some very different games!

Thomas's avatar

I'd like to say that it's a sign of my diverse taste in games but really I just play FromSoft and Sonic games


yeah im still checking it out daily, as it still seems to be the best place for current gaming news and networking with fellow gamers / gaming community / industry. However i have started hedging my best with newer platforms like bluesky, threads and mastodon which i am enjoying even though they are very quiet in comparison to X. And yeah i do not think the rebrand is a good one tbh, twitter had so much legacy in the web space which could have been build upon and is one of the social media OG's. Maybe somehow, somewhere, sometime it will rise from the ashes! (twitter i mean not X)

Boomer's avatar

How are you finding Mastodon?

I was tempted to join shortly after it was released, but I just never got round to it. Is it an active space? From what I've heard Threads is in decline and Bluesky just isn't particularly active.


of the three newbies i mentioned, Mastodon definitely has the most active community i find, lots of people respond and throw in there thoughts on my gaming posts which is cool to see, having some slow organic growth which is cool to see, just posting what i would on the other platforms and im at about 60 followers, but its a slow burn and feels like quality over quantity which is far better so you have real people interested in the same niche all having a chat, id recommend it! here my page if you sign up we can connect -


ahhh i just wrote a big reply but then when i copied my link to the bottom of the reply id deleted it all :( lol basically short version is of the 3 newbies i mentioned earlier mastodon as the most active community, and im getting some organic growth just posting the same content as on the others and im now upto 60 followers, more quality over quantity id say as lots of people chatting away about whatever niche is being discussed

Lanah Tyra's avatar

might try Mastodon out too, and then we'll see in time which one of the new platform will replace X when it eventually dies.

Boomer's avatar

Is this the same bug you mentioned before?

If so I think I know what's happened. Sometimes an embedded image sort of sits over the text. Deleting the embed should reveal the text that it hid.

This is something that's being worked on.

A temporary work around - you can leave a bit of extra space before / after text when embedding something, and then just delete the extra space once it is in.


ps also in my original post i said heres my page so if you sign up lets connect, hence why ive shared my page lol

Boomer's avatar

Thanks! I'll see how I get on with Bluesky for now as I'm already there, but if it's too quiet then Mastodon might be the way to go 🙂


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