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Content Creators
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me it is quite difficult to do, I have seven children and a wife, I work on videos with my son, and am also a Senior IT Engineer as well. Whilst we as a team do make some money from our content it really is not very much, so we persevere and keep moving forwards.

For me my day starts at 7am, out the door by 8am, school run, this is 40 miles a day, then it's home and if my son is off college then we make videos between 10am-2pm. Then it's a school run and back to being a daddy till around 8pm.

Mostly at this point we sit down and make videos or he's playing games with friends. I am of course juggling an actual job as well but as I am WFH (work from home) it's not much an issue as most of work is over the phone, I very rarley have to leave the house for work.

So I'd say I can get roughly 4 hours a day guaranteed making content unless it's shopping day or my wife wants to go for breakfast/lunch etc.

avrona's avatar

Even though I earn no where near minimum wage from it, content creation is still my full-time job and only source of revenue, so I am able to spend 9-to-5-ish hours on it everyday, weekends included. The only other commitment I have is a mere 1 hour a week of online university class.

I do start off my day rather late, and don't usually eat breakfast up until 11 or 12, and as I'm also too tired for recording and don't have enough time to do much before I go and eat, I usually use this time to do some research, posting on social media, etc. After that, I usually get down to more serious work, preparing everything for that day's video. I tend to upload 5-6 full-length videos a week and 10 Shorts, plus a livestream from time to time. Most videos are done in a single day, but more ambitious ones, such as reviews, I usually split up, and do the b-roll on one day, and the main recording and editing the next. So that's pretty much how I spend time from my breakfast/lunch hybrid all the way until dinner, if I get the main shoot done by then that's great, if not, I do straight after dinner. While I try to upload videos around 4pm GMT, as that's what YouTube says is the most optimal time, often it goes way beyond that, and most days I end up working into the night, sometimes uploading right before midnight.

After the main shoot, it's time for editing, which varies greatly in length. Whilst editing, I also collect any assets, such as additional screenshots or already existing video when required.

For better or worse, I don't do much beyond YouTube. I don't go out anywhere, never hang out with anyone, YouTube is pretty much the only thing I do, beyond also watching YouTube and playing games for the occasional entertainment. I get to commit pretty long hours to the channel, often going from around noon or earlier to 10 or 11pm. Is that healthy? Nope, not at all, but YouTube requires commitment. Besides, it's not like I'm sacrificing anything by spending so much time on it, and would probably replace being stressed with being bored. I'm not doing work instead of meeting people or partying, or whatever people do. I do work instead of just sitting bored in my room looking at the ceiling all day.

Schadsquatch's avatar

Typical day: Wake up at 6am > Make breakfast > Drop kids off at daycare > Go to my teaching job> Pick up kids around 415> Feed family> Have kids and chores done by 715-730pm> Get ready for streaming, 15min> Stream for 3ish hours> Go to bed> Repeat

Saturday+Sunday + Monday: EVE. I find these are my best days for followers/view counts as everyone else is getting ready for their week or they are going to bed at a decent hour. Ensuring I'm consistently on these nights are important for my growth and viewer retention. The Monday streams are usually relegated to chill activities with the Saturday and Sunday are for community events in-game.

Tuesday: DND. This is the day I struggle the hardest to keep up with. My numbers and follower count drop whenever I stream DND, but I value my time doing these streams as I get to show a more performative side of myself and spend time with the people I have been playing DND with for the past decade. If a BIG thing is happening in EVE, they are very flexible and don't mind if I skip out running our sessions as they also want to see my Twitch channel grow.

Wednesday and Thursday: Off. Wife needs time with her best friend, me. Happy wife, happy stream life.

Friday: Horror nights. I LOVE horror games. They are great for clickable content on TikTok and Youtube Shorts (much more than my main game). The content I create through these has helped me grow outside of Twitch, much more so than anything I've created through EVE.

TikTok: After Friday horror streams, I grab the 2-3 most memorable moments and create a TikTok/YT Short after family breakfast with my family on Saturdays while the kids are watching TV. Takes me about 30 min to slap those together. I try my best to do this at least once every one-two weeks.

Streaming: Balancing my streaming with the responsibilities of a family has been the hardest thing to do since I have started streaming more regularly. I find that streaming for under 3 hours prevents me from growing as quickly as my peers, but it prevents me from feeling burnt-out. Streaming this little also allows me to focus on what is most important in my life, my wife and kids. I really do love creating content, engaging with others, teaching and making people happy. But ensuring my kids get their dad 100% of their waking time is a lot more important than making the follower number go up.

My community also understands that sometimes I need to take a week off to focus on my 9-5 or I need to walk away from my computer during an important moment in the stream to help deal with my kids. It really reduces the amount of stress I feel, so the FOMO is very minimal.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

My schedule is all over the place at the moment, as this year could have been easily labelled like that one Star Trek Voyager episode ‘A year of hell Part 1’ just I feel like I’m already on part 4. Let’s hope next year I can get back to the schedule below :D

I have a 9-5 job with a few days allowing me to work from home so at least I don’t have to deal with commuting all the time; and also have a partner who requires some attention. We play FFXIV together, and sit next to each other, so I can only really do streaming when I’m alone at home or if I stream one of our raid sessions.


If I have a raid stream (currently Tuesdays) it’s mostly preparing for the raid itself, check guides, prepare buff food, etc and it’s actually the easier stream to do, because most of my focus is on the discord voice chat with the group and the game itself. I still reply to stream chat of course, but can’t really have long conversations with my viewers. We usually have 2 hrs sessions, but it can vary depending if someone needs to leave earlier or if we are close to a clear and decide to push it a bit longer.

If I do my casual gameplay stream (currently Mondays) I stream for 2 hours and I try to plan ahead which checkpoint I want to reach in the story quest to not leave it at an awkward point and if there is any seasonal event or other side content I want to spend some time with. I also want to use this content in the future to make it into short guides for my Youtube channel, so whenever I get to a point where I can teach some gameplay techniques, I make notes for what I want to talk about.

Since I have to start streaming shortly after I get home from work, I update the stream title/description/etc earlier during the day so when it’s time I just have to fire up everything and hit the start stream button. I also use OneNote for quick copy+paste stream titles, tweet templates, whatever you can think of. Easily accessible from any of my devices and saves an awful lot of time typing and potentially mistyping things :D

Video editing:

I’m not good at making clips mid-fight (I feel that steam deck purchase incoming soon….) but I use markers, so if there was anything worth clipping from my streams, I do that straight after the session.

I prefer to edit longer videos over the weekend, as if I get started, I only realise I’ve been sitting there for 8+ hours when I hear the shout from the kitchen that dinner is ready. If I get an idea for a video, I record most of the footage during the week as I still have the energy for that after work, then review it and make notes of the time stamps to make the editing as quick as possible. (I love some good old-fashioned stationery, somehow I feel productive when the desk has colourful pretty notes all over it and I can physically cross something out from a to-do list)


I used to post every day from 2-3 games when I started the channel, which I usually did as a wind-down before bedtime. Now I post a couple of times a week as I have less time to play so have less screenshots and I prefer quality over quantity. All my screenshots are saved to my Google drive, so I can post them from my phone too. Trying to make the most use of my commuting time :D

Just About:

If I don't have an idea for a bounty straight away or don't have time to create the content for it, I put the deadline in my calendar, and usually that's my afternoon coffee time activity to write the content for the bounties.

FUN INC's avatar

Streaming : 8 hours a week - Thursday and Saturday

Fleet commanding: ditto

I have differentiated between the two as they offer two unique perspectives.

For the streaming - you see, and hear everything - all my commands, the support pilots, but also my screen.

As a participant of one of my fleets - you don't see the other stuff - you only hear my commands.

Both create content.

That said, these aren't the only activites - running a community discord with nearly 2.5K players on, running events (secret santa, halloween, fireworks night, fun week, friendship week and so on) - these are all events that take up a significant amount of time.

One thing is for sure, I don't regret any of it. I love the community, i love what we have and i love what I do. No matter how many people come to the fleets, i always give my all!

Rich's avatar

Shoutout to Lanah Tyra for this idea on our latest suggest-a-bounty bounty!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yay! Am I still allowed to make a submission for it? :D

Boomer's avatar

Yeah that's fine, go for it! 🙂


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