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EveOnlineTutorials's avatar


For me, My videos are all about positivity, we try to keep videos where we "question" the game (Eve Online/Minecraft) to a minimum, it's about teaching, showing what ships do what, what modules do what, and why things are the way they are. We will often take video requests if people feel we have not covered a certain area within the game.

I also believe strongly in answering comments, all of them, as much as you possibly can, not just picking your favorite comments and ignoring the rest. So for me, I will set aside say 1-2 hours a week where I go through my comments section and answer as many as possible, this way I am actively interacting with my community at all times.

With YouTube community posts are VERY important, even if it's just posting the latest MCT deals, polls, or patch notes, I believe that this shows your community that you are showing that you actively want to help make sure the information they need, can be found on your channel.

With Thumbnails I go for good images with bold text, this is mostly due to the nature of Eve Online and Minecraft, also tbh, my ugly mug on thumbnails would cause my channel to collapse....

I think it's important to always note and remember that your community is what makes you, you, it makes your online persona, without your community, you are just a nameless person, posting video game content. To think you are "better" or trying to "rise above" your community i.e. "I am far too important and famous to answer people," I think is when you lose the point of what a content creator is.

Boomer's avatar

It sounds like you place a lot of importance on staying grounded as a creator, and I imagine that goes a long way to foster a positive connection with your community.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I think it's very important, my community is what makes EoT, EoT, without them I'd have random people watching my videos, no comments I'd feel very isolated as a content creator, I want my community to know if they want to talk to me, they can reply to comments or pop on Discord and I will answer as soon as I can.

Your community/followers/subscribers is what makes you a content creator.

avrona's avatar

One of the most important things is comment moderation. All the comments on my channels go through moderation first before they appear live. That way, things are never toxic, and anyone who's just comes to the channel for the first time isn't given the wrong impressions by looking at the comments. Beyond that, while I do have generally a rather cynical and jaded tone in most of my videos, which don't go hand in hand with positivity too much, I never go too far with it, still keeps things fair, family-friendly (mostly), and not trying to make enemies of my audience.

Boomer's avatar

I think you can still be positive without it being all bright colours and big smiles. Giving people a space to belong, ensuring they feel safe and heard, and sharing something together can be a positive experience. Some of the most fun and welcoming communities I've been a part of have been like one you're describing.

Schadsquatch's avatar

I try my best to create an atmosphere of "Everyone is Welcome here" during my live-streams. Newbros to try-hards, everyone is allowed to ask questions and comment on what is going on during the live-streams. I do this by answering any questions that are posted in my chat, and if I can't tell them the answer right away, I will find it asap or get a moderator to find a link to help them find more info.

Another big way to maintain a positive atmosphere during streams is to NOT play the 'I'm doing bad, I suck, I'm a :( kind of guy' when things don't go well. Rage for a minute, but turn that frown upside down and talk with your community how you could have done that better and move on. If you are someone who is hard on yourself, work on thinking about the NEXT thing or turn that bad moment into something clippable to help you grow elsewhere. Some people love trolling the streamer who rages whenever something bad happens, but it results in a REALLY hard to love community.

My biggest pet peeve is when people try to take over the chat, make the chat about themselves, or 'attack' others. I am very happy to ban someone who has had multiple opportunities to change their tone or apologize,. You need to moderate the discourse in your channel as you are ultimately the one responsible for what's being said in your chat. I have had some very miserable people dm me after the bans, but its better to leave them on 'read' and move on with your life. Your community will thank you.

Retro Stu's avatar

Creating a positive atmosphere isn't an exact science and I think really it comes down to creating a space first for you, where you can truly be your most authentic. The more relaxed and at home you feel, the easier it is for others to get the mood of the community as soon as they come in.

I'm a big mental health advocate and I try to encourage where possible people to take a moment to reflect on their wellbeing and if they're not having the best day then they know in my stream they don't have to force a smile, they can just be themselves, however that may present that day.

My biggest mantra for it is "my bad days are just as much a part of me as my good days" in an effort to normalise that it's ok to not be ok. The rules are simple - don't go into detail with things that could be considered triggering for others in chat, and as no one is a trained professional (to my knowledge) in the streams, that we can offer support but not advice and signpost people to help in their country with a !help command.

People have differing reasons for coming to twitch, whatever they may be I try to ensure that first and foremost people are treated as a human being, not a viewer number, not a potential sub, but someone who could become a friend and may just need a space where they feel they can be themselves.

Rich's avatar

Love this - letting people know they don't have to front has a double benefit for their own mental health as well as the atmosphere in your stream

Retro Stu's avatar

Exactly! Some of us feel we have to mask so much in our day to day lives, the last thing I want is for people to feel like they've got to be anything other than themselves in streams.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Being kind, respectful and understanding is very important. You can't expect your community to behave this way if you don't show them the same attitude. Lead by example as they say.

Replying to comments and being approachable is key in building a community with a positive attitude. It must be hard to keep track of them all once you have a very big channel, but as long as you can manage, keep replying to everyone, so people don't feel left out or ignored.

When I'm raid leading it's all about teaching people in my raid group, and even if I can't engage with viewers that much, I'll reply to messages between pulls, or stay on stream a bit after the raid session to chat with my viewers if there were any questions which I couldn't get to during the raid.

Moderation is also important, even if we don't like to admit it. Sadly the internet is full of trolls and people who are toxic for no reason. Obviously not everyone has to like to content I make and they should be free to give constructive feedback, but if someone is clearly just there for the sake of arguing or badmouthing me and my content while they can't show up any of their own work, I won't reply to that comment as clearly they are not on the intellectual level where it's worth trying to have a discussion, and will just delete the comment or block the person for my own and the community's sake.

FUN INC's avatar

We have a very clear set of guidelines on all of our community platforms - a code of conduct.

If you were to read it, it could be summarised as:

  • keep it fun

  • keep it friendly

That said - here is the extended version:

FUN inc [EBWF] Code of Conduct - this is applicable in game & on discord, and will be enforced on all EBWF events and comms.

By being on this server, you agree to abide by this code which is simple and intended to make for a friendly inclusive atmosphere for all to enjoy the game: Be respectful of others.

● GF's in local - psyops is allowed, but by the FC only - be classy about interactions in local (think PG-13). ● Don't be a jerk. No racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, misogyny, or other offensive behaviour will not be tolerated - act respectfully towards members at all times - Any form of hateful language or bigotry towards, race, sex, religion, orientation, or anything else will not be tolerated. ● Note that others determine what is offensive, not you, so something like "I was just kidding" does not absolve you. ● A good rule of thumb is that if you know anyone (child, parent, partner, religious leader) who would be offended by your behaviour, don't do it. ● If a FUN inc member a tells you not to do something - do not do it -this is non-negotiable. ● Our Corp is based on community and respect - if you can't respect one or other of these, then please leave. ● Noone is free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle anyone within the community, and it does not matter what title or power you hold, you are expected to obey this rule. ● Treat other users kindly when participating in the discussion channels. ● Just because a rule is not listed here doesn't mean that you're free to do it

We reserve the right to ● Delete messages or inappropriate content ● Warn, kick, mute or ban ● "I didn't know this rule" isn't a valid excuse.

This has worked for us so far.

We have had little to no toxicity, confrontation, and whatnot.

Bans are incredibly rare - to the extent i can only think off the top of my head of 3 people that have been banned. (excluding bots on discord of course! ;) )

It works for us. It will work for you. Set some ground rules, a framework, and people will adhere to that.

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