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Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think this is a really great idea, most subscription services do trials so why couldn't you as a creator? Once my channel gets a bit bigger and I can do monetisation I'm planning to launch an FFXIV mentor service for subscribers where I can jump into a duty with them and help to complete it or teach them how to heal, etc. For that this will be amazing.

Boomer's avatar

That's a great idea! I can see how MMOs could lend themselves really well to this sort of mentoring, and it's a rich source of content as well.

Seán 's avatar

First reaction was bad. But started to think about it would be cool to do small tournaments for Membership. Mario karts of Fighting games. Yeah could be cool

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I've been trying to think what "member-only content" looks like truth be told.

I am not even sure what I would offer


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