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Content Creators
Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh nice post, I was going to do a festive stream schedule post, but no need now 😀

I'm still busy with making the new house look like a home (and make some space for a tree...) So no scheduled streams or recordings from me, but will try to squeeze in some ad-hoc FFXIV seasonal event stream, will see how it goes.


aww congrats on the new house! House move can be stressful so getting much done is a bonus so well done you! How long are your streams usually and is that primarily on twitch? I have been terrible at coming up with and sticking to a stream schedule so far

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Usually I stream 2 hrs Monday and Tuesday. It's been in Twitch so far but want to try multistreaming to Youtube as I have my video content there, and maybe Kick too.

Also hopefully in the new year I can do some Saturday streams too when I don't have guides to edit.


cool, sounds good, do you have a target amount of videos you try and create each month also? Like your guide stuff?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Don't have a target in general, because there is not always new content to make a guide on, but when I decide on a project like the Chronolith Trial guides I made for FFXVI I set myself a target to post a video each week.

When I have the raid streams straight after the session I quickly make a best or funniest moment short video to put on YT and TikTok.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, the content stays the same, videos 1-2 a day on two channels, but then I tend to put one day a week I will then sit down and record like 10-20 videos for the next week, We decided to get 6 months worth of MC content before we launched that channel (that was exhausting) but yeh, the holidays and festive times don't really change much for me.


wow that’s a lot of content! So did you say there you bath record a bunch of videos in one day? What kind of content is it? Is it news or tutorial videos or something? Great work keeping that up btw!!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So the Minecraft content is builds/tutorials/modded etc, the eve stuff is tutorials mostly and some gameplay stuff but i do those with a friend.


awesome! Is this your full time focus? Either way would love to know how you plan out your week for content creation as it’s something I really need to improve for 2024

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

No, the kids and wife are the full-time focus lol. I tend to use a notepad and pen to plan my stuff out, what I'm going to do and why, where it's going to fit, and what I need to do to make it happen. Then we spend a day just full-on recording everything. Then once I have all the videos I just edit/upload them as needed.

Then Adam takes over once they are uploaded, tags/description/schedule/end screens, etc, our videos are the work of three of us atm. Generally, we do things as a team.


fantastic! Thanks for sharing!! Totally agree with you there that family should be the top priority!


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