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I didn't even notice! Yeah I cross post on mastodon, blue sky and also on threads! I kind of still have a small hope that twitter will return, I miss the wee blue logo with the bird, it was one of the first apps I remember being excited about downloading onto my OG original iPad! X just seems bland and no character.

Joel's avatar

You're definitely not alone there, but I can't see Elon backing down

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Didn't notice. Wouldn't miss it too much, hopefully would more people move to alternatives then... I'm only still on it because still that's the platform people I follow are active on.

Boomer's avatar

I like MURRRAAAAY's solution to this (above). Spread across multiple channels to reduce dependency.

That doesn't help with some platforms not having the people you want to follow, but hopefully it reduces the impact on you as a creator.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It definitely seems to be the good approach with so many different platforms these days. I have BlueSky and Threads, post on them occasionally but definitely not as much as I should. Would be nice if they were included in the various content management tools (maybe soon). When I get back to my usual schedule next year, I'll definitely make a habit of posting on them as well when I post on Xitter.

I also joined Discords if a creator I follow has one, easy to stay in touch not just with them but people from their community as well. Would be nice if there was a place for creators to unite so we didn't have to go to different Discords for all of them.... oh wait... ;) (I'll just make my mission to lure all the nice creators I know over here)

Alex's avatar

I had a few friends reach out to me on discord asking if i could check my twitter and im like nope. I had to move a bunch of social posts that i had scheduled ready to go to another day, it wasnt that much of a muck around but this is twitter that we're talking about, it's a mess

Boomer's avatar

I'd not considered scheduled posts! Glad it hadn't caused you too many issues.

Do you share across other platforms like Instagram? Did you have to readjust all of them so they're synchronised, or just have Twitter running on a delay?

Alex's avatar

It really depends on the post, most of it goes to twitter as it's more social media graphics sometimes i'll post it to multiple if it's relevant for the platforms I use


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