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Content Creators

Content Creators
Laura's avatar

I feel like January went quite well for me in every respect content creation wise. Numbers weren't/aren't astronomical and many people would laugh, but I'm proud of myself seeing the time I'm putting in equating to more engagement and all that good stuff.

I overcame something that filled me with anxiety and produced something I was happy with and for that I'm proud of myself. Now to complete the year with even bigger and better things... I hope.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

We all have to start with small steps, and it's never worth to compare yourself to bigger names and numbers because it wouldn't do justice to your own progress.

I always try to look at 'yesterday me' and see if I made any progress compared to that. Even if it's one more follower, 10 more views or likes, it's a small progress.

So absolutely, you have every right to be proud of your hard work!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I've done okay, It could be much better but, irl is kicking my ass atm so my videos have not been up to my usual standard

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I would say I did ok, got new followers and views are either steady or growing a little bit, so I'm happy with that.

Not great because had to cancel streams due to things happening outside of my control and I hate that, I really wanted to be more consistent with my schedule, but hopefully February will be better with that.


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