All creators - well, all the good ones - know they wouldn't be anywhere without their audience, and that it's important to make them feel appreciated. The very best creators often go the extra mile to show some love, thanking or giving shoutouts to their followers in especially thoughtful or lavish ways.
We want to know the best and coolest moments like that that you've ever seen!
And if you've done something to show your own followers some love that went down super well, feel free to share that too - we your stories about mega-creators who bought their fans trucks, but if you've seen someone do something a little more affordable, that's a useful thing for up-and-coming creators to know. We're sure a lot of folks want to know how to make their audience feel the love, but just need some inspiration, so let's help them out!
For bonus points, share a link to a video or clip when the moment happens. The best entries get $4 apiece!
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