Does anyone have a good guide or a couple of setup suggestions for chatbots? I have StreamElements but I don't know if it can only be used for Twitch or can I set it up for Youtube streams as well? And I have Botrix as I use that to combine chat from my multistream but it also comes with alerts and chatbot. And honestly I have no idea where to start with them. Had a look at StreamElements and the commands there with various games and giveaways and stuff were a bit overwhelming for me.
I don't have many viewers so my chat is not very active to have a bot post stuff constantly, but I would like to have maybe a link to the Just About Nightingale community when I'm streaming the game to encourage people to join.
If you are using a chatbot how did you get started? What are useful features for small streamers and what are the things I should just ignore for now?
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