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Makster's avatar

Makes sense. There was a tipping point where RT was greenlighting a lot more Podcasts than live action/ machinima series so that to me shouted that the podcast arm was the only thing profitable for the company.

In other news, have you listened to Burnie's new morning podcast Morning Somewhere? It is amazing! They've recently launched a patreon as well to help keep things ad-free

Boomer's avatar

As I wrote this reply it just got ...longer! 😆

I have been listening, and I'm really enjoying it 🙂 I'm a few days behind but I'll be catching up tonight. What about you? Are you listening, and if so, what do you think of their format?

...about RT's tipping point... (went much longer than I'd planned!)

They really did go nuts with the podcasts for a while! 😆 My interpretation is that the two halves of their business just didn't align.

They started with Red vs Blue which only needed a few Xboxes, copies of Halo, and a couple of people to make it. With a rapidly growing audience interested in them as creators, podcasting was a logical, low-tech, and low-cost extension to the business. Achievement Hunter followed, adding let's plays, livestreams, and more podcasts in to the mix, using existing assets and knowledge to create a highly scalable side of the business.

For me it was the animated episodes of RvB and introduction of RWBY that were a turning point. Suddenly their most popular products were expensive and time consuming, so they needed outside investment in order to scale production. This was used to launch more of the time consuming content, and that just compounded the issue.

I believe the rapid expansion of podcasts was in the hopes of capturing a wider audience for very little cost, but it never really panned out. In my mind they needed to be one of two things...

Agile Content Creators

  • Pure machinima RvB - no animation

  • Podcasts - as many as you like!

  • Let's plays and livestreams - more the merrier!

  • Short-form live action shows - RT Shorts, Immersion, Million Dollars But...(show) etc.

  • Small touring events - AH Live, convention attendance

Media Production Company

  • Long-form live action - BloodFest, Day 5, Lazer Team etc.

  • Animated shows - RWBY, Gen:Lock, Camp Camp, animated RvB

  • Game development - RWBY: (various), Million Dollars But...(game), Rooster Teeth vs Zombiens, Vicious Circle etc

  • Large-scale events - RTX Austin, London, and Sydney

Makster's avatar

Absolutely loving it mate, Burnie's insights are always ridiculously smart as he summarises the story and also injects humour into it too. On the fence about the patreon though, I feel a big draw for me is the challenge coin but I know it'll just end up in a drawer somewhere down the line. Format wise - incredible. They can produce something decent everyday. Like reliability is a big plus in my books so I can know I have something to listen at lunchtime.

Agree with the two businesses not aligning. I think with the changing media landscape in the late teens towards shorter form content made them cut back on the live action stuff and more on projects that required less overhead i.e. podcasts (especially those that didn't require sets). Their animation dept unfortunately suffered a lot with Gen:Lock not meeting expectations dragging with projects like Camp Camp, and Nomad down.

I think they made a post recently (before the announcement that they were shutting) that their live action stuff always ran at a loss such as RTX. I think convention appearences doesn't necessarily bring in money as it is a marketing strategy to promote projects.

Anyways I hope the podcasts the founders are doing suck F***face, ANMA continue with this new acquisition

Boomer's avatar

It does sound like a few of them are carrying on on their own, focusing more on their streaming and giving what used to be side projects their full attention.


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