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Makster's avatar

I had my Spotify on shuffle when this banger dropped

The artist is called Aestheno but she used to be an eSports caster under the name Geo which is probably I recognised her from when she was part of Rainbow 6: Siege. This track is wonderfully dark and poppy with a really catchy verse and chorus.

Diving deeper, it seems that she is a modern renaissance woman having many different projects on the go: twitch streaming, vlogs, modelling, and of course music. A hefty creative worklist that I think many of us would find difficult to pursue one of. She doesn't dabble in these either as I can see her putting in 110% effort into each creative outlet.

However when it comes to her best work; I bring up this vlog:

Many of us are on the internet to find an outlet for our creativity, find our tribe and connect with them. With stars in our eyes we look to our idols which inspire us. But rarely do they show the vulnerability and grind they had to go through to get there. This really humanises the creative grind and the different channels Geo is exploring to get to her goal. Exploring further it seems eSports was not a career she was able to pursue long term so she pivoted to other ventures. It's that drive to pick yourself up, reflect on the experience, 'take the L' - but also share it to her viewers that make it refreshing to see. All too often I see creatives pivot to something else but rarely address the reason or just disappear completely, but you see the pains Geo has gone through with this set back but she is re-doubled her efforts elsewhere.

It's that resilience and fortitude to show off the scars and failures that is incredibly admirable and why she's one of my favourite creators right now

Ford James's avatar

Great shout! I've been following Geo for a while on Twitter thanks to her esports stuff a while back and having mutual associates within the games industry, and I have spied her spreading her wings, so to speak. Her music isn't to my usual tastes but it is definitely catchy!

Sturmer's avatar

While exploring submissions from other Just About members about obscure musical instruments, I stumbled upon a fascinating discovery related to reel tape music, leading me to the Japanese punk band called Open Reel Ensemble.

I wanted to share this find with everyone, as it exemplifies human creativity and the relentless pursuit of new art forms. Check out their main channel for some truly innovative sounds.

I also recommend a video interview with them where they delve into how they developed their unique sound using old technology.

I see them as an example of how content creators can innovate and craft something wholly unique.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

My new favourite FFXIV content creator is Nokoda on Youtube. They make absolutely stunning housing designs. If you look at these as someone who knows nothing about FFXIV housing you would thing these are all elements designed to be used this way... but they are not... They are furniture glitched through the walls, rotated and lifted up in ways even I can't figure out sometimes, and I do know quite a lot about what kind of housing items are in the game.

Here is a "reverse teardown" video where they dismantled one of the rooms then played to footage backwards so you can see what items are being used for creating the design:

I love watching these videos as it teaches me new techniques how to float items up or how to use traditional furniture in a clever way. Hopefully I will have some time over the summer to finish decorating my own house :)


I'm Going In:

I was served this in a suggested video and it's incredible to see. Just a guy and his motorbike travelling around South East Asia looking at weird and abandoned places. It doesn't always go to plan for him, and his sub count isn't growing a huge amount, but he just keeps going. And the algorithm plays to his strengths as his viewership way outpaces his sub count.

Very much worth watching a few!

Ford James's avatar

Definitely gonna give this guy a watch, my main genres on YouTube are either travel or food videos. Cheers for the suggestion!

If you're looking for another travel series to watch, it's not quite in the spirit of this bounty as they're very big, but check out Jet Lag: The Game. I think the Europe-based playlists are the best, but they're all quite entertaining!

MargotCandy's avatar

I got a steam deck a month ago (I have been gaming on PS, Gameboy then switch but never PC).

Therefore I started to research more about it on youtube. While there are lot of videos out there, I really appreciate these shorter ones focusing on one setting or mechanic or game at a time by the channel Steam Deck in Hand. Like they say in their own description, you get fast to the point videos (and hardly any clickbait. ) :)

Here is an example detailing top games for the deck so far this year.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Found this guy yesterday from his Marauder Fails PvP video, and had a quick look through his channel, he sits at about 1.3k subscribers, has good videos and deserves far more attention, so this month, I nominate Hexator.

Sturmer's avatar

PVP on Marauders can indeed be fun. I once managed to tank over 1.2 million damage according to the kill mail; I still lost, but it was a blast.

Regarding the video, I'm puzzled by a few choices: Why is the Kronos using a single neut on a Derevaks, thereby draining its own capacitor, especially without a warp disruptor to prevent the target from warping off? Also, why target the Nigg instead of the fighters? And if he's not webbed and has higher speed with bastion mode off, why not just escape? Additionally, why isn't he popping a smartbomb against the swarm of small, including ECM, drones?

Fails indeed =)

On the bright side, awesome self-looting =)

Kane Carnifex's avatar

German Tournament C&C Red Alert 2 1270 Abos

Unfortunately for you it is in german. Lucky for me this is my mothertounge.

Why do i like it? Hits my sweet spot regarding C&C Red Alert 2, which got a remake :)

Some of their nice work: Epische Schlacht um Potholes ! | Installateur vs. TWP Raider | Esportsleague | C&C Red Alert

Konquest's avatar

I found this creator about a month ago 'TheOnlyL0nzY' currently he has 9.33K subscribers & 681 videos. I think the reason he caught my interest is that looking back at his older videos and studying them. His content as well as thumbnails started out as sort of trying things hit & miss but he caught on to popular trends and has evolved to give his viewers what they want to watch rather than what he thinks is good. This creator is one of the creators that I aspire to learn from and apply myself to be better.

One of his great work, the video that caught my attention

AlexGra 's avatar

I found this guy two weeks ago. He is a gamer of videos 😂. I'm impressed by his editing style, scripting, and overall content. Despite having only 1.83k subscribers, He definitely deserve more recognition.

Check out his channel here:


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