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Boomer's avatar

I listened to the Morning Somewhere podcast where Burnie and Ashley (his wife and former RT staff) talked about it, and I'm happy to hear it's not simply a revival of the old company.

Essentially they bought the brand, regained the socials and all hosted content, and they're working on new stuff. It's more like an attempt to preserve what they can while using the brand recognition to work on a new slate of projects.

I think the old RT shutting down was for the best, but I'm very excited to see what a small, lean version of the company can do after everything they've learned over the past 21 years.

Makster's avatar

Glad we get more of Burnie but they’re playing with a dangerous thing ‘nostalgia’.

Founder of ScrewAttack (once former Let’s Play colleague) Craig said this as if it isn’t the same thing as the fans remember then it’ll be a flop.

I honestly wish RT left as a time-capsule or product of its time. When I see this reboot I remember the failed G4 reboot a couple of years ago - it had the old guard with Adam Sessler, hired on new media streamers and then failed to capture what was truely special about X-Play.

It’s like Jurassic Park Ian Malcolm once said

(Dinosaurs) had their shot, and nature selected them for extinction

Boomer's avatar

Yeah I get that, but from what we've been told so far it's more to do with preserving the brand and whatever content they can.

I can't imagine they'd want to get back into movies, animations, game dev etc, but I'm all up for new machinima, podcasts, and shorts...just not an imitation or reboot of the old stuff.

Makster's avatar

I can't imagine they'd want to get back into movies, animations, game dev etc

Wouldn't be so sure about that. Burnie has said that they're making a Day5-like series and remaking Burnie and Matt's student film 'The Schedule' with Matt's new production studio.

But I probs agree with them not going back to game development and movies (and definitely not event work - I think that was one of the bigger losses they made year on year)

Boomer's avatar

I might have misunderstood what they were suggesting with "The Schedule"...I thought they said it was that movie in a different format. I don't know what that means exactly, but my mind went to a short format video series.

Day 5 was one of my favourite RT shows so I'm excited for more content in that style.

Personally I think they approached RTX London and Sydney from the wrong angle. They tried to make them clones of RTX Austin but the community and general population are far smaller.
In my opinion they should have used their brand power to establish an MCM-like event with RT as the tentpole attraction. That way people could attend without needing to know Rooster Teeth and RT didn't have to commit their entire on-screen staff to the event.
Events like AH Live were lower effort and more profitable, and they could be integrated into existing events (like The Dark Room is) to help them grow localised audiences.


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