This one might need a little explaining. To celebrate the launch of Dragon's Dogma 2, we're delighted to be teaming up once again with streamer Platform32, who really enjoys the game's falling animation and would like to see many more clips of it. Ok, maybe it didn't take that much explaining...
Take your Arisen to the tallest things in Dragon's Dogma 2's massive world and make them jump off them, recording the artful swan dive/thrashing and flailing that will result, and submit your best clip here. Remember to verify your submission using the instructions below! If you can think of any other ways to add flair and drama to the event, it can only help. The ten best submissions, judged by distance fallen and with what degree of style, get $5 apiece.
If you prefer discus to diving, check out Platform32's other guest bounty: pawn throwing!
This bounty is open to everyone, but Platform32 will be attempting it live on stream on Saturday, March 23, between 18:00 and 20:00 GMT. You can tune in via Platform 32's YouTube channel, and give them a follow on Twitter (X) for great gaming interviews, news, previews, and reviews.
already paid
$30 / 50
This reward closed to entries at 10:57am on April 4, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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