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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Boomer's avatar

Hi AlfAusHH and a very warm welcome to the platform!

On language support, right now we're a small team and our platform is still in beta. We want to support more languages as we grow, but right now we're unfortunately not able to respond to posts (or award bounty submissions) that aren't in English.

Some members use translation browser extensions before sharing discussions, replies, and bounty submissions, so this might be a solution until the platform supports a wider range of languages.

I appreciate this makes interacting more difficult for our non-English speaking members, but we do value all members in our communities and hope you'll stick with us as we grow the platform together.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Basically, what Boomer said, I have often found that on sites such as these when lots of different languages are in play, there is a massive chance of miss communication as well and let's face it, google translators are awful.


Das verstehe ich gut. Für Euch bedeutet es einiges mehr an Aufwand, auch noch andere Sprachen zu unterstüzen. Ich bin schon etwas älter (60) und habe einige Jahre im Ausland verbracht, daher spielt es für mich nicht die Rolle, ob nun Deutsch oder Englisch. Ich kenne aber viele, die nicht ein Kommentar hinterlassen würden, wenn es nicht ihre Sprache ist. Wäre es vielleicht besser ich führe es aus in Deutsch und Englisch?


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