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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
mastercesspit's avatar

i practice ramming often, built a ship for that purpose, lol, got a whole playlist of my "flight training" aka weaponless bounty hunting, i don't think it could be classed as "combat" as the AI's don't shoot at you, but precision flight training for combat. :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice. Maybe we could run a special no-weapons takedown bounty?

mastercesspit's avatar

that'd be good, maybe an elite no weapons takedown, encourage people to engineer their ships, in my old squad, we used to have ramfests, every couple of weeks most of the squad would all assemble at hazres and we'd just ram things to death for an hour or so, just to hone flight skills, it gave incentive for the newer members to pursue engineering upgrades, of course, engineering was tedious, gathering the mats was a disheartening chore back then, with the changes in mats and the rework of engineering upgrades it would be an enjoyable challenge now, i'm actually thinking of resetting my second account and doing it all again just to experience the new physics of the game, i think it would be a rewarding, enjoyable experience now instead of a masochist activity, :)

mastercesspit's avatar

i forgot to thank you on behalf of our local cancer support group, as all proceeds from just about on my account will be donated to this valuable charity

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ah how brilliant, thanks for putting your earnings towards such a good cause! It'd be great to have a ramfest bounty, but I worry that verifying winners and making it available for all interested community members could get a little complicated. We'll have a think; I'm sure there's a way we could run a version of it.


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