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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
Dydo's avatar

Thank you! By the way it was a system near Colonia.

mastercesspit's avatar

thanks, really appreciated

have fun 07

mastercesspit's avatar

XCezor good going, i play in open , but solo mostly, spec ops are a challenge, and to kill ALL is an achievement, congratulations.

have fun 07

mastercesspit's avatar

Dydo i was thinking of a combat mandalay, just finished my jump mandalay, just under 85ly, it's fast, can turn on a dime, and the weapon hardpoints aren't to shabby, i'll have to give it a go.

have fun 07

Dydo's avatar

Try it, you're going to be surprised by its moves. Although, engineering your Power Distributor with focus on Weapons is MANDAtory (haha) or else you need to constantly scape fire and let your power regenerate just like I needed to in the video. Against one or two enemies it works, but if your're in a more engaging battle, it will let you down. So, to make up for the power distribution loss, also focus on the biggest-A-tier-engineered Thrusters, Shields and Shield Boosters!

mastercesspit's avatar

half engineered yet, but i'm impressed, thanks for the motivation. 07


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