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EVE Online

EVE Online
FUN INC's avatar

As Revenged pulled his probes and he initiated warp drive he called a break break on comms – "BREAK BREAK! - Rev in warp to Thanatos in 3JN9 – get here quick!”  Keacte called the order for the fleet to kill the Ishtar and quickly make the 9 system run to get there.

“Bubble up!” - "NIIICE!" exclaimed Keacte - Rev was doing his usual thing of hunting down lone capsuleers just trying to make a fast buck in null behind the veil of the safety net of the flavour of the month null alliance – you know the sort, they sit there in their big ships, with “not a care in the world” until a hostile engages them, and they call in the cavalry.  Tonight was no different.

As the fleet landed in the destination system, Rev had rebubbled the Thanatos numerous times by now, and a lone Tengu appeared taking pop shots – we had to get in quick.

Keacte called the warp to Rev and we started the engagement.  With hostile Caracals, Scythes and light tackle landing piecemeal on the Thanny to provide support, the fleet of 20 combat interceptors pushed hard  to try to kill the carrier, whilst trying to kill off the tackle and cruiser support. But alas after a 20 minutes engagement the ShrinkWrapped fleet was pushed off the Thanatos having destroyed 4.65BN isk in the engagement.

As Keacte awoke in his clone bay, the pod goo stung his eyes.  “Man – that was a good fight!”

ShrinkWrapped #239, the battle for 3JN9-Q

Battle Report:

Full roam report:

All this and more can be found at

AlexGra 's avatar

Last week's cosmic clash saw United Galactic Coalition and Starborn Dominion collide for control of Nebula Prime's energy riches. A stunning warp maneuver by the "Celestial Conqueror" turned the tide, costing over a hundred ships and countless lives. Commander Sylara's heroic charge briefly rallied the Coalition, but Dominion's precision strike sealed their victory, leaving Nebula Prime forever scarred. This battle, an epic blend of strategy, sacrifice, and spectacle, epitomized the unpredictable tapestry of our cosmo-political landscape.

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Decided to actually undock for a bit to meditate on "A Pirate's Life" content. Yelled at my guys to flash form to chase a t1 cruiser fleet. "Can anyone else fly an Oneiros?" I'm stuck on logi, and we're on the chase. Hit a FRAT gate camp instead, decide to crash it.

I got to yell at my dreks for letting me get a kill while I kept them all alive. Good times. :D GF Frat!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm very much longer forward to seeing the results of your 'A Pirate's Life' meditation!

Melicien Tetro's avatar

I made a whole in character instagram for it XD


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