Hello new players:
Wormhole Space 1o1
So Wormholes are essentially uncharted systems not connected to the open stargate network within Eve Online, these systems can only be accessed by scanning down the entrance, upon entering these systems, be sure to bookmark the Wormhole, otherwise should you warp off, you will need to re-scan down the exit!
Wormhole space consists of roughly 2.6k systems. These are commonly referred to as, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, or C6, with the C standing for "Class". As expected C1/2 is "easy" with the systems becoming more and more hostile as you go up in "class".
What can you do in Wormhole Space?
There are three main activities,
The first is called Gas Huffing, which is essentially scanning down gas "sites" and harvesting said gas, which is VERY profitable for new players.
The second option is Data/Relic sites, of which you scan down these sites, warp in, and "hack" the containers, which brings up a new window, now when doing this, each "node" you click, has a number on it, if the number goes "up" then you are going the wrong way, always to lower the number group you are following.
The third option is what is called "Sleeper Sites" - These are combat sites and are not to be taken lightly, at all, sleepers are highly dangerous NPCS and can kill you quite quickly, so be sure to ask corp/alliance mates for ship fits before attempting these.
A 4th option option is PI which is Planetary Interaction, Wormhole space offers highly productive and lucrative planets, but refueling these operations can become an issue, so choose your Wormhole PI systems carefully, preferably one with a static High Sec entrance.
Now each system can produce what is called "system effects", such as Pulsar, Blach Hole, Cataclysmic, Magnetar, Red Giant etc. Be sure when entering a Wormhole, above your Capicitor window, to check what is happening with your ship.
What is also notable is that production-wise, J-Space leads in both drug production and T3 production as well. This is a highly lucrative business, so it's good to get into a group for this.
There are so-called "Special Wormholes" which are Drifter Wormholes I.e "Shattered Wormholes". It is noted that all Drifter Wormhole systems have C2-Strength effects, so not too bad to deal with.
Final Word. Each system has the possibility of "static" entrances, this can mean High/Low/Null Sec entrances, of which there will always be an exit/entrance into that Wormhole from these sectors.
Hope this helps and good luck out there!