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EVE Online

EVE Online

Nice and all... but how does it play? There are plenty of games that looks great but they are not very good when you get yours hands dirty. Before the look, which does look interesting, I would like to see how playing works.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I suspect we'll all find out a lot more about gameplay over the next few weeks as these prototypes start being put to use. They had some at Fanfest, but I didn't have the time to try them out. I spoke to Roman Lakomiak there though, the CEO of Titan Forge, and he described it as a 4X game with Eurogame elements.

No promises, but we're hoping to publish an interview that will demystify things a bit. Watch this space.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I think I may buy this if it goes into production, it's a good video, but I also think the game needs tweaking a tad into a more simple area of playing.

Sturmer's avatar

Awesome, i think I've seen it on Fanfest this year.

Sturmer's avatar

BTW I still have CCG Eve: The Second Genesis and Day of Darkness, and 25 sealed boosters ;) I think both games are pretty close


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