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EVE Online

EVE Online
Sturmer's avatar

You probably mean Turnur, not Turner?

There was pretty big Dread dogfight, even a titan was erased

Alex Sinclair's avatar

My childhood best friend had the surname 'Turner' so I'll blame him for the misspelling. Were you there to see it for yourself?

Sturmer's avatar

Nope, but lowsec is like a cave, once something happens - the echo spreads with a sonic speed.

currently, my playstyle dictates me to avoid such places, so I watch the news to stay alert. I'm a space nomad, my small roaming fleet (of alts) mostly moves through Covert Jump Portals, and as far as possible from any activities related to big number of pilots.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Consider me intrigued. Is your space nomadism driven by greater purpose or is it merely the way of life that calls to you? Every night spent under a different set of stars and all that.

Sturmer's avatar

A few years ago, I lost my home and friends. Since then, I've been a loner, wandering among the stars as part of an endless Migrant Fleet. My no-dock life began during the Guerilla Wars in Detorid, around 2006-2008. The Quarians from Mass Effect inspired this lifestyle.

But thats a different story

Black Ops gameplay suits this nomadic existence perfectly. Unfortunately, ships like the Orca, which have fleet and maintenance bays, cannot use Covert Jump Portals, so I'm limited to a Blockade Runner and a Mobile Depot. I really wish CCP Games introduced mini mobile citadels, which can be temporarily deployed to serve as factories to produce ammo, modules, and refine ores, that would allow Nomads to play the 'never dock' game.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very cool. It sounds like we need to put together an EVE feature request bounty. We could even send the ideas to CCP to consider. I'm going to make a note to tag you when it's live so you can share this one.


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