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EVE Online

EVE Online
EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

If we had the ISK, god yes lol. But I think only a top alliance executive could afford this but god damn that's alot of ISK lol


I don't think I would: it's like a glorified, overpriced trophy which you can't talk about, you can't show nor you can fly anywhere.

You couldn't say or show you have it because 100%, if people know you have it, they will try to steal it, or worse (doxxing), since people in eve thinks that decency and ethical rules doesn't apply to them. Then you couldn't fly it, the moment someone see you undock, they will swarm you to try kill it and you'd go back to the first point.

If I have to have such a trophy ship and then watch my back and be fearful every time I look outside of a station... not really worth.

It would probably only "truly" make sense to someone who collects all ships and stuff in the game out of wanting to have a "complete collection".


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