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EVE Online

EVE Online
Kane Carnifex's avatar

I focus on the easy to do stuff for you.

  • Yearly hangar spring-clean, there is a lot which comes together over time. Outdated doctrine ships, loot and a lot of indy stuff.

  • Don't underestimate the power of passive income aka PI,Reactions and all the other Indi stuff.

  • The Market repeats every year in a similar pattern. For Example there is something wrong with the ICE Products. These are too pricey for the summertime, but still cheaper than in the Winter.

  • If you want to plex your account, don´t lose yourself in the grind. Sometimes 5 Bucks per Month sounds better than having the need to grind.

And always remember somebody is even more lazy than you :)

Expert Level: Some people out there use EVE as their personal Finance Playground, as many market mechanics work perfectly. (Please one more Ponzi)

There is one big fact which you should never forget:

Brother Grimoire's avatar

EVERYTHING was too expensive for me when I started playing EVE. Corpmates that were doing hanger cleanouts would contract me stuff they were too lazy to sell because I was an impoverished newbro. As my experience with EVE grew, so did my wallet. I found myself exploring, gas harvesting, and running Sleeper Sites in wormholes for ISK.

At this stage in my EVE Career, I manage my isk pretty well because I can make a lot of it in a short amount of time. If I need more money, I just spend a day or two scanning.

Something that keeps me pretty organized with as little effort as possible is Highsec Buyback. I contract stuff that I leave in random Hisec stations, they give me money, and I never have to think about it again. Time is money, so I'm not very keen on wasting time with haulting things to Jita.

Sturmer's avatar

Over time, ISK has heavily inflated. Back then, I could buy a battleship for 70 million ISK, now it's more like 350 million. But income sources produce more, and there are more people on a market too.

I don't have to manage my ISK too much since I always have plenty for my wild projects. Yet, I follow several rules that have led to this success:

  1. Don't Get Blown Up: The biggest losses come from getting your ship destroyed.

  2. Don't Overbling: Use only what you need for the task. Most of my fits are T2. Even when running 10/10 DED sites, I don't use ships filled with A/X-types like a piñata. My piloting and character skills are enough to make cheap fits work.

  3. Everything Has Value: If you open a wreck, take everything out. If something isn't worth your time to sell, set it aside. It might go up in price someday, or you'll accumulate a meaningful amount. After all, station space is limitless.

FUN INC's avatar

Interesting pop fact - the Bounty image at the top was captured during one of my roams - ShrinkWrapped 200 - by the most amazing CCP Aperture!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love CCP Aperture/Razorien's work!

FUN INC's avatar

100% - i had the opportunity to have a chinwag with him at FF too - super nice fellow too! :)

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

A lot of people will state ISK counting is pointless and this is VERY wrong. Such as people will state "I don't care if I mine all day, I made 80mil today" Correct you did, but you did that over a 7 hour period, so 80 mil divided by six = 13.3mil an hour.

So how do you manage ISK to correct your income? Know your worth per hour and what you cane make per hour and maximise on that.

How do you manage your ISK?

Basic rules to follow

  1. Don't fly what you can't afford to loose

  2. Deadspace is not always the best

  3. Don't give ISK away to people, it won't help them

  4. Spend your LP on what makes the most money, not what you want, that comes later

  5. Spend time building your bank, reserves and extra ISK is key in Eve

This is just a few points from being a part of Eve Online from beta.

ISK income is about ISK per hour, not ISK per activity.

FUN INC's avatar

Consolidation of asset safety assets. If like me during the course of roaming you get some kills and some nice mods, AAS - always asset safety! Once it is in asset safety, get it moving, and arrange for the mods to be hauled periodically and sold at a trade hub. This isk adds up very quickly, so do it!

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I feel like the majority of EVE players probably learned the hard away early in the game losing a huge amount of hard earned isk it can be devastating so here is a few tips to hopefully help prevent your isk running dry.

Keep a healthy ISK reserve having a backup if things go wrong

Sell things you don't need for that extra bit of isk

bling doesn't mean you will win - that fancy expensive ship you just bought won't mean a thing if you don't know how to use it properly

Limal's avatar

Like other mentioned, isks inflation is pretty strong, so whether i found any spare isks, i always turn them into PLEX.

I do not follow price fluctuations, or hunting for a perfect price, i just go on market and buy buy buy :) Almost every day.

Some of my friends fall in price scam by buying absurdly expensive items on a market. But then your wallet is empty, you cant fall into these kind of traps.

PLEX is also very liquid and in hight demand, if i need cash, i can always turn it into isks or transfter to my other characters.

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