We hope you braced for impact, because EVE Vanguard's most exciting playtest to date has landed. The Solstice event not only comes with its titular new map, but also includes mining vehicles, adaptive weaponry, and new missions. To mark the occasion, we're running a screenshot competition on top of our usual video challenge.
To win a prize, simply send in your best Vanguard screenshot. It doesn't need to be from Solstice, so if you have an excellent screenshot from a previous playtest, feel free to enter it. However, we will be granting bonus points to Solstice screenshots, so you might have more luck if you do submit one. You're allowed to submit up to three screenshots for consideration, so choose wisely. All screenshots must be verified with social media using the instructions below.
We'll be awarding the best 15 entries $3 each, as well as one $10 prize for the entry with the very best screenshot in it.
If you want to up your FPS game, check out these expert EVE Vanguard tips.
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$25 / 55
This reward closed to entries at 12:04pm on July 4, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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