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EVE Online

EVE Online
Kane Carnifex's avatar

In Farbe und Bunt.NOW with real voice.Get your Eargasm now!

On August 24 Spicey called for a Hurricane Fleet with a twist we didn´t knew yet.

Arty, high alpha, this will be fun.

We moved to a nearby XL Wormhole to pure Blind.
What do you do if nobody comes to play with you?

We started to do some Skyhook Robbing, but we didn´t got the response we wanted.
So Spicey decided to force a fight by reinforcing the Jumbbridge in system.

They answered our call with Vulture…  i saw them dying as flies.
But also we were dying as flies, the call was made

Gary Bell jumped in with his HAW REV… let the battle begin.

Unfortunately nobody cared about my “PRESS” Ticker and I got shot very early.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

My submission shows cinematic shots of the battle in N3-JBX mentioned above by Amoni P. It has far less useful info, but I wanted to share the recordings of my visit in 0.0.

I'm a lowsec pilot and I was quite impressed by some of the visuals in this giant brawl. This video is for people like me who like to watch something they never actually saw in game :)

Sturmer's avatar

Catch Region Sees Intense Activity with Major Clashes, but there are serious threats in Delve!

Last month, the Catch region was a hotspot of activity, particularly in the U-QVWD and surrounding systems. Two major forces unanchored their citadels right in front of each other, leading to a series of spectacular clashes. These battles involved hundreds of capital ships and countless smaller hulls, even resulting in the destruction of a Viator carrying 20 billion ISK worth of salvage.

Meanwhile, in the nearby Tenerifis region, August saw significant and successful advancements by Goonswarm into neutral states.

Originally, I intended to focus on these pew-pews, but a deeper look at the killboards revealed some smaller yet remarkable skirmishes closer to Goon's home.

In the supposedly "safe"(TM) region of Delve, Goonswarm's stronghold, a covert group has been conducting raids since at least late July. These operations have been highly effective, even leading to the downing of a Hel. Due to the rapid nature of these operations, it was challenging to get live intel, but fortunately, a video compilation of one of these raids was uncovered, showcasing the action.

I've included a battle report below to highlight why this episode is great:

Battle Report Tool (

It's a perfect example of why Eve is great, Black Ops are great and there is no place or ship in space, where you can be 100% safe.

o/ Fly safe!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great entry, thanks Sturmer!

Amoni P's avatar

Here's mine... Also, I think you're using Battle Report the way I would normally use AAR (After Action Report) and the only reason I bring it up is because a lot of FCs use a tool called "battle report" so we try not confuse the issue by referring to AARs as battle reports.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Amoni P - and good shout: I'll change these to AARs moving forward

Sturmer's avatar

I have a teaser

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