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EVE Online

EVE Online
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

In all my years of running corporations and teaching new players, the one thing I always did one thing. I kept people at a distance, I had "friends" in-game and people I spoke to a lot on Discord but due to my IRL issues, I always found it hard to keep these friends and I transferred this into the game.

One such person who is now a member of my YouTube team is DemonGateUK, he was recruited via our Eve Online recruitment forum post, and he joined us as an industrial player and mission runner, but had over five years of experience in-game. After six months, we lost our industry head and since we needed a continuous supply of ships, I was then at a loss of what to do, the industry was never my strong suit, so we had a commanders meeting and we decided we had no choice and needed to take a chance, so we offered him the position.

He was more than happy to do it and since he would have access to everything it was a big risk, but he turned out to be a godsend, quickly organising the industry players into this blazing machine which not only turned out the frigates and destroyers we needed, but he also organised them into producing ships for pure profit. For once, our corporation was actually making money instead, all because of him.

I then met him IRL and since then, he has become one of my best friends, godfather to three of my children and is probably one of the best people I know online and offline.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

And he helps you with the odd Just About EVE SKINR challenge! This is great, thanks for sharing!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I did ask him about o so the latest and he said “I don’t do ugly” lol

Luka Zaharin's avatar

I have made many space friends on my journey in Eve, and although I met most of them in space I also encountered great people on discord and even during RL meetups. I could tell a dozen stories, but one of my favourites is this one:

About a year and a half ago, I was flying around in my lowsec home region and encountered two Tornado-class battlecruisers camping a station. Of course I had to go ahead and tease them, so I started docking and undocking in a cheap ship, always barely escaping them. After a few minutes, a Tengu pilot warped his T3 to the station and although he just wanted to dock up, he was caught and instantly destroyed by the Nados. The BCs had to warp off to escape the automatic station guns taking them down and I took that time to loot the Tengu wreck. I threw around 400million in valuable modules into an appraisal tool and contracted the whole batch over to the unlucky Tengu pilot. He accepted it right away and we went separate ways again.

Over the next weeks I met that pilot again multiple times and we started chatting and helping eachother. One day I brought the conversation back to that day because I felt bad that I sold him his own loot. We had a good laugh and he told me he was actually glad he got his good modules back. He said it was a long day and he forgot to warp to the instadock so he lost his ship. We had good times and even if we don't meet often due to RL and timezones, we always find something to shoot together!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love this. My favourite tales of EVE friendships always start with an explosion.

FUN INC's avatar

EVE is Even Better With Friends - don'g let anyone say otherwise.... hell it's even my corp ticker!

Ability to fly, chat, and kill together is everything about EVE - we can have some belly laughs - we have laughed we have cried - it all comes back to the people for me. EVE is not a game to be played alone - play it with people!

I have made far too many firends in EVE - but i don't intend to stop - the fleets i run, and the discord i run is there for everyone - i want everyone to have the same visibility and availablity of content in order to get as much out of the game.

That's why i set up Google (

For EVE to thrive we need content, and content creators - having the ability to showcase these people will cause people to forge friendships and enjoy EVE even more!

Rixx Javix's avatar

In a few short weeks I will be celebrating 16 years playing Eve Online. The first Alliance I joined in-game way back in those early days was called Libertas Fidelitas, the Alliance Executor and I became friends. We still work together on projects today and I help his marketing agency on client work, branding, and creative. The first blogger I read as a new player was a blog called "CrazyKinux' Musings" and the author of that blog and I became friends and we still are today. In fact I just talked to him this week about a new job opportunity. Two weeks from now another Eve player is stopping by our house for dinner to catch-up. I've often said I can land pretty much anywhere in the world and find an Eve friend somewhere nearby.

Over 60% of my Facebook friends are fellow Eve players or employees (or former employees) at CCP Games. For five years my Wife and I hosted a get-together at our home called "Steel City Eve" for Eve players to come and hang out for the day together. Players traveled from Germany, England, Oregon, California, Texas, and other points to be there. One year about twenty of us organized a Eve player cruise to Alaska together. We had another one planned for the Baltic Sea but it was cancelled due to the pandemic.

Being part of the Eve community for me is not an imaginary, social media only experience. My life is integrated on a daily basis with my friends and my community. Sometimes in very personal ways. I have a friend who just got a job with CCP in Iceland and we've been helping them with that real life transition as much as we can. I recently asked my good friend Charles in CA for help with a project my Wife is working on for her company. And these are just a few examples of what is normal, every day life for us now.

Friendships are, for me, the real reason I have played Eve for so long. While the game continues to be compelling, I wouldn't have stayed this long if not for the community. Or traveled the world just to talk about a video game. We travel to see our friends, to catch up, and to meet and make new friends who may be friends for life. That is the secret sauce.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is lovely. And it just leaves one question unanswered... how are you celebrating your 16-year Evenniversary?

Rixx Javix's avatar

Undecided yet, but I suspect it will involve a lot of explosions.


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