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EVE Online

EVE Online
Sturmer's avatar

Ahh, I’m at the office right now and can’t share the photo, but I met with Atilla after Devcom and had a great conversation about citizen science and related topics. It was really nice to see him again, and his keynote was one of my favourites at the conference. Bergur was there too.

Regarding the topic, I don’t think it's possible for regular users to get submission counts. For previous results, I received an external CSV file with all participants, as not all submissions were qualified.

Also, solving has various cooldowns, which isn’t very rookie-friendly. What’s the deadline for this one?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Cheers Sturmer, no major rush on this. Take your time. o7

JAKEL33T's avatar

I have been doing PD for 3 years or so and I farm the Marshal BPC regularly, A bounty to get that BPC would be a huge commitment. I takes 80-83 days if you don't miss a day. Not to mention the 10m SP requirement.

A bounty to get people started would be more accusable to most. some ideas:

  1. Highest Level (photo proof)

  2. Reach 99% average accuracy (photo proof)

  3. Reach level 50, Pacifier BPC (This takes about a week for omega & 13 days for alphas

  4. Complete 200 submissions (photo proof of max sub popup)

I did a quick guide to PD recently if you want to us that in some way. Ill most likely not submit to the bounty because I do this as a eve job lol. my main is level 1968.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Jake, that's very useful. I'll discuss some of these ideas with CCP next time we chat


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