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EVE Online
Hunter's avatar

5 systems on fire :

On the 6th of this month a huge fire has reached five systems in the eve universe, KBP7-G,Raussinen,Parses,Uchomida,Otalieto all of them hit by the one and only Governor Lee and his allies.

Once again the Leader of the Absolute Order proved his 5D chess as one of the skilled Admirals in the game, this battle is the climax of many skirmishes from last months in many parts of Providence, the Lonetrek , Black Rise and Khanid Regions where he managed to deal many casualties that made his enemies unable to comeback with new ships or new strategies, his plan was hit them with multiple cuts and let them bleed.

At the start of October he reunited his best pilots and his best friends from other corporations, 200+ Pilots flew throw the regions in a lighting manoeuvre using WHs, the enemy' forces were in a chaos state braking there ranks and losing there coordination.

And one by one he ordered his troops to take the enemy station that sustained the economy making a 30 BILLION ISK in enemy losses.

the battle lasted 24 hour real time :o

Limal's avatar

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as witnessing someone else’s Keepstar explode. This October brought one such event, and while Keepstar explosions aren’t particularly rare, this one took place in Wormhole space—only the sixth in EVE history, according to CCP Games.


  • Location: J132601 (C5 class)

  • Date: 27-28 October

  • Battle Duration: 14 hours (arond 8 actual fight)

  • Total Losses: 1.2 trillion ISK

  • Pilots Involved: 913

  • Killmails: 2,751

  • Defenders: Hole Control

  • Attackers: L A Z E R H A W K S, Hard Knocks Citizens, and No Vacancies

Though the pilot numbers were fairly balanced: Defenders with 435 and Attackers with 459 - the efficiency difference was stark. Hole Control’s losses reached approximately 1.1 trillion ISK, while attackers sustained 65.43 billion ISK in losses, primarily from five Zirnitras (51 billion ISK).

Attackers brought 54 Dreadnoughts (Zirnitra), 212 Ravens battleships, and many other ship types. Interestingly enough, attackers lost 189 Slashers (100%) and 67 Caracals (100%) along with many other small ships( apparently, someone from Hole Control has a particular dislike for T1 frigates hehe)

Link to combat report:

Wormhole operations bring unique logistical challenges and no room for retreat, making combat merciless. Hole Control lost nearly their entire fleet of 1,536 ships in this system - almost 100% of what they undocked - with only two capitals, a Nidhoggur and a Thanatos, surviving the battle.

Dydo's avatar

On Wormhole space, the Avanto's corp home system of Manala, or J132601 (C5) (-1.0)/E-R00024, witnessed one of the biggest eviction battles on october (27th), with 913 pilots of multiples corps (19 vs 56 allys) on both sides - sppecially LazerHawks, Hard Knocks Inc. and No Vacancies. (Team A, winners of the wormhole war) vs Avanto (Team B) - involved in a total loss of incredible 1.2 Trillion ISK.

Although Team A lose the first ships, they would come to a total obliteration while the battle went on (14h).

With 2751 Killmails, almost 92% of the loss were from Team B (Hole Control/Avanto), with 1536 ships and 1.1t ISK lost against the 94.4% efficiency by the other side.

After almost 8 hours of destruction, the Avanto's home, a Keepstar Citadel, was destroyed by 406 pilots, causing a loss of 305.1 Billion. On the winner side, the pilot forsot was involved in a HUGE amount of 988 kills (968 with his Kronos) and Lardicus Maximus inflicted 1.92m (5.3%) of damage on a Zirnitra.

So, here are the raw stats:

Location: J132601 (-1.0) / E-R00024

Date: 27.10.2024

First blood: Tumma Einangren | Hard Knocks Inc. (08:06AM)

Last capital exploded: Fortizar | Avanto (17:48)

Total ISK lost: 1.2b (65.43b vs 1.10t)

Pilots involved: 913

Total killmails: 2751

Ships lost: 2,208 (762 vs 1536)

Total inflicted damage: 42.99m

Team A inflicted damage: 36.01m

Team B inflicted damage: 6.98m

Total capsules destroyed: 43

Although they had 4 capital ships, Avanto and their allied corps got outnumbered and couldn't deal with the enemy.

Now the interesting story: Avanto leadership was ready to be evicted of their home system (where the Keepstar they built themselves was anchored) by the end of the year, since the wormhole war finished with an peace agreement not covering Manala. However, their corporate members did not want this, even after many deserts to other corporations.

Then, they were sieged. You saw the results.

Avanto, however, apologized to their enemies for the weak fightback they had offer. "The only reason to build sandcastles is to have someone else destroy them", said Kala Veijo, Co-CEO of Avanto, in his report refering to the crisis the corp is going through.

While they suffered significant losses, Avanto’s members are now free to move and show a renewed sense of purpose and excitement for what lies ahead

Battle Report:

Keepstar zkillboard:

Sturmer's avatar

Eve Online Tournament XX Summary

This tournament perfectly suits an after-action report.

For those who missed it, VODs are available, along with my very detailed summaries:

first two days and the finals report.

Meanwhile here are some solid stats from the event:

  • Total ISK loss: 1.238 trillion ISK (1,237,509,429,994)

  • Total ship kills: 668 (across 119 unique ship types)

  • Unique capsuleers losing ships: 362 (averaging 1.84 ships lost per pilot)

  • Unique alliances: 99 (including mercenary corps, with 4 pilots from the 4 major NPC corps)

Killboard filter to see each individual kill Advanced Search | zKillboard

For stat enthusiasts, I've created some interesting graphs

Here is a list of the top 3 loses:

  1. Barghest | Annie Gardet | Killmail | zKillboard

  2. Armageddon Navy Issue | Toastbrot995 | Killmail | zKillboard

  3. Armageddon Navy Issue | SaB0TaG3 | Killmail | zKillboard

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Teams should have stuff stocked month before to avoid buying implants for 3 bil or don´t have access to modules. It happens every year but shouldn´t have this big impact as it looks like. But maybe i am wrong…

AT XX Weekend has hit Jita,again.

Every year the AT comes with different rules.
Since the Feeders are happening on Thunderdome.
Once the Tournament starts on Tranquility you can´t spawn your ships out of thin air*

*Thunderdome has no market but allows you to spawn ships by simple command called “/giveitem”

AT XX Market Insight tricks

For those who buy ships last minute in Jita, let me tell you others will know.
We will seed Ships, Modules and even Skins to get the smallest hint of what you will bring.
The smaller the spectrum gets the easier it will be.
Maybe this never happend... we will never know.

Logi Armor Frigates comes in the following order:
Deacon, longtime nothing and then maybe Thalia.

How it should look like:

Ok, so you understand how it works, good lets have a look at some other ships :P

The Draugur

I should have made a screenshot yesterday but all Draugurs got bought in Jita.
Put 5 on the market for 500 mil but couldn´t sell any.

After under 24 Hours the market healed itself.

The Pontifex

Also here somebody cleaned out the market to remove a top tier armor link dessi.

Rumors in the wide empty space whispered that there was big money made.


 Honestly I am not watching the 03 Implants so often. I will only show you the ones where I can see something strange. The less used ones are usually already on lowstock or cheap and flooded the market.  But here you go:

3% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring High Speed Maneuvering.

3% reduced capacitor need for remote armor repair system modules.

3% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Target Painting skill.

3% reduction in ECM and ECM Burst module capacitor need.

Ok, maybe they are just not that awesome?!

Also there is a button which wasted a lot of redeemable boosters... but only for the AT XX Players

Btw... you need a Armageddon Navy Issue?

We currently short on stock.

Sturmer's avatar

Hush, you sharing too many secrets!!!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Just another ~365 days to go.
It will be forgotten and these which remember are may worth it.

Sturmer's avatar

Arma navy stock is weird, I found only 10 were killed within 4 tournament days. Not quite a big demand.

Celltear's avatar

Been a good run yesterday with our fleet roaming Pochven for fights & OBS's =)

Our alliance plans this week to have daily fleets around all timezones, and so I joined the EU TZ one's with our 'HAIL fleet' doctrine of Minmatar ships roaming around Pochven to complete the Observatory Flashpoint sites for ISK. And also for PvP opportunities as we can find & push other fleets off the site, great content for PvP and PvE/ISK generation =D

Managed to fight an Ishtar multiboxed fleet, then onto a Cyclone fleet we were trying to push them out of the site's second room but they managed to complete the site just before we finished killing them so we didn't get the ISK, but we got a fun fight in PvP which was our main objective with the HAIL fleets.

And then knocked out a gate camp as we were roaming looking for fights, good couple hours all in all with some good fights and ISK made so happy days =)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Celltear - we'll need some more detail for this one if you're going to win a reward. What else can you tell us about the battle? Did it have any wider significance? How did it come about?

P.S. amazing screenshot!

Celltear's avatar

Ah yes sorry I should've added context aha, updated the post with soem details thanks =)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice one. Thanks very much!

Sturmer's avatar

it looks like a comment, not a bounty sub!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Some great stuff in here, thanks!


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