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EVE Online

EVE Online
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This is just Pochven all over again. Region won't be finished, no agents, no industry worth a damn, the whole expansion stinks of desperation from CCP Games.

Eve Online needs to be fixed, not new expansions added to a broken system.

Amoni P's avatar

Expansions usually come with extensive patching of stuff. If CCP were to fix the game, this how they would do it. Not that I totally disagree with you, but an expansion is usually how most games get big patches that fix glaring issues.

The region you're referring to is already in the game. It's Zarzakh and they're simply adding more content to it.

Sturmer's avatar

This is great news! I love how the story unfolds alongside in-game events. It gives players the opportunity to shape their own role-play fantasies or dive directly into spreadsheets if they’re all about efficiency and numbers.

New ships mean new Pyfa toys—the most exciting part for me!


I didn't really follow the story nor I ever participated in any of the Deathless content so... okay, good.


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