Almost two years ago I started working on an exciting new project with a studio in Poland called Titan Forge on an exciting new board game based on Eve Online. Officially supported by CCP Games, this project would demand my creativity and the creation of hundreds of original illustrations, designs, and graphics. The Kickstarter was launched last year and became the largest community supported project in Eve's history - with the game set to ship in a few short months.
To celebrate I decided to create a series of deep dive videos taking viewers behind the scenes into the creative process from my personal perspective as lead artist on the project. I thought I'd share the first two videos in the series with you.
In Part One I discuss the creation of the "core" illustration that would become the packaging for the main game and the process behind it.
In Part Two I cover the creation of the hundreds of game cards that come with the game, from spaceship cards, mission and event cards, strategy cards, and much, much more.
In a few weeks I'll release the final video which will cover the expansions, icons, and other elements that go into making the final game.
I hope you enjoy.
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