Sturmer requested that we run a reward challenging you to make guides for the often-overlooked distribution mission type. We're expanding the brief to give you the choice between distribution (courier), security (combat), or mining missions. We'll leave it to you to work out the logistics, but to maximise the chances of winning a prize, we recommend that after choosing your mission type, you include the following in your guide:
the best locations for running your chosen mission type
recommended skills and ships for running your chosen mission type
how to effectively plan your route and/or encounters
the differences between the difficulty levels of missions in your chosen mission type
some recommended starting missions for your chosen mission type
a walkthrough of a particular mission, so that you're showing rather than telling players how to complete one
which type of players would enjoy the gameplay of your chosen mission type
general tips and tricks
To be clear, we're not looking for mission guides for specific missions. While we strongly recommend you do walk players through an actual mission in your guide, we're looking for guides for the types of missions.
Your video should be aimed at newer players and at least five minutes long. Good luck!
15 available
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