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EVE Online

EVE Online

I do believe in having a diverse way to achieve the same goal (Ratting to make money, pvping and selling loot, missioning, trade etc)

One of the most talk about activities in tediousness is Planetary Interaction. If there was some way, when we are down on a planet to "steal" or acquire resources for our capsuleers ingame. Maybe something that would launch a payload to a POCO and it would be available for whoever is lucky enough to be at that planet in EVE and checks the POCO

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's a cool idea. They demoed extraction gameplay, so if they upped the PvE dangers to make some maps into proper heists, that'd be awesome. Urgent contracts could go out to defend valuable assets, granting a brief window for rival warclones to come in and help the NPCs.


Vanguard should be used to affect things like station timers and pi production

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think using it to disrupt PI could be really cool - a corp puts out a contract to disrupt a player's PI, then the warclones battle their way through an industrial planet to plant a bomb.

Could you say anymore about how you envisage it affecting station timers?

Swagger Olacar's avatar

I think it should affect EDENCOM/Triglavian owned systems like minor victory systems, fortresses, or who knows maybe even Pochven. I always had curiosity of how a Triglavian invasion would look like on a planet's surface from both the Triglavian / Kybernaut and EDENCOM points of view. Maybe missions to disrrupt EDENCOM activity as a Kybernaut/Triglavian attacker and as EDENCOM defender to recover Triglavian intel.

JAKEL33T's avatar

I personnally think for Vangaurd to be successful it needs to be intrigrated seamlesslly with what we can already do. The ability to run missions, mine or even manage PI planetside then extract the loot back to our ships is a big thing.

If we are not able to bring anything back to orbit then it will be just a glorified mini game.

They metuined it being PVP & PVE but i suspect the pve will be just NPC enemies.

There is alot of potential but only time will tell on how they plan to implement it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I agree that there's a lot of potential if CCP manages to get it right.

On the PvE side, I think I'm a bit more hopeful. We saw the acidic swamp in the demo which acted as an environmental hazard for those not equipped to deal with it. Once they've made new maps, I think they could get really creative with ideas like aerial bombardment and inclement weather.


Getting the scale right will be important in Vanguard. A few soldiers in a firefight should not have the same impact as a large warship capable of destroying the planet’s surface. While fighting over a strategic objective could be more impactful than destroying a lone Venture out in a belt the interaction between the two games should have some realism. When left to their own devices Vanguard players should be able to change the fate of a FW battle in a system and capsuleers should be able to win battles fought over by NPCs or simulations planetside.

When the two work together is when the magic should happen. They should be able to do things previously inconceivable in shaping the fabric of New Eden. If pirate infrastructure is destroyed both planetside and in orbit, miners should not have to worry about belt rats harassing them. It should be possible for Caldari militiamen to change Intaki back into a low-sec FW battlefield.

Too much of DUST 514 was focused on synchronizing systems between it and EVE. While orbital strikes are fun, the Battle for Caldari Prime should be a glimpse of what could be.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

An FPS game integrated into EVE Online brings things a lot closer to it becoming my dream game.

If Vanguard is going to be integrated into EVE Online, there needs to be a reason for EVE players to care, otherwise it is just dead content. There are a few ways that I can see this occurring

  1. Enable objectives in New Eden that require the support of Vanguard players

  2. New Eden rewards for Vangaurd success

  3. Adding another layer to sovereignty, which would require a Vanguard victory to claim a system.

  4. Enabling the ability to disrupt PI and other player processes through strategic Vanguard strikes

  5. LP + ISK bonuses for Vanguard victories on behalf of a certain faction

Daniel's avatar

EVE Vanguard could be an exciting concept for connecting to EVE Online, enhancing the player experience in various ways. Here are some ideas on how EVE Vanguard might connect to the game:

Character Progress Tracking: EVE Vanguard could allow players to track their character's skill progression, wallet balance, and other key metrics, helping them plan their in-game activities more effectively.

Communication Hub: EVE Vanguard could serve as a communication hub for players, enabling in-game chat, messaging, and voice communication while on the go.

Market and Industry Tools: EVE Vanguard could include market analysis tools, allowing players to monitor item prices, track industry jobs, and manage their trading activities remotely.

Event Alerts: Players could receive alerts about in-game events, such as faction warfare changes, incursions, or structure notifications, ensuring they never miss important activities in EVE Online.

Corporation and Alliance Features: EVE Vanguard could include tools for managing corporation and alliance activities, such as chat channels, member lists, and scheduling of operations.

Game News and Updates: It could provide the latest news and patch notes from EVE Online, keeping players informed about the game's development.

Social Integration: EVE Vanguard could allow players to connect their EVE Online characters to their social media accounts, making it easier to share achievements and updates with friends.

Community Features: It could also foster community engagement by allowing players to join or create interest groups, forums, or events within the EVE Vanguard platform.

Marketplace Integration: Players might have the option to buy and sell in-game items and services through a secure marketplace within EVE Vanguard.

API Access: For developers and third-party services, EVE Vanguard could offer APIs and data feeds to create innovative tools and services that enhance the EVE Online experience.

Connecting EVE Vanguard to EVE Online would require careful consideration of data security, privacy, and player consent to ensure a seamless and secure integration. Additionally, CCP Games, the developer of EVE Online, would need to collaborate with the creators of EVE Vanguard to bring such a concept to fruition.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Long term goal

You will fight on stations for stations.

Depending on the outcome the station will flip or be temp. disabled due missing service people.

Boarding Capitals for NPC Capital Support in EVE

You will sit in your boarding cruiser crashing into the hull of a capital ship. The outcome of the battle will decide if you get a NPC capital support ship for an event in eve or not.

Fight over PI

Planets are no longer neutral…. Skip that PI is super painful to setup.

Vanguard is based on Lowsec / Faction Warfare so i kept my thinking about this for now.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Heretical Coffee, this is a great response! However, you've submitted it as a reply - just letting you know if you want to enter the bounty with it and be eligible for the reward, you'll need to delete and re-submit it as a bounty entry rather than a standard reply to the thread. Make sure you click 'submit to this bounty' instead of just 'reply'! If it was intentional though and you don't want to be considered for the bounty, no problem at all.

Heretical Coffee's avatar

I dont seem to be able to click submit as a bounty submission. I think I deleted my earlier bounty submission to redo it. So Ill just resubmit as a comment, no worries about submission for this one.

Thomas's avatar

Hi Heretical Coffee, I'm really sorry about this. There is currently an issue on the site where if a user deletes their post, it doesn't delete the record of the submission and so the site still thinks you have submitted to the bounty. We have a fix for this issue that we are working on, but in the meantime I am going to look into fixing this for you manually

Thomas's avatar

Heretical Coffee - I've removed the record of your submission, you should be able to submit again (but please let us know if you can't!)

MacGybo's avatar

Rather than directly collecting resources from the planet, it would probably make more sense to be able to gather more abstract constructs such as isk / LP / standings through winning battles and gaining grounds.

That seems to be the most interesting way to have it have value for the rest of Eve.

Elinore en Divalone's avatar

Let us store warclone blanks at PI installations then rent IRIS AI service from Paragon with EverMarks to "control" those warclone blanks as EVE Vanguard NPCs to defend our PI from EVE Vanguard player controlled mercenary attackers. Or hire other vanguards to defend it or do it yourself on your vangauard character if you dare to. Or mix all options up.

AlexGra 's avatar

The connection between EVE Vanguard and EVE Online should be a dynamic and reciprocal relationship, enhancing the experience in both games. Here's how they could connect ◉‿◉:

  1. Resource Exchange: Resources gathered in EVE Vanguard, such as minerals or technology salvaged from planetary battles, could be transferred to EVE Online. This would provide a valuable source of materials for EVE Online players, impacting the in-game economy.

  2. Planetary Warfare Impact: Success in EVE Vanguard could influence Faction Warfare or sovereignty mechanics in EVE Online. Controlling planets in Vanguard could provide bonuses or defensive advantages for the respective factions in EVE Online.

  3. Economic Synergy: The two games could share a marketplace or trading system. EVE Online players might buy items or resources collected in Vanguard, creating a dynamic market and offering unique opportunities for traders.

  4. Diplomatic Consequences: EVE Vanguard actions could have diplomatic repercussions in EVE Online. Peace treaties or alliances formed in one game might affect relations in the other, fostering collaboration and rivalries.

  5. Narrative Integration: Shared storylines and lore could be central. Events in one game could shape the overarching narrative in both, ensuring a cohesive and immersive universe.

  6. Joint Operations: Coordinated operations involving both games could become a strategic advantage. Large-scale battles in EVE Online might require ground support from Vanguard, and successful operations in Vanguard could impact space battles.

  7. Cross-Game Events: CCP Games could organize cross-game events or challenges, where players from both EVE Vanguard and EVE Online must collaborate to achieve objectives.8. Character Progression: Skills or achievements earned in one game might carry over to the other, creating an incentive for players to engage with both experiences.

  8. Player-Driven Storytelling: Encourage player-driven storytelling, where the outcomes of specific events in EVE Vanguard influence player narratives and decisions in EVE Online, and vice versa.

  9. Community Interaction: Foster a sense of community by allowing players from both games to communicate and collaborate, possibly using shared chat channels or forums.

The key is to create a symbiotic relationship that rewards players for engaging with both EVE Vanguard and EVE Online, providing a richer, more interconnected experience while maintaining the unique qualities of each game. This integration should reinforce the idea that actions in one game have meaningful consequences in the other, promoting immersion and player engagement.

FUN INC's avatar

I absolutely love the idea of Vanguard.

I would love it if...

  1. ground troops could impact the outcomes of fights taking place in EVE in real time - either through impacting sov, or creating shut off timers to impact on krabbing

  2. ground wars that change the impact of certain modules in game - reducing weapon damage etc - or increasing damage for example - weapons multipliers.

  3. players should be able to loot ships that have been destroyed in EVE but have eventually fallen to the planetside - resource from this should then be able to be placed on contract in vanguard but the resource purchased in EVE

  4. it would be great if groups could steal form peoples PI infrastucture / POCOs!


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