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EVE Online

EVE Online
James 's avatar

! EVE Online can be a complex and challenging game, especially for new players. Here are ten mining tips for newbies to help you get started:

Start with High-Sec: As a new player, it's safer to begin mining in high-security space (0.5 to 1.0 security status) where the risk of PvP attacks is lower.

Use Proper Equipment: Equip yourself with mining lasers or strip miners, and use a mining ship like the Venture initially. Upgrade your mining ship as you progress.

Mine Ore with Value: Focus on ores that are in demand, such as Veldspar, Scordite, or Pyroxeres. These ores are usually easier to sell and more profitable.

Train Skills: Invest in mining-related skills like Mining, Astrogeology, and Mining Upgrades to increase your mining efficiency and yield.

Watch for Hostiles: Always be aware of your surroundings. Use your directional scanner (D-scan) to check for potential threats in your system.

Join a Corporation: Consider joining a mining corporation or a new player-friendly group to learn from experienced players and access mining boosts.

Learn About Refining: Refining your mined ore can increase your profits. Train the Refining skill and find a good station with high refining efficiency.

Use Mining Drones: Once you can, use mining drones to supplement your mining yield. These can significantly boost your ore collection.

Hauling Safely: If you're hauling your mined ore to sell, use a separate hauling ship with good cargo space and defenses. Don't mix mining and hauling in the same ship.

Stay Informed: Keep up with EVE Online news and community resources. EVE has a steep learning curve, and there's always something new to learn.

Remember, EVE Online is a game that rewards patience and knowledge. Take your time to learn the mechanics, and don't be afraid to ask questions in the in-game chat or on forums. Good luck, and fly safe!

AlexGra 's avatar

Here are some mining tips for beginners in EVE Online:

  • Ship and Equipment: Start with a suitable mining ship like the Venture and equip it with mining lasers or strip miners. Upgrade your ship and mining modules as you progress.

  • Asteroid Knowledge: Learn about the different types of asteroids and the ores they contain. Focus on mining valuable ores to maximize your profits.

  • Security Level: Begin mining in high-security space (0.5 and above) to minimize the risk of pirate attacks and losses.

  • Mining Skills: Train mining and support skills to increase your mining efficiency, reduce cycle times, and enhance your overall capabilities.

  • Safety Awareness: Always stay alert while mining. Pay attention to local chat for potential threats, and don't mine AFK (away from keyboard) to avoid becoming an easy target.

These tips should help you get started on your mining journey in EVE Online.

Celltear's avatar

If like most beginners one's mining in High-Security space, TANK! use a procurer and fit it to tank, keep a high EHP and you'll avoid 99.99% of ganks :) And engage the gankers safely with safety on if you want the free Catalyst kills & what not :D

MacGybo's avatar

As somebody who hunts miners, I'll give two hints which would make my job far more difficult. It's actually really straightforward.

  1. Pay attention to local chat. If you see that a pilot has an icon next to their name, there's a good chance that they are a ganker. That doesn't mean that they're definitely coming for you, but the chances of it just increased significantly. Which leads to....

  2. Use your directional scanner. That will tell you what is in space around you, up to a distance of 14au. That will provide you with enough time to move to safety if something shows up. And by something, I mean catalysts, coercers, or thrashers. It doesn't matter if you don't have a valuable cargo on board. You're a miner, and that in itself is enough of a reason for some people to attack you - even in hi-sec space.

These tips won't increase your mining yield, but it will help you save your ship and mods.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

If not already get into a player owned Indi Corp

It doesn´t matter of HS,LS or NS or even WH space.  Except for you every step is potentially more raw ISK but also a different set of mining skills. Also you go where your Corp is. They will also set you properly up.

Check out the ORE Ship Tree.

You probably start with a Venture and continue skilling over to a Mining Barge.

^^ Venture T1 Mining Ship (Yes, the one from Star Citizen) (and No it has not a Salvage bonus) Below the mighty first step into a roid troublemaker

(From Left to right.)

  1. Kind of Thomas the Tank Engine

  2. Little Brother of the Hulk

  3. How much Ore can it hold? Yes

If you can mine with your Corp in a Fleet, they will bring you massive bonuses for the mining itself but also allow you to compress and or offer a Hauling service.

Mining goes kind directly into production and will lead you to the end boss of trading. For you this should read like the following: MORE SP, MOORREEEE!

Did we talk about what we want to mine? There Roids, Ice and GAS you can retrieve, each have their own skill set. But Roids are by far the largest of these three. And again here will tell you your corp whats the most atractive in the operating area.

Here have a look at the available Skills. Did we had already our second skill injector?

Let me summarize the benefits of a corp or a mining group:

  • Probably all V max Fleet Boost -> more mining for you (much SP for Commandlinks)

  • Max Reprocess Skills for just everything -> more ISK for you

  • Maybe Max Fitted Reprocess Struc -> and another round of more ISK

  • Maybe access to Luxuxs R64 Moons -> did we say ISK?

  • Together it´s more fun ->

  • You still can mine AFK alone all day

MIN/MAX Fitting

Feel free but keep in mind which the investment you do need to come in first. And a 500Mill Mining ship with poor skills isn´t worth to loose just for 1 mill extra estimated ISK in cargo after each cycle.

Curren state of the META

  1. HULK with Support

For the oppsite about Ganking in highsec:

This Chart shows you how much Catalyst (T1 Blaster Destroyer) you need to delete your ship while you mine AFK in High Security Space. (This probably was before patch so the data shown here is not accurate. Was it a buff? Will comment this back. Need to check if the Experts.

orik Kado's avatar

So you're thinking about trying mining? Well, that's great! Variety adds excitement. Allow me to give you some advice that I hope will guide you on your new adventure:

Mining in High Sec is useful only at the beginning when you're just starting to play and looking to gather your first millions. In the long run, you'll want to evolve to mining more expensive materials, and in the future, consider ice mining.

If you're an Alpha, don't try to use a Praxis or a Rokh for mining. Their cost is very high, and the additional yield you get from using them is really low. Plus, you could become an easy target for a pirate. The Venture is your best ally, and for its cost, the benefit is truly excellent.

Whenever you can, mine with other players using a Porpoise or Orca. The additional boost you gain will significantly increase your productivity. Remember, EVE is much better with friends, and there's nothing better than having a good chat during those long mining sessions. You might even learn a new trick to boost your economy.

If you decide to focus on mining, I'd advise the following path: First, aim to become an Omega (it's not easy just by extracting resources, but it's not impossible). After that, you should train for the mining barge, and you can choose to increase the skill for extracting ice or mercoxit. These are two of the resources with the highest value to sell raw without the need for reprocessing. Once you have a somewhat stable economy, start working on a second account. You can train it as an Alpha, and when you have enough economy, upgrade it to an Omega. This will give you a second account to extract even more resources, and you can repeat this cycle until you have the number of accounts you want and can manage at once. Don't forget, during this process, to train for using the Porpoise, as it will help you be more efficient with your additional future accounts.

An interesting trick is to use the "jettison" option, which makes your ore float in space in a can. When you do this, put the creation time in the name since these only last a maximum of one hour. After that, start filling the can with your ore, and when it's completely full, switch your ship to a hauler. I recommend the Miasmos, and pick up everything in a single trip. Spending less time on trips means more ISK for you.

And last but not least, never forget to bring your drones to defend yourself against those pesky NPCs that want to take your loot!


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